key binds



Anyone know where to get some key binds for hl2 dm? Maybe a jump+duck script so I can actually jump over something?

bind "TAB" "+showscores"
bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"
bind "SPACE" "+jump"
bind "1" "slot1"
bind "2" "use weapon_pistol"
bind "3" "slot3"
bind "4" "slot4"
bind "5" "slot5"
bind "6" "slot6"
bind "7" "slot7"
bind "`" "toggleconsole"
bind "a" "+moveleft"
bind "b" "jpeg"
bind "c" "use weapon_ar2"
bind "d" "+moveright"
bind "e" "use weapon_357"
bind "f" "use weapon_rpg"
bind "g" "phys_swap"
bind "k" "+voicerecord"
bind "q" "use weapon_smg1"
bind "r" "+reload"
bind "s" "+back"
bind "t" "messagemode"
bind "v" "use weapon_frag"
bind "w" "+forward"
bind "x" "use weapon_shotgun"
bind "y" "messagemode2"
bind "z" "use weapon_crossbow"
bind "ALT" "+use"
bind "CTRL" "+speed"
bind "SHIFT" "+duck"
bind "F6" "save quick"
bind "F9" "load quick"
bind "CAPSLOCK" "+zoom"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext"
bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev"
bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"
arnt they ^^^ all pretty much the factory binds? other than the shortcuts to each weapon?
It should be possible to make some jump, where you automaticly duck while in the air.

I also saw a CSS script that had duck+shoot bound to one button. Handy at some times, but anoying when you're hiding behind some medium height obstacle and want to shoot over it while standing :|
in your config.cfg

alias +duckjump "+duck; +jump"
alias -duckjump "-duck; -jump"

bind ''space'' ''+duckjump''

Of course you can change space for any key..
Gdawg!!-! said:
your only hurting yourself if you duck in dm.

Unless you need to leap tall filing cabinets, laying on their sides, in a single bound.
Or you want to dodge enemy fire by hiding behind a barricade.
Numpad, baby :D

...especially if you're having trouble crouching in mid-jump to get through windows n' stuff.

Dario D. said:
Numpad, baby :D

...especially if you're having trouble crouching in mid-jump to get through windows n' stuff.


That config looks whack; All you fingers are very close together, I feel the RSI growing in me when i just put my fingers on the "5123+enter" keys...

-very hard to sprint, especially in backwards directions.
-very hard to crouch-walk (especially right-backwards)
-almost imposible to move around and zoom at the same time, even though that is rarely needed.

WASD for ever! And if you really, really want a different setup, try "TFGH" or "YGHJ" or something like that.
I realy dont know who would use the keypad controls... it's soooo easy to use WASD, and you've got the same, if not more, buttons at your disposal!
Oh great, now I gotta defend the awesome wonders of the numpad? ;)

First of all, 5123 is spaced precisely the same as WASD, except that the entire numpad is in a perfect grid, so it's only a matter of time before you've memorized the entire layout mentally.

Secondly, for those with larger hands, you can just move from 5123, to 8456, but that's usually not needed.

5123 replaces WASD. Period is crouch, Enter is jump. Hold 8 and 5 at the same time to sprint; Easy as cheese and beats holding shift anyday.

For Multiplayer, 4 and 6 are your hotkeys for Grenades and Grav-Gun... 4 for Grenade, drop one, hit 6 to pull out Grav-Gun for a perfect grenade-cooking combo... then launch it with the grav-gun.

Right above 8 u hit the "/" to zoom in your view. That's 2 keys above Forward, in a perfect grid. Piece of cake.

Next to that is the "*". Hit that to spray-paint your logo.

Next to that is "-". Hit that to chat.

For other games, you have 4+6, or 7+9 for item switching and weapon switching. For UT and Quake I use 4+6 for Melee and Scoreboard.

For HL2 Multiplayer, I use numpad + for scoreboard.


The most important advantage of the numpad is that you have a WIDE range of completely diverse keys, all available in a grid area that you *never have to look down at to nail the key you want*.

Memorizing the Numpad is extremely easy, and since it's all relative, like explained above, you can bind relevant scroll combos to 4+6, 7+9, and complimentary binds on the outlying Misc keys for anything you want.

Even complicated games like Deus Ex and Battlefield 1942 can be bound to the numpad in their entirety, without EVER having to reach to the main keyboard area, and so much more importantly, you can finally play these games without having to struggle to memorize the completely scatterbrained keybinds you get with WASD, scattered all over the keyboard.

I mean, hitting H, J, K, and L to cycle grenades and belt items? Please... 4+6 and 7+9.

To quicksave/quickload, your pinky can also tap PageUp and PageDown without having to look. (unless you're using a non-standard keyboard)
Also, please don't try to bash such perfection until you've actually tried it. I play EVERY game on the numpad, and I'm right-handed, including RPG's like Diablo and Dungeon Siege, and going back to WASD in the light of such EASE is something I could never fathom.

The numpad is like the PC controller, and if you're peeved by moving the keyboard a little to the left to reach the numpad, just buy a USB Numpad for $10.
- One final note - if you don't like reaching your thumb way up to Enter for jumping, either use 8456, or just hit Jump with your Index Finger. That's what I do; no problem at all.
you look down at the keyboard??!


good old wsad allows you to bind each weapon, and have witty talk binds like "FAG" "HAH HAH"
Am I the only one that uses the arrow keys for movement? PageDown is secondary fire, End is 'use', Delete is reload, Home is flashlight, Shift is run, CTRL is duck, Mouse3 is zoom, Mouse2 is jump, and Mouse1 is primary fire. My config rules :p
I used the keypad in Q2. I thought it didn't work in HL so then I switched to IKJL instead. Through playing many other FPS games and mods I finally switched to the standard WSAD config.

I hardly use any custom bound keys. I've got F bound to crowbar/stunstick and a demo recording script bound to KP_MINUS. That's all really.
I use this to fire while zoomed (useful with the revolver):

alias +zattack "-zoom;+attack"
alias -zattack "-attack;+zoom"
alias +zattack2 "-zoom;+attack2"
alias -zattack2 "-attack2;+zoom"

alias zoomon "+zoom;bind mouse1 +zattack;bind mouse2 +zattack2;bind z zoomoff"
alias zoomoff "-zoom;bind mouse1 +attack;bind mouse2 +attack2;bind z zoomon"

bind z "zoomon"
bind 1 "slot1;zoomoff"
bind 2 "slot2;zoomoff"
bind 3 "slot3;zoomoff"
bind 4 "slot4;zoomoff"
bind 5 "slot5;zoomoff"
bind 6 "slot6;zoomoff"
bind 7 "slot7;zoomoff"
bind 8 "slot8;zoomoff"
bind 9 "slot9;zoomoff"
bind 0 "slot0;zoomoff"
Works nice so far.
I used to play arrows and invert mouse, but switched to wasd quite some time ago. It's just perfect and I still have buttons to spare, although i have every weapon bound directly.

And why would you have to look at the keyboard anyway no matter what layout you use? That's nothing special about the numpad.
On the contrary, if HL2 is the only game you ever play, then sure, you can memorize the very few keys it uses.

But what about other games? Deus Ex, or Battlefield 1942, or Thief... games with plentiful *unique* keybinds? The WASD area is absolute chaos with those games, with keys going all the way over to P, L and even N and M and < and > for grenade switching.

The Numpad is able to bind those games in their entirety to the numpad in extremely easily memorized, relevant keybinds and combos (like 7 and 9, 4 and 6, 8 and /).

Saying "the Numpad is useless" without ever having used it for more than 10 minutes is just asking for a future with WASD. To me, there's little worse punishment for a gamer than to never let him discover the Numpad.
Hard said:
in your config.cfg
alias +duckjump "+duck; +jump"
alias -duckjump "-duck; -jump"
bind ''space'' ''+duckjump''
Of course you can change space for any key..

I tried this, it worked. But when I played the game a few hours later, the key bind was gone....why?