Kerry Caught in yet Another Lie

seinfeldrules said:
So have Kerry's.

Sorry, but to even compare the two puts your credibility in the toilet.

XMass in Cambodia sure was a fun time wasnt it. Same with throwing his medals away.

Exactly my point, in neither case do we have any sort of outright lie. We have a confusion over the date and the difference between medals and ribbons. In neither case is any of the untruth actually about a substantive issue, even in the worse case scenario that Kerry was deviously lying. Not so with O'Neil, whose lies are all substantive and almost laughably wrong.

Hannity was one of the few people invited to talk with the Republican members of Congress in a closed door meeting they hold from time to time.

Er, so? Nobody takes him any more seriously than they do Rush Limbaugh or Michael Moore as a serious source for information.

They all would have voted on the Iraq issue.

Which makes no difference whatsoever. The permanent members all have veto power.

I think its confusing you. He said all members, not permanent.

All the permanent members.

This should be the case if the charges O'Neil has brought against Kerry were false.*

But it's not. And as I pointed out, such cases almost never make any headway. Successfully suing for libel/slander in the US on politics is virtually impossible. If it weren't, both Bush and Kerry could have sued each other to death over the misleading claims in their ads.

The fact is, you're just wrong on the slander issue. And so is blah on the voter suppression issue. Pointing that out isn't "bashing" it's just a fact. You both don't really know what you are talking about, but you are trying to stall because you vaguely feel like you should be right, always.
Apos said:
The fact is, you're just wrong on the slander issue. And so is blah on the voter suppression issue. Pointing that out isn't "bashing" it's just a fact. You both don't really know what you are talking about, but you are trying to stall because you vaguely feel like you should be right, always.
just because its "difficult" doesnt mean its not illegal. or that you can just get away with these things. advocating a the breaking of a law just to support your views? i will show you real fraud when i get back.
All the permanent members.
No, he said all members. Not all permanent members, all members. Reread the quote if you will.

Which makes no difference whatsoever. The permanent members all have veto power.
I understand that they have veto power, but the vote is still important.

Er, so? Nobody takes him any more seriously than they do Rush Limbaugh or Michael Moore as a serious source for information.

I think their (both sides) tens of millions of fans would disagree with you.
sublidieminal said:
What's this supposed to mean? Would it be fair if I asked you to rehearse for celcius 9/11? (or whatever it was called).

I stated that because I was deeply offended from his blantent lie. Maybe if Bush would start admitting his mistakes I would have more respect for him.. but when he lies through his teeth all the way through, well hot damn I don't know why you're not pissed.

Post the entire quote Bush gave. Dont take this one line and throw it way out of context. It has no credibility in its current form because it is very misleading.
I'm sorry, but thats the sharp needle that points out in my mind. I can't remember what else he said... refresh my memory? No matter what you say nothing can fix that statement anyways. He still lied, you can't deny it.. well unless you can't admit your wrong. Kind of like someone else I know... hmmmmm.
sublidieminal said:
I'm sorry, but thats the sharp needle that points out in my mind. I can't remember what else he said... refresh my memory? No matter what you say nothing can fix that statement anyways. He still lied, you can't deny it.. well unless you can't admit your wrong. Kind of like someone else I know... hmmmmm.

He said, I am paraphrasing now, "We have Osama on the run now, the USA is after him"...are you worried about him "Not anymore, his days as a terrorist leader are through".

Find the exact quote if you want. As I mentioned, I was paraphrasing.
And you believe Osama is on the run? I mean, they didn't pull a "Shock and Awe" on em. From what I hear his efforts towards binladen were half assed from the start.
sublidieminal said:
And you believe Osama is on the run? I mean, they didn't pull a "Shock and Awe" on em. From what I hear his efforts towards binladen were half assed from the start.

Luckily you heard incorrectly.
Ugh....politics suck.

/me goes back to playing DOD
seinfeldrules said:
Luckily you heard incorrectly.

Compare his efforts towards Al Queda (Osama Bin Laden just in case you didn't know [yeah that guy that attacked us]) To his efforts towards Iraq.

Al Queda struck us, and we sent 100k+ to iraq.... Bin Laden isn't in Iraq. Does that really make sense? Do you see why I suspect his efforts half assed? Not only half assed, but damn suspicious. I don't think I like Mr. Bush, he seems to be hiding too much from us. It's a conspiracy.
sublidieminal said:
Compare his efforts towards Al Queda (Osama Bin Laden just in case you didn't know [yeah that guy that attacked us]) To his efforts towards Iraq.

Al Queda struck us, and we sent 100k+ to iraq.... Bin Laden isn't in Iraq. Does that really make sense? Do you see why I suspect his efforts half assed? Not only half assed, but damn suspicious. I don't think I like Mr. Bush, he seems to be hiding too much from us. It's a conspiracy.

Gen. Tommy Franks said we had the correct amount of men to accomplish the mission in Afghanistan, we could just never pinpoint his location. We could send the entire US population over those mountains and caves and never find anything. It isnt always the number of troops that is important, many battles throughout history have been lost by the numerically superior force with inferior intelligence.
seinfeldrules said:
It isnt always the number of troops that is important, many battles throughout history have been lost by the numerically superior force with inferior intelligence.

Ahh the irony. We rushed into war, and it's a MASSACRE. We sent 100k troops, the most we could at the time. Is the battle won yet? NO. Now they are fighting for freedom of Iraq since they didn't have shit on Saddam for weapons. They are losing that war too. Bahgad is in ruins, and throughout the span of the war you must also think of the iraqi people's statistics. 5,000 women have been raped is what I saw on the news today.. On top of that we have civilian casualties galore. All of this was supposed to be a stunning defeat, with overwhelming troop count.. is the war won? DO YOU REALLY BELIVE PRES BUSH HAD THE RIGHT PLAN? Your blinded, your like a man (or woman I dont know) that has purchased a supposed original of Mona Lisa, and found out it was a fake... but you can't admit it's fake BECAUSE YOU SPENT YOUR ENTIRE FORTUNE ON IT. Im sure you voted for bush, and now all I can say is denial.
sublidieminal said:
Ahh the irony. We rushed into war, and it's a MASSACRE. We sent 100k troops, the most we could at the time. Is the battle won yet? NO. Now they are fighting for freedom of Iraq since they didn't have shit on Saddam for weapons. They are losing that war too. Bahgad is in ruins, and throughout the span of the war you must also think of the iraqi people's statistics. 5,000 women have been raped is what I saw on the news today.. On top of that we have civilian casualties galore. All of this was supposed to be a stunning defeat, with overwhelming troop count.. is the war won? DO YOU REALLY BELIVE PRES BUSH HAD THE RIGHT PLAN? Your blinded, your like a man (or woman I dont know) that has purchased a supposed original of Mona Lisa, and found out it was a fake... but you can't admit it's fake BECAUSE YOU SPENT YOUR ENTIRE FORTUNE ON IT. Im sure you voted for bush, and now all I can say is denial.

Do you really believe all the news you have been seeing? Talk about being blinded. If I'm blind; you are blind, deaf, cant talk, and cant feel. :eek:
those who really support kerry are blind, but those who still support bush are even more blind.

kerry is just 'riding the wave', I honestly can't see him any better than bush, he is just the other side of the coin, he's pretty much the same as bush.

as for bush .. well, need I say anything? :dork:
hasan, we're not going to get anyone better, no one's going to support a third party. We have to make do with what we have ...if bush wins the situation in iraq stays the same. If kerry wins there's a chance things may change. The important thing here is to wrestle control from the neo-cons: they are the ones who have been spearheading the problems with iraq since the eighties
seinfeldrules said:
We? I was under the impression you were Canadian. You get nobody.

By 'we', he probably means 'people who know the war in Iraq is a fiasco'.
Believe it or not, most of the world fits that description.

Personally, I'd consider a Bush loss to be the only just outcome, and I am certain that his misguided policy is putting me and my countrymen at risk.

Concepts like safety and justice aren't confined to the US, so we support Kerry.
CptStern said:
meh I couldnt care less if he lied about having monkey love with his entire constituency ..the only lie that ever concerned me was:

"Saddam Hussein is a homicidal dictator who is addicted to weapons of mass destruction" - George Bush October 7, 2002

here's a whole speech full of lies

if you're truly concerned with the truth, seinfeldrules you'd never support bush

I'm replying to the second post in the thread. I'm not sure if this has been posted yet but here ya go.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003
moz4rt said:
I'm replying to the second post in the thread. I'm not sure if this has been posted yet but here ya go.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003

ahhhh but he didnt press the "button" that started the war machine now did he?

btw who gave kerry this information? who was pushing for the invasion? who was slanting the evidence to support their cause for invasion?
Oooh, I know this one. It was.. Nader!
No, it's Regis!
Orlando Bloom?

Hmmm... Who could it possibly be?
CptStern said:
if you're truly concerned with the truth, seinfeldrules you'd never support bush
His constant threads with things like these are wearisome and so obvious it hurts.
Surely you just need to look at the f*ck up Bush has made of the US's economy (to mention but one thing) to realise that he has been a bad president and will continue to get worse?
Instead, both sides just drag in their wives and children to show what good family men their candidates are. How can that possibly be important? It makes me feel ill.

From the first post:
These aren't exaggerations.
Exaggerations? Exaggerations!? I presume that refers to the Bush administration claiming that Saddam had both WMDs and links to al-Qaeda? How in any way are those lies as flippant as that article seems to make out? That's horrendously subversive, and almost insultingly transparent. What a load of bollocks.

I watched CNN's coverage of Kerry's campaign the other day and it made my blood boil. I shudder to think of this election, I really do. Media outlets that biased should be ashamed of themselves or dissolved. It's propaganda, not information.

EDIT: Not entirely related, but I'm very interested to hear Eminem's new song after reading this.
seinfeldrules said:
Do you really believe all the news you have been seeing? Talk about being blinded. If I'm blind; you are blind, deaf, cant talk, and cant feel. :eek:

Wow, CAN IT GET ANY MORE IRONIC. At first I thought you had maybe a little credit. But you tell me without any self regard to not believe everything you see on the NEWS!? WOW. Your ****ing thread started with an article posted by the ****ing "news". Your beleifs that President Bush is more than able to take care of the massacre in Iraq, are based on articles links that you have been spamming day in and day out, by none other than the ****ING news.

I'm starting to wonder if you have any valid points in you. I think your denial has not only made you stay supporting Bush, I think that supporting him has you debating just like him! SHITTY. Your tank is empty, vote Kerry.
CptStern said:
ahhhh but he didnt press the "button" that started the war machine now did he?

btw who gave kerry this information? who was pushing for the invasion? who was slanting the evidence to support their cause for invasion?

lol, this is great.

No he didn't press the "button" as you say but he would have if he had been in power. Also as a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Kerry saw the same info from the CIA that Bush did.
moz4rt said:
lol, this is great.

No he didn't press the "button" as you say but he would have if he had been in power. Also as a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Kerry saw the same info from the CIA that Bush did.

Kerry has never said that he would never go to war with Saddam.
He said he would never ineptly go to war with Saddam. (i.e.: The way Bush did.)

That's a critical difference.

Would Kerry have waited for UN inspections to finish? Probably, I'd warrant.
Would he have sent the right amount of troops? Who knows.
I'd guess yes though, or at least he'd have a better plan than "rush in, overthrow Saddam, and then sit back and wait for the parade."

Bush and Kerry may have had the same motivation for war, but that does not mean the same crappy series of events related to the war would be doomed to happen. It is entirely possible that Kerry could have changed his stance and listened to the UN when they were talking sense. Bush obviously didn't.

So, we are faced with the choice between the guy who maybe might have screwed things up, and the guy who definitely screwed things up.
Seems an obvious choice to me.
Amazing. This debate has dwindled down to:

SupremeJusticeOfTheBored: You, Conservative! We dont listen to you, because you support bush! Also, because I dont like your opinions. So I'll lie. Yes, I'll lie. And say that, with a smilie face and a lol ironically sharing my optimistic opinion on this debate with a tint of discaring sarcasm, that your opinion cant exist. You ask, why? Hahahaha! Because, I'am invincible Liberal Man! Where, if I have my opinion challenged, I try to avoid yours because I want mine to reign supreme in this debate! Now, watch me work a way to make your opinion discredible...

OMFG LIEK U R FROM TEH SOUTH LOL XD LIEK YOU ARE STOOPID IM LIEK TEH INTELLECTUAL CUZ IM FROM (x country, x province, y state, y placement) !!!!elevenelven!!1

...then to this...

GuyWhoHasNoOpinionButMakesOneUpJustToGainForumPopularity: Liek...yea! What he said! Kerry/bush is (x insult)!!1
K e r b e r o s said:
Amazing. This debate has dwindled down to:

SupremeJusticeOfTheBored: You, Conservative! We dont listen to you, because you support bush! Also, because I dont like your opinions. So I'll lie. Yes, I'll lie. And say that, with a smilie face and a lol ironically sharing my optimistic opinion on this debate with a tint of discaring sarcasm, that your opinion cant exist. You ask, why? Hahahaha! Because, I'am invincible Liberal Man! Where, if I have my opinion challenged, I try to avoid yours because I want mine to reign supreme in this debate! Now, watch me work a way to make your opinion discredible...

OMFG LIEK U R FROM TEH SOUTH LOL XD LIEK YOU ARE STOOPID IM LIEK TEH INTELLECTUAL CUZ IM FROM (x country, x province, y state, y placement) !!!!elevenelven!!1

...then to this...

GuyWhoHasNoOpinionButMakesOneUpJustToGainForumPopularity: Liek...yea! What he said! Kerry/bush is (x insult)!!1

: why muzzles are a good idea :E
K e r b e r o s said:
Amazing. This debate has dwindled down to:

SupremeJusticeOfTheBored: You, Conservative! We dont listen to you, because you support bush! Also, because I dont like your opinions. So I'll lie. Yes, I'll lie. And say that, with a smilie face and a lol ironically sharing my optimistic opinion on this debate with a tint of discaring sarcasm, that your opinion cant exist. You ask, why? Hahahaha! Because, I'am invincible Liberal Man! Where, if I have my opinion challenged, I try to avoid yours because I want mine to reign supreme in this debate! Now, watch me work a way to make your opinion discredible...

OMFG LIEK U R FROM TEH SOUTH LOL XD LIEK YOU ARE STOOPID IM LIEK TEH INTELLECTUAL CUZ IM FROM (x country, x province, y state, y placement) !!!!elevenelven!!1

...then to this...

GuyWhoHasNoOpinionButMakesOneUpJustToGainForumPopularity: Liek...yea! What he said! Kerry/bush is (x insult)!!1

......... Wtf? That was a confusing one. Rephrase, reinforce, repost.
Amazing. This whole debate is just another, tid for tad discussion, on the candidates and their said mistakes. Of course, the thread is titled "Kerry caught in yet another lie", so it is meant for this kind of discussion, or at least, for that kind of arguement to develope into the state its in now.

However, heres my point in bringing this to your attention:

People are begining to act like Children when noone believes them. They accuse others of being children, or childish, and then they themselves, stampede into the same classification with one huge, discerning and generalizing post all leading down to one opinion.

Im smart, your not.
You tend to believe that people on this thread, or should I say entire forum post in political threads for social popularity. It's much different from that in my opinion, it's not as selfish as you think. People that bother with these threads are worried about their country most of the time, they always turn into anti-bush threads for no other reason than the fact we are worried to have him for another four years. We don't want to see this happen, so we try to clear out the ignorance.
Im smart, your not.
oh yes you are ;) :laugh:

People are begining to act like Children when noone believes them. They accuse others of being children, or childish, and then they themselves, stampede into the same classification with one huge, discerning and generalizing post all leading down to one opinion.
is that the same as going into flamewars?
Hasan, he's not saying that hes smart (or at least I hope hes not). He's saying that people are in here to prove that they are smart and the opposing debater is not. But if he did say he was smart, speaking of his self, he would have negated his entire post. With one line, he would have contradicted his whole post.

I hope the statement is not directed towards me if this is the case, because that would be sad. But hey thats just my opinion.
CptStern said:
moz4rt: what mecha said :E

now you're changing the subject. you said that bush lied because he said saddam had WMDs. Kerry said the same thing and yet you keep defending him. you really need to lose the double standard. either they both lied or they both didn't. i happen to think that neither of them lied because they both were given the same bad information.
Ritz said:
People lie, welcome to life.

More importantly, POLITICIANS lie... welcome to government, people.

Besides, I doubt anyone would elect a person who always told the truth.

[sarcasm]"Mr. Kerry, what is your stance on gay marriage?"
"Well, although I'm Catholic, I wouldn't mind marrying Senator Edwards."
"Um, thank you... I think. Mr. Bush, same question."
"Gott hat mich beschlossen, um dieses Land zu führen! Mein Wort ist Gesetz! Mein Großvater war ein Nazi Banker!"
"... I caught 'Nazi Banker'..."[/sarcasm]
:cheese: :laugh:
By 'we', he probably means 'people who know the war in Iraq is a fiasco'.
Believe it or not, most of the world fits that description.

Personally, I'd consider a Bush loss to be the only just outcome, and I am certain that his misguided policy is putting me and my countrymen at risk.

Concepts like safety and justice aren't confined to the US, so we support Kerry.
Terrorists have been hitting the Western world long before Bush took office. You should be glad that someone is finally fighting back. Enough of this isolationist crap.

btw who gave kerry this information?
The CIA. Clinton also said that Iraq had WMD and was a major threat. This was long before Bush.
Wow, CAN IT GET ANY MORE IRONIC. At first I thought you had maybe a little credit. But you tell me without any self regard to not believe everything you see on the NEWS!? WOW. Your ****ing thread started with an article posted by the ****ing "news". Your beleifs that President Bush is more than able to take care of the massacre in Iraq, are based on articles links that you have been spamming day in and day out, by none other than the ****ING news.

I'm starting to wonder if you have any valid points in you. I think your denial has not only made you stay supporting Bush, I think that supporting him has you debating just like him! SHITTY. Your tank is empty, vote Kerry.
You used a blanked out word what, 2 or 3 times in that post? Seems like you are getting a little desperate. Who is the one running out of gas? At least I can type coherently.

Would Kerry have waited for UN inspections to finish? Probably, I'd warrant.
And would he have led such a brilliant opening campaign in Iraq? We defeated them in a week. Your open ended questions really have no answer.
seinfeldrules said:
And would he have led such a brilliant opening campaign in Iraq? We defeated them in a week. Your open ended questions really have no answer.

Defeated who in a week? As far as I know, Marines are still dying in Iraq from resistance fighters. Not to mention the poor Iraqi security personnel and civilians.

This reminds me of the whole "Home before Christmas" promise during the Great War.

As for "brilliant opening campaign"... marching in with little to no resistance is hardly what most people would call 'brilliant'. "Fortunate" is a much more accurate word. Remember all those Iraqi soldiers surrendering? Yeah. They LET you invade the country.

Or in CS terms, they were all AFK.