Kerry Caught in yet Another Lie


Oct 3, 2003
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At the second presidential debate earlier this month, Mr. Kerry said he was more attuned to international concerns on Iraq than President Bush, citing his meeting with the entire Security Council.

"This president hasn't listened. I went to meet with the members of the Security Council in the week before we voted. I went to New York. I talked to all of them, to find out how serious they were about really holding Saddam Hussein accountable," Mr. Kerry said of the Iraqi dictator.

Speaking before the Council on Foreign Relations in New York in December 2003, Mr. Kerry explained that he understood the "real readiness" of the United Nations to "take this seriously" because he met "with the entire Security Council, and we spent a couple of hours talking about what they saw as the path to a united front in order to be able to deal with Saddam Hussein."

But of the five ambassadors on the Security Council in 2002 who were reached directly for comment, four said they had never met Mr. Kerry. The four also said that no one who worked for their countries' U.N. missions had met with Mr. Kerry either.

Kerry manufactured meetings out of whole cloth and then presented them as justification for a serious contradiction of George Bush's decision to go to war.

He did something very similar when he previously recited a false story on the Senate floor about an illegal mission into Cambodia, using it as a basis for criticism of Ronald Reagan's intent to provide aid to the Nicaraguan contras.

These aren't exaggerations. This isn't a case of lying about sex. It's a story about a man that's pathological enough to look a nationally televised audience of 55 million people in the eye and tell them a manufactured story, and then use it to propose a conclusion about a deadly serious matter of foreign policy.

This isn't a misused accusation that "KERRY LIED!" by virtue of his previous declarative statements about the "unacceptable threat" from Iraq's WMD programs. This isn't akin to Lawrence O'Donnell's tirade of, "LIAR LIAR LIAR," about items deemed unworthy of public debate.

This is just a "lie." Take it for what its worth.

It'll be interesting to see how this turns out. Also, how much coverage, or lack of it, the story receives.
meh I couldnt care less if he lied about having monkey love with his entire constituency ..the only lie that ever concerned me was:

"Saddam Hussein is a homicidal dictator who is addicted to weapons of mass destruction" - George Bush October 7, 2002

here's a whole speech full of lies

if you're truly concerned with the truth, seinfeldrules you'd never support bush
I look forward to avoiding this thread any which way I can. Good day gentleman :)
Interesting that out of all the UN members only 5 were available for comment. I know that Kerry met with these people and had a discussion with them, maybe not all of them but he did meet with the most important ones. This is a lot more than Bush has ever done.

I really enjoy when Republicans finally get something they can call a lie and spread it around all the media outlets. However, when there are new lies pointed out almost daily that the Republicans tell no one gives 2 shits. CptStern pretty much said it best, doesn't require more discussion than that.
Do I really need to go quote all the times Bush lied in the debates?

Oh and no wonder you dislike Kerry so much if you're getting your news from websites like that one. :rolleyes:
I find this thread funny. When Kerry lies, it is never as bad as President Bush.

I just find that funny. :)
blahblahblah said:
I find this thread funny. When Kerry lies, it is never as bad as President Bush.

I just find that funny. :)

It's not that it's not as bad (Although it does depend on what it's about). I don't like being lied to by anyone.

But my only point is that both lied and/or mislead a lot in the debates, so I was responding to his attempt to paint Kerry as being worse than Bush.
Neutrino said:
his attempt to paint Kerry as being worse than Bush.

You'll have to point it out...

Edit - ****...

/me feils
Neutrino said:
It's not that it's not as bad (Although it does depend on what it's about). I don't like being lied to by anyone.

But my only point is that both lied and/or mislead a lot in the debates, so I was responding to his attempt to paint Kerry as being worse than Bush.

Where does seinfeldrules say that Kerry is worse than Bush in this thread? The closest thing is the thread title - "Kerry Caught in Yet Another Lie". Even that doesn't mention Bush at all.

The majority of posts in this thread were triggered by some sort of self-defense mechanism. I still find it funny.
blahblahblah said:
Where does seinfeldrules say that Kerry is worse than Bush in this thread? The closest thing is the thread title - "Kerry Caught in Yet Another Lie". Even that doesn't mention Bush at all.

The majority of posts in this thread were triggered by some sort of self-defense mechanism. I still find it funny.

As do I. I find it both funny and sad, at the same time.
blahblahblah said:
The majority of posts in this thread were triggered by some sort of self-defense mechanism. I still find it funny.

I havnt even read this thread..

I just wanted to say something...

Has anyone else noticed that all these "Kerry lied about this" and "Bush lied about that" threads have only proved one obvious known fact.

All Polititions lie!!!!
What a laugh.

Kerry was talking about the Permanent members of the Security Council: the actual important ones with veto power (you were nice enough to leave out that part of what he said, hunh?). And he did meet with them: that's an established fact.

The big scandal here is apparently that Colombia, Mexico, and Bulgaria weren't there for the meeting. These nobodies with no military and no influence weren't in attendance when he met with the Security Council, and THAT is the gross, evil lie? Are you KIDDING me?

Seinfeld rules, this is just pathetic. If this is the big bombshell your side cooked up to mislead people in the final days, it's quite a dud.
Kerry manufactured meetings out of whole cloth and then presented them as justification for a serious contradiction of George Bush's decision to go to war.

Again, for emphasis, this is a lie: he didn't manufacture the meetings. Kerry DID meet with the permanent members of the security council, and the liars who wrote this story know it (heck, sfr probably even knows it, and is wink winking about it right now). What the moonies did was jump on the ambiguity between exactly who Kerry meant (the permanent vs. the non-permanent members, something not many laypeople know about) and find a bunch of non-permanent members who weren't there to ask. The people they quoted almost certainly didn't even know what or why they were being asked if they had met with Kerry: didn't know the context of what Kerry said when they were asked to contradict it.

So at worst, Kerry wrongly implied that every single member of the SC was there, when in fact it was only the permanent ones with veto power. But calling that "making up the meeting out of whole cloth" is ITSELF a boldfaced lie. Of course, we won't go into whether that makes sfrules or the INDCJourn people "patholigical."

He did something very similar when he previously recited a false story on the Senate floor about an illegal mission into Cambodia, using it as a basis for criticism of Ronald Reagan's intent to provide aid to the Nicaraguan contras.

Except that it is an established fact that the U.S. was in Cambodia, which is the only thing that substantively mattered for his critique. The only thing ANYONE disputes about Kerry's story is the exact DATE when he was there, which has no bearing on anything.
O'Neil, the lying Swift Vet, is actually even on tape telling Nixon that HE was in Cambodia too... of course TODAY he says that the idea that we were in Cambodia is silly and false, even though it is an established historical fact.

Journalists and posters lie too. Maybe as much, if not more, than some politicians.
Hey, it's Apos!! How goes the... stuff, man?
If they don't steal the election by supressing the vote and throwing votes out, we already have enough pro-Kerry voters lined up to win, that's how. So, pretty good. We just have to combat things like them leaving cars parked in all the parking spaces around polling locations, telling people to vote on Nov. 3, stationing police officers outside of polling locations in highly African American neighborhoods, and so on. All the usual nonsense.
Apos said:
If they don't steal the election by supressing the vote and throwing votes out, we already have enough pro-Kerry voters lined up to win, that's how. So, pretty good. We just have to combat things like them leaving cars parked in all the parking spaces around polling locations, telling people to vote on Nov. 3, stationing police officers outside of polling locations in highly African American neighborhoods, and so on. All the usual nonsense.

If you think all election problems are caused by republicans you're mistaken.

My voter ID card has me going to the wrong precint. They won't change it (been that way for years). My mail-in ballot, has a sheet of paper telling me to mark my vote in pen, while another tells me in pencil. My ballot is so heavy that I have to put more than one stamp on it to mail it, even though it tells you it requires only one stamp. Not to mention a host of other problems.

I'm a registered republican. Don't tell me without republicans it would be easy to vote. That's bull. Why don't you bitch about that other nonsense that makes it difficult to vote? Oh yeah, because it is easier to complain about republicans than address real problems.

Your extremism almost wants me to change my vote from Kerry to Bush. You heard me.
It's amazing how pathetic americans get when election comes..

trying all they can to make sure the 'other' president looks stupid..
Why not get mature, and just make sure 'your' president looks good, instead of bashing the other? little kids..

Like bush hasn't told lies.. omg

And then the title 'yet another lie'..

Lol it's entertaining :)
why don't you go make a thread comparing the number of Bush lies against Kerry lies, this is just mongering.
I never wanted to say this, but seinfeldrules your a pathetic stupid mother ****er. I'm suck of Bush fans, they ****ing do my head in because they are so god dam stupid and blind. ARRGGHHHHHH!!!

IchI said:
I never wanted to say this, but seinfeldrules your a pathetic stupid mother ****er. I'm suck of Bush fans, they ****ing do my head in because they are so god dam stupid and blind. ARRGGHHHHHH!!!


Have you looked into the mirror recently? That's right, you're blind as well.
Oh man, guys, Kerry might have lied, but that DOESN"T MATTER, cuz Bush lied, too! omg
blahblahblah said:
Where does seinfeldrules say that Kerry is worse than Bush in this thread? The closest thing is the thread title - "Kerry Caught in Yet Another Lie". Even that doesn't mention Bush at all.

The majority of posts in this thread were triggered by some sort of self-defense mechanism. I still find it funny.
Dont be so f'cking naive. We all know Seinfeld posted this because he's pro Bush. You just sit in your tower, blah. You're no clairvoyant.
If you think all election problems are caused by republicans you're mistaken.

I don't think that. I think most _problems_ are caused by the incompetance of elections officials. But the Republicans are responsible for the lion's share of really detestable dirty tricks to keep people from voting. There's a big difference between the general shoddiness of the way elections are conducted, and the political games that parties play to make sure that particular groups have a hard time voting.

My voter ID card has me going to the wrong precint. They won't change it (been that way for years). My mail-in ballot, has a sheet of paper telling me to mark my vote in pen, while another tells me in pencil. My ballot is so heavy that I have to put more than one stamp on it to mail it, even though it tells you it requires only one stamp. Not to mention a host of other problems.

Like I said: incompetance. Of course, one solution to that is to pay election officials more so they hire more intelligent, competant people, or make more regulations to set the bar higher. Of course, Republicans oppose that. Not that they wouldn't like it to be easier for YOU to vote but not anyone else. But because in general, making it harder and more confusing to vote hurts Democrats ON BALANCE more than Republicans, even if some Republicans get confusing stuff too. Especially given that richer and more Republican areas usually get better quality materials and better designed ballots and so forth.

I'm a registered republican.

That doesn't have anything to do with anything. They don't send people different materials based on party affiliation.

Don't tell me without republicans it would be easy to vote.

Okay, without Republicans, it would be MUCH easier to vote, because there would only be one party. :)

That's bull. Why don't you bitch about that other nonsense that makes it difficult to vote? Oh yeah, because it is easier to complain about republicans than address real problems.

I think there's a VERY big difference between confusing ballots that get sent to everyone, and a concerted effort to lie to African Americans telling them false things about what voting involves and where to go. Voter supression just is not the same thing as dumb election officials. Putting Democratic registrations in a SHREDDER is not the same thing as a confusing ballot sent to everyone.

Look, I'm not making this up just because I happen to be a Democrat. It's an open secret that Republicans work to suppress the vote, make voting harder and more intimidating and more confusing, etc. I'm not saying this because I'm some random guy. I'm saying because I'm sitting here DEALING with it, on the ground, in real time. They. Are. The Rep. party takes the cake in dirty tricks when it comes to elections. It just does. Nobody even disputes it accept when they are spinning in front of the cameras.
I don't think its possible to even be a politician and not lie.

I sure as hell couldn't get away with telling nothing but the truth if I were a major politician, it just wouldn't work.