Kill Politics

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Oct 2, 2003
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Do eeeet.

Nobody likes it other than a tiny vocal minority who have a rather strange obsession with it, it seems. It is a plague on this forum that just breeds trolling, a la gh0st, that just leads to a few months of them causing trouble before they finally get banned. The "politics" are completely centred around the US of A, which are inevitably "ME VS YOU" in nature these days. How fun is that?

Do eeeeet.
Do eeeet.

Nobody likes it other than a tiny vocal minority who have a rather strange obsession with it, it seems. It is a plague on this forum that just breeds trolling, a la gh0st, that just leads to a few months of them causing trouble before they finally get banned. The "politics" are completely centred around the US of A, which are inevitably "ME VS YOU" in nature these days. How fun is that?

Do eeeeet.
I agree, it's a waste of space.
Hey, we need somewhere to be sore at each other!
We tried to axe it once, but someone intervened. It's a horrible place that most members steer clear of. I do think it breeds hatred and shouldn't be here.
I think it keeps the hatred out of other forums....
Let the hatred breed. If people want to argue about politics, let them. I'm sure the regs their enjoy it anyway, so why take it away from them? Don't like it, don't go in.
There's two points of view here.

1) It keeps all the crap in one place,


2) It's a festering pit of hatred, bile and collossal stupidity.

I lean towards 2, personally, but I can see the validity of 1
I enjoy it. Alot of us do. If you don't like it, stay clear of it. But why not let us have our fun?
But...where well cpt stern go?

Plus, if we get rid of it, all the stuff in the politics forum will just slowly develop into the general off topic. Then we will think about getting rid of that! Eventually it will fall into the arts n music...then games...then hardware....slowly making it way killking everything in its path...

The politics forum is the only way to contain it!
There's two points of view here.

1) It keeps all the crap in one place,


2) It's a festering pit of hatred, bile and collossal stupidity.

I lean towards 2, personally, but I can see the validity of 1
Personally, I like having a seething hive of scum and villainy on the doorstep.

It lends character to the place.
I enjoy it. Alot of us do. If you don't like it, stay clear of it. But why not let us have our fun?
Because countless times it starts flaming and 95% of people are incapable of being responsible and keeping discussion calm. Therefore it must have extra care taken, which is not nice to deal with.
With regards to the 'it keeps all the shit in one place' arguement.

That is no reason for it's existence, since the flaming shouldn't exist in the first place.
But can you blame the forum and topic of discussion for the behaviour of certain individuals?
I've always held the thought that this site is spreading itself too thin and that it should be more focused. Politics, films, music, arts, Battefield 2, Oblivion, Sin Episodes, etc., etc.; there exist dedicated sites for each one of these topics on the Internet and they're generally better than the single, petty forums on this site. One of their reasons for success? Focus. Riding on this train of thought... what was this site about again? Ah, yes, Half-Life (2).

The truth is that I don't visit the majority of the forums on this site, but perhaps there are threads in them that I would have actually read and even contributed to had they been posted in a single, more general forum. Furthermore, I don't see how all these separate forums contribute to making the site more manageable, given the ratio of moderators to members.

Personally, I think that a restructuring would help this site, but if the future can be predicted from the past, I don't see it happening. :)

If you don't do politics what do you do?!??!?!?!?!?:!?!
In your bedroom, while you post on Politics.
I've always held the thought that this site is spreading itself too thin and that it should be more focused. Politics, films, music, arts, Battefield 2, Oblivion, Sin Episodes, etc., etc.; there exist dedicated sites for each one of these topics on the Internet and they're generally better than the single, petty forums on this site. One of their reasons for success? Focus. Riding on this train of thought... what was this site about again? Ah, yes, Half-Life (2).

The truth is that I don't visit the majority of the forums on this site, but perhaps there are threads in them that I would have actually read and even contributed to had they been posted in a single, more general forum. Furthermore, I don't see how all these separate forums contribute to making the site more manageable, given the ratio of moderators to members.

Personally, I think that a restructuring would help this site, but if the future can be predicted from the past, I don't see it happening. :)
That's the awesomeness about this site. EVERYTHING can be found here :D

While some forums are less active than the other, they still get checked out now and then.
I personally hate the argument: If you want to debate, go to a debating forum.

I <3 you all, I want to debate with YOU. Not some prat on or whatever.
I remember there was a guy banned for suggesting this earlier.
Do eeeet.

Nobody likes it other than a tiny vocal minority who have a rather strange obsession with it, it seems. It is a plague on this forum that just breeds trolling, a la gh0st, that just leads to a few months of them causing trouble before they finally get banned. The "politics" are completely centred around the US of A, which are inevitably "ME VS YOU" in nature these days. How fun is that?

Do eeeeet.

I'm fully in favour of this. The section serves no useful purpose (Apart from giving certain members a place to have quote wars). And if closing it up sets Solaris, all the better.
Pish posh, flaming waming! Who gives a jolly hoot? It's the politics forum, it’s what politics is all about! Don't like it don't go in. Some people really enjoy it, why should they have to have that taken away from them?

I'd be pissed if someone got rid of the HL forums.
That day will come only if this site is doomed to hell, and if it has already been renamed 'CptStern's Playground' as previously suggested.
The politics section should be called Flame house...Or the stink box.
We tried to axe it once, but someone intervened. It's a horrible place that most members steer clear of. I do think it breeds hatred and shouldn't be here.

"That's the Politics forum... We don't go there anymore."
Politics is scarier then Ravenholm, though.

Also, Danimal, every time I see one of your posts I want that avatar back. I'll kill you :|
Now look at what you've done, fool! Do you want another "Copy Danimal's Avatar and Signature" week again!?
If the Political forum does'nt get removed, it should at least be renamed to "The filth box".
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