Kick Ass Scope Reflection


Aug 12, 2004
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Anyone noticed this?

Pretty cool huh?


  • Scope reflection.JPG
    Scope reflection.JPG
    85.9 KB · Views: 473
I think;

It takes a screenshot of whats behind you and then updated it every six seconds, during the six seconds that shot is just rotated as you move. Hence why every six seconds it changes completely and shows the correct thing behind you.

However people have imformed me that it uses a mini-map (8-bit) from a small version of the map elsewhere in the empty space.
azz0r said:
I think;

It takes a screenshot of whats behind you and then updated it every six seconds, during the six seconds that shot is just rotated as you move. Hence why every six seconds it changes completely and shows the correct thing behind you.

However people have imformed me that it uses a mini-map (8-bit) from a small version of the map elsewhere in the empty space.

It uses cubemaps.
A thinger dooder.

lemme get a quote from someone on the awful forums.

RobattoJesus said:
They have cubemap cameras that they can place in the level editor, where the map is rendered 6 times (i'm guessing at load time, but it might be done in the level editor), once for each cubemap face.

He was talking about the bottles there, but I'm sure the scope uses the same thing.
I thought the scope reflection looked kinda bland, especially because the erratic behaviour (updating when you enter a new sector). I liked Far Cry's scope better, and even in the HL2 E3 presentations you can see a better scope reflection than CS:S has. But overall, it is nice and definitely an improvement over CS 1.6.
Looks nice but you shouldnt look too long at it, as it updates every ~10 meters you walk .. but nice anyways :p
It'd be cooler if it was a real reflection or something like in Far Cry, but its a beta so maybe something like that will happen
be cooler if it was like far cry...but hey it could be this is a beta remember
Yeah, it uses some sort of pre-generated image (maybe that's a cubemap, I hadn't heard the term before). I lined up a few barrels and turned around to see if I could see them in the scope, no go. Also, some of the building windows that are grey/black will show up as blue in the scope. Makes no difference and it's a cool effect, but it's not a real reflection.

If they were going to add a scope in multiplayer for CSS either put one in like farcry or just dont use one at all. The one they have in is not real time AT ALL its all pre-generated cubemap CRAP .. I'd say just take it out.
I'm sure it can show a realtime reflection, but it would drag down framerates and make some lag.
skater4evr5 said:
If they were going to add a scope in multiplayer for CSS either put one in like farcry or just dont use one at all. The one they have in is not real time AT ALL its all pre-generated cubemap CRAP .. I'd say just take it out.

Quoted for emphasis/truth.
They probably don't have the shader done, thus the reason why there are no shader options, in the option menu.

It's an improvement over the black scope, and I wouldn't mind if they didn't fix it as it wouldn't kill me, although I would be much happier with it :)
FarCry has a shader effect that displays a magnafied image of what the scope is pointing at, it's really nice as you can see enemies through it.
If they were going to add a scope in multiplayer for CSS either put one in like farcry or just dont use one at all. The one they have in is not real time AT ALL its all pre-generated cubemap CRAP .. I'd say just take it out.

Yeah, I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to do a real reflective scope in Source. It would have been nice if they included an option to show the reflection, if your rig can handle the effect.

The switch between cubemaps is really jarring. Maybe in a future patch they could either take it out and replace it with a black texture, like Dalamari said, or have the cubemap images fade from one to another so the change isn't so noticable.
