Kid arrested for making map of school for video game


May 5, 2004
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A Chinese student was removed from Clements High School in Fort Bend, Texas after parents complained he had re-created the school grounds in a game and uploaded the map for his friends to play. The boy was placed in the district's alternate education school and later arrested, as the police considered him a "terroristic threat".

?They arrested him,? Chen said of FBISD police, ?and also went to the house to search.? The Lin family consented to the search, and a hammer was found in the boy?s room, which he used to fix his bed, because it wasn?t in good shape, Chen said. He indicated police seized the hammer as a potential weapon.

omg he had a hammer!!! clearly he was going to go on a mass hammering spree

I cant find any mention as to what game it was or whether there was any shooting involved ..I mean how many maps have you played based on real life enviroments? should those map makers be rounded up as "potential terrorists"?

from the comments on this story:

some paranoid dude said:
...we live in a very different world after 9-11.. but we live in a different world now.. A world where your neighbor could be a terorist of a sex offender

hysteria has gripped america ..suspect everyone!!! ...especially if they're asian, muslim, not the same as you ..beware america THEY're out to get YOU
I play HL2DM on possible maps of schools sometimes, I am a terrorist D:
/me mashes homeland security emergency "Report a Terrorist Hotline" speed dial button
Jeez though, he's now got an arrest record for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

And it's in Texas, AGAIN. Wtf America?
...I actually know a lot of people who graduated from Clements High School, so I find this kinda funny, in an absurd "Your school is crazy" way. It does suck for the student though. As for the commenters...

"however, the fact remains that the student uploaded a plan for the school to a shootem’ and killem’ game that could be a practice simulation for the real thing"


Actually, this reminds me of a valedictorian at my high school who wasn't allowed to walk the stage because of something he wrote on a personal weblog. I will admit that school administration in Texas is pretty bad. Former students are barely allowed to visit schools without being escorted off campus by police. Teachers are fired to bring in new, stupider teachers who teach toward standardized tests. There's one high school where they literally split up "honors" students into a separate building from regular students.
Quick, go find everybody who made CS_Wal-Mart maps for counter-strike. They are planning mass hostage *read: 4* situations within multiple Wal-Marts.
Um, isn't the layout of the school public knowledge to begin with? I mean there are maps of the place...
I've made video game maps of my dorm rooms, home, schools, local area, and more. Should I be arrested? I have a pen, you better confiscate that, might stab out someone's eyes!
We need to make some kind of gigantic questionnaire that asks god-degrading and terrorist-"loving" questions. Everyone who passes it, is allowed to leave America. The rest will be bombed.
What if he was actully a threat to the security and well-being of the State, but they didn't have any compelling evidence, so they had to arrest him before he detonated a bomb killing hundreds of innocent people? OH THE HORROR!
nonsense ..the map was in circulation for 2 months before some paranoid soccor moms saw their kids playing it

oh and you're insane numbers ..the state DOES NOT supercede the authority of the people ..without the citizens there is NO state ..FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE ..seriously you need your head examined for irregularities because you're just not normal ..however I think where you live you arenormal's just that compared to the rest of us you're a bit crazy
I'm all FOR the people, thats why I want to keep them safe, safe from tehir own delusions of freedom.

Anyway, I was joking. :p
Man, I guess I better be feeling guilty. Me and my father wanted to make a CS map of a portion of Joplin, MO. Where the City Hall/My Dads computer shop were the bomb targets....

I'll be in jail, see you in a few years.
What the **** is going on over there in america? Surely some of this shit must be made up...
Federal Prison, Here we come.
I'm all FOR the people, thats why I want to keep them safe, safe from tehir own delusions of freedom.

Anyway, I was joking. :p

keeping them safe from themselves? totalitarianism ftl
I'm all FOR the people, thats why I want to keep them safe, safe from tehir own delusions of freedom.

Anyway, I was joking. :p

aaah shut up you ar ejust like solaris except that you hate comunist

on topic

what if a carpenter enter the school????
Stern, you're a fool. It's obvious that they meant that they found Valve Hammer Editor on the guy's PC and confiscated the equipment he used to make the map. :P
You'd be amazed....I hate this country more and more.

Same. Ive been seriously thinking about becoming a citizen somewhere else and never returning. There are plenty of animation studios outside the states, so finding somewhere where i can get a job shouldnt be too hard.
he probably has a potential case against both the school and the FBSID or whatever its called. 3d mapping is an art form and if you can call making a semi-accurate representation of a real environment a "terrorist" act then we should probably arrest hundreds of thousands of painters , sculpters and architects as well. the fact that the medium is related to gaming is irrelevant.
Same. Ive been seriously thinking about becoming a citizen somewhere else and never returning. There are plenty of animation studios outside the states, so finding somewhere where i can get a job shouldnt be too hard.
move to canada ;) , not sure about the animation studios (We do have richard rosenman's red rover studios...) but it would'nt dramatically change your lifestyle.
he probably has a potential case against both the school and the FBSID or whatever its called. 3d mapping is an art form and if you can call making a semi-accurate representation of a real environment a "terrorist" act then we should probably arrest hundreds of thousands of painters , sculpters and architects as well. the fact that the medium is related to gaming is irrelevant.

Its still going to be on his record, unless he takes it to court where a judge sides with him and demands his record be cleaned.
Wow, this is so rediculous.
America is getting so paranoid.

I was going to be making a map of my college at one point. Good job I aint in America.
NEWSFLASH: Pi Mu Rho arrested by the International Shipping Consortium for plotting to invade docks worldwide with Zombies.

-Angry Lawyer
when do we assemble a crack commando team to "liberate" him? I call sniper
move to canada ;) , not sure about the animation studios (We do have richard rosenman's red rover studios...) but it would'nt dramatically change your lifestyle.

K. I was thinking about canada, and I know they do have some nice animation studios. Plus, its colder up there, and I hate the heat.

EDIT: lol, i just quoted the two different parts of the same post by mindless moder in two different posts. Oops.
When is Jack "School-shooting-via-video-games-training-expert" Thompson when you need him?
Arrest everyone at VALVe! They're responsible for making GENUINE EASTERN EUROPE MAPS, and they have CROWBARS!
Same. Ive been seriously thinking about becoming a citizen somewhere else and never returning. There are plenty of animation studios outside the states, so finding somewhere where i can get a job shouldnt be too hard.

I'm starting to love Canada more and more.
This means I should have been arrested in the 8th grade.

leave guns at border please
Well, if we get another Republican president after this one, I'm seriously considering moving to Canada after I graduate from uni.
This isn't good, considering i've made CS and CS Source maps of my university campus and also the town Cinema complex...
