killing combine


Oct 4, 2004
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has any one else noticed that in any movie of half life 2 or a bink video when gordan kills a combine soldier make a long bleeping noise like on a hospital machine whats that all about
i would also like any feedback on the combine in general, like why is barny whereing a combine uniform and who the fock are they

no major spoilers if they can be avioded

i really really cant wait till it come out ya.
:smoking: Word has it, its their cell phones seem to ALWAYS take the final, killing bullet. After such, a odd sound is emited from their bodies, explaining the question at hand quite logically.

Of course, i could be wrong
its obvious why barney is wearing a combine uniform, ill let you figure it out i dont want to be one to post spoilers.

the sound you have heard when combine hit the dirt and die is their radio i think, it might be some life support thing im not 100%, but it sounds like their coms system.
I noticed the same thing, but I assume it was just an extra effect added to the videos? Maybe I'm wrong, but I find it hard to believe that Valve would design a noise-alert system to allow you to know you've killed your target, especially with the realism regarding death animations...
It has been speculated before that its a life support system thingie like FthrJACK says, maybe using the same technology as the HEV suit.
It's the exact same thing that happens to the player when he dies.
its to allert other combine soldier's
so basicly gordon can't go stealth unless he does't kill them.
I think the combine suit has a life support system in it, another reason why they wear it. Protection and healing. What more can you ask for?
Oh yeah, and it looks and sounds dang cool :D
It's PROBALLY just your ears ringin from blowing them up...unless it makes the sound in combine killing scenes other than the rocket kill and nade kill.
The title of this thread is 0.5% misleading cause the yawning smile made me think you didnt like killing combine but nvm

The Combine suit is probably like the HEV suit, when you die it has that hospital sound
Danimal said:
The Combine suit is probably like the HEV suit, when you die it has that hospital sound

The point of a hospital is that you don't have to hear that sound. (flatline) :thumbs:
Yes but City17 woudnt have hospitals for citizens...

City17 kinda reminds me of school. No escape till there is a hero

[Mentalrock]Oh the memories[/Mentalrock]