Katrina victems sue US for $3,014,170,389,176,410


May 5, 2004
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Hurricane Katrina's victims have put a price tag on their suffering and it is staggering ? including one plaintiff seeking the unlikely sum of $3 quadrillion.

The total number ? $3,014,170,389,176,410 ? is the dollar figure so far sought from some 489,000 claims filed against the federal government over damage from the failure of levees and flood walls following the Aug. 29, 2005, hurricane.

For the sake of perspective: A mere $1 quadrillion would dwarf the U.S. gross domestic product, which Scott said was $13.2 trillion in 2007. A stack of one quadrillion pennies would reach Saturn.


good luck collecting ..I hear iraq wont turn a profit for at least another decade or so
So are they just random figures?

Surely the cost of damages to your house, plus possible mortgage and health and hygiene problems since the disaster wouldn't amount to that much.
Pff. That's pocket change.
Ah yes, we here in the US are SO POWERFUL, we can stop a hurricane. I say we round them up and shoot them all for stupidity.
that means each of the 489,000 cases is asking for, on average, $6,163,947,626.13...wtf...people go through a little pain and suddenly 489,000 people want to become instant billionaires? Go **** yourself.

I'm gonna sue them for pain and suffering because I have to listen to them bitch and whine and now try and become rich. Except all I want is 6 million dollars for my pain and suffering.
If anything it was the local government's fault for not using federally allocated funds to fix the leves, but regardless, natural disasters happen, you can't just start throwing around lawsuits for natural disasters.
If anything it was the local government's fault for not using federally allocated funds to fix the leves, but regardless, natural disasters happen, you can't just start throwing around lawsuits for natural disasters.

exactly my thought. it is the governors/mayors responsibility to ensure that the city has a plan for protection and evacuation. it has nothing to do with the u.s. government so there is no way they will be collecting that money.
What is that number? I think it's over 3 sextillions but WTF?

Hell even the US doesn't have that much money?!
Ah damn I'm talking ****.

It's hard when I have to think if it's american billion or european billion.
Stupid fucktards

If this is the way they're going to go about it they don't deserve a single fucking dime. I mean, christ, be reasonable. Yeah, Katrina sucked, but hell if you deserve to become a damn billionaire off of it.
I'm going to burn down my own house and sue the US government for my suffering. They deserve it.
G'day mate, how's the weather up there?
"I say we sue the US for infinitybillion dollars!"

The federal reserve wouldn't care, they just print paper money anyhows (and the more they print, the more they charge the US citizenry). The US Dollar is backed up by imagination these days, not Gold :dozey:
...as is most of the world. It's called fiat currency.
If anything it was the local government's fault for not using federally allocated funds to fix the leves, but regardless, natural disasters happen, you can't just start throwing around lawsuits for natural disasters.

The local government cannot possibly handle a disaster of Katrina's proportions.

exactly my thought. it is the governors/mayors responsibility to ensure that the city has a plan for protection and evacuation. it has nothing to do with the u.s. government so there is no way they will be collecting that money.

It is not the governor's responsibility entirely. There were plans for emergencies but Katrina's proportions called for higher levels of response (namely FEMA).

When a local government has a problem that gets out of hand, one of the federal government's job is to be ready to handle these sorts of situations, in conjunction with the local and state government.

Not only did the state government fail, but so did the federal government (in a much greater extent).
hmmmm.... Where is this mysterious weather machine that stops a hurrican from devastating a city BUILT UNDER WATER!!! (hint hint)
Ew, you guys are gross. Seriously, isn't it common knowledge by now that the reason people are pissed about Katrina is the way the government handled the aftermath, rather than their lack of weather machine?

And they're absolutely right, the government wasn't even TRYING to help them out. Therefore let's punish the government by asking for SIX BILLION DOLLARS EACH. That way the next time a catastrophic flood devastates an entire city the government will have learned their lesson and really start helping out.

....at least that's what they're probably telling their delusional selves.

Living below sea level is sort of like at the base of a volcano. Gee...what natural disaster could I be setting myself up for in the future?
Technically, cant the US make suits against the Orleanians for being dumb enough to live in an obviously asking for it shit end of the state?, causing needless hardship and burden upon the state and federal government?.

Its like building my house on a sandbank off the British coast, and suing Britain when a sea storm comes and washes it away.
but doesn't the government give permissions to build houses? I mean like if I wanted to build a house, then I had to have a permission right? now if it was a dangerous place I wanted to build my house in, I shouldn't have got a permission, right?
bth way, its:

quindecillion (quinquadecillion)
sexdecillion (sedecillion)
novemdecillion (novendecillion)
googol (ten to the 100th power
googolplex (ten to the 100th power, then that number to the 10th power):O
I don't think you need permission to build a house considering you own the land

My favorite number will always be the centillion. Depending on the country you live in, it stands for a different number.

Thats a lot of money and very unresonable. The government should not be held responsible.

btw lizzard (10^100)^10 = 10^1000.
I don't think you need permission to build a house considering you own the land

My favorite number will always be the centillion. Depending on the country you live in, it stands for a different number.

Thats a lot of money and very unresonable. The government should not be held responsible.

btw lizzard (10^100)^10 = 10^1000.

lol if that's the case I'll build me a replica of Chichen itza, complete with sacrificial altar and blood tunnels cut into the solid limestone

you need "permission" to build a house ..they're called "building permits" so some half-wit doesnt built something that collapses within a week
that's ridiculous. The red Super Giant star Betelguese is 1 quadrillion 800 trillion miles away from earth. It takes light travelling at 186,000 miles/second over 300 years to get there.

And they want 3 quadrillion dollars? LMAO...wow americans are hilarious especially from the south
</3 But still, you guys who seem to think that this case is due to the government's inability to control the weather need to go away because WE ARE NOT FRIENDS ANYMORE.
Welcome to the internet. Here there be assholes. Have fun.

EDIT: Besides, they're trying to take away the money we need to build more weather machines. Stupid Negro... ponte. John Negroponte. He should know better.
F***ing idiots. Has it occured to them that money in the U.S. coffers doesn't really belong to the U.S.?! That's OUR f***ing tax dollars we've paid.:flame: The government makes money from taxes, our taxes! F***ing bums. I say they should go through with it in hopes these retards can get a decent education on things like government policies and the fundamental basics of economy. Perhaps even some basic math. Oh wait, then they'd be too rich to give a damn about learning anything. bastards.:flame::flame::flame:
What is that number? I think it's over 3 sextillions but WTF?
Hell even the US doesn't have that much money?!
$3,014,170,389,176,410 Three quadrillion, Fourteen trillion, One-hundred seventy billion, Three-hundred eighty-nine million, One-hundred seventy six thousand, Four-hundred and ten dollars.:P
i mean, its not like its a quintillion
F***ing idiots. Has it occured to them that money in the U.S. coffers doesn't really belong to the U.S.?! That's OUR f***ing tax dollars we've paid.:flame: The government makes money from taxes, our taxes! F***ing bums.
That's welfare for you, the obviously don't care which is why so many of them were so poor even before the storm hit. Mooching off the government is second-nature to them.

Nobody? Nobody else? Okay...


Ha ha ha ha