killing bugs gets old...

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Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
hope this game keeps the bugs to a minimum...nothing ruins a game more then killer bugs, mesquitos and dragonflies...

lets also hope this game doesn't get boring at the end like hl1 and that xen nonesense...

then you should go play a different game, because HL2 has antlions and antlion guards
lol. well bugs play a big part in HL2 by the looks of things so ul :] ;)
I guess someone is comparing Half-Life 2 to Daikatana.
This isn't another Daikatana (let's hope it isn't :p)

edit: beaten!
hmm...why would ppl so excited about bugs? they always are lame in whatever games...daikatana is a nice example...the bugs in hl1 made me lose the desire to finish the game...the game went lame at xen...9 out of 10 agree...i just hope they are nuicance enemies now and then...
I lost you at the point of "bugs in HL1". There were insect enemies?
IMO, the game never went lame. So I guess I'm 1 out of 10.
lol xen enemies were cloe enuff to bugs and u guys r the first i have heard who don't think xen was lame....hmmm i think i understand...
I'm a HL-fan but I agree with you that the Xen levels wasn't very fun.

Edit: I've got nothing against fighting aliens, but going to their world felt like streching it a bit. I guess it's because you don't feel that the surroundings are any familiar. I'd rather have it end like you kill off that big nihilath(spelling?) in Black Mesa somewhere... oh well.. it's still one of the best pc games ever.
Freakaloin said:
lol xen enemies were cloe enuff to bugs and u guys r the first i have heard who don't think xen was lame....hmmm i think i understand...

Erm, "close enough to bugs"? What the hell?

And a lot of people agree that Xen wasn't as good as the rest of the game, we just didn't have a clue what you were talking about.
First of all: it aren't bugs, they're aliens.

HL(2) without aliens is like a restaurant without food, a cafe without beer, a pc without screen, a keyboard without keys. I could keep going here, but I think you get the point :)
the thread starter does not know what he's talkin about. :Doh:
1 out of 10

EC said:
IMO, the game never went lame. So I guess I'm 1 out of 10.
Actually there are more of those "1"
Like...ME, for example
almost every alien in any game or movie reminds me of bugs and are often called bugs in the games or movies...stop being such fanboys for a sec...its kinda shamful...
I do prefer an environment I'm more farmiliar with, like earth, which basically gives you that good type of mood where you somewhat know what to expect from the place. But of course, there's nothing wrong with an alien environment either, because it offers a thrill through curiosity, excitement and challenge. The whole point is for half life to have bugs or aliens, because that's the thing that makes the story great. An unknown race to provide curiosity, excitement and challenge.
I had nothing against xen. Actually I get bored by the Black Masa compound after playing in it for 8 Hours, so going to Xen kinda gives you a new feel, although it is a little to alien for my taste.

And yeah, you are not shooting bugs in HL2, they are alien bugs, a small but vital distinction ;)
Unimatrix881 said:
I do prefer an environment I'm more farmiliar with, like earth, which basically gives you that good type of mood where you somewhat know what to expect from the place. But of course, there's nothing wrong with an alien environment either, because it offers a thrill through curiosity, excitement and challenge. The whole point is for half life to have bugs or aliens, because that's the thing that makes the story great. An unknown race to provide curiosity, excitement and challenge.

Well valve said we won't be going to Xen in HL2, so don't worry
Hehe, you must've misunderstood my point ;)
I simply wanted to state that both types of environments are great, simply whe you're on earth, you feel "safer" in a way. But of course, the good side of an alien environment is the curiosity and excitement.
I thought the xen levels were uniquely refreshing :)

BTW: I don't remember any thing resembling bugs...Head crabs maybe, but nothing else.
some of u guys seem out of touch with popular some research and get back with me...
jesus guys...quit playing dumb...even that one alien weapon shot out bug type projectiles...get off the "i don't get where u see bugs in aliens" nonsense...
The thing that I think is most problematic with alien worlds, at least for me, is that you have no point of reference. When in e.g. Black Mesa you can walk around and look at things and think that they are nicely done and you can actually see what they're supposed to be, nice door, good texturing of that structure, cool machine. In an alien world you can't really look at it that way because you have nothing to compare it too... the environment can look like anything and nothing. Oh.. nice blob.. nice purple texture on the ground...
Bottom line, I don't feel at home in alien worlds ;)
Have you thought that you might be a little out of touch with imagination? An alien being and environment is what makes the HL2 story interesting and complicated.
Freakaloin said:
some of u guys seem out of touch with popular some research and get back with me...

...What does me not seeing the xen/bug simalarities have to do with this? Starship Troopers, now those were bugs, and yes there are going to be things that look like bugs in HL2 (antlions), yet I didn't see any in HL...
Unimatrix881 said:
Have you thought that you might be a little out of touch with imagination? An alien being and environment is what makes the HL2 story interesting and complicated.
Nothing wrong with my imagination, and as I said earlier I have nothing against fighting aliens, but personally I just feel a bit lost when fighting them on their home turf ;)
Alright now lets see here. Headrcabs look like bugs...
That's about it... Maybe the Garg looks kinda lika a beetle. But that's it for Half-life.
The strider oh sure, definately, granted a real weird alien bug but it sure looks like a bug. Antlions... Well... They look like bugs of course.
Conclusion; There are bug-like creatures in HL and HL2, Xen don't look one iota to me like anything bug-like. I thought Xen a bit boring for the same reasons as someone said above. But the games still rocks! What's wrong with bugs in games?
L337_Assasain said:
...What does me not seeing the xen/bug simalarities have to do with this? Starship Troopers, now those were bugs, and yes there are going to be things that look like bugs in HL2 (antlions), yet I didn't see any in HL...
no hope with ppl like this...
Sorry, I posted that message for Freakalion, you seem to be good with all of this ;)
AJ Rimmer said:
What's wrong with bugs in games?
nthing if u like boring looking, annoying creatures that lunge as their primary attack...sometimes shoot a ball at ya...zzzzz...usually they r just weak intro enemies...they bore to death more then actually kill...
Freakaloin said:
nthing if u like boring looking, annoying creatures that lunge as their primary attack...sometimes shoot a ball at ya...zzzzz...usually they r just weak intro enemies...they bore to death more then actually kill...
Well you know what, that's your opinion, don't buy Half-life 2 and don't buy Starship troopers when it comes out and you can live happily ever after.
most pp l agree bugs suck in games generally speaking and most ppl didn't like xen...
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