Killzone 2 - who got it?


Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
Rented it for a week. Done about 5 levels so far, playing on veteran.

Godamn is the game goodlooking. Best looking character models I've seen.
The lighting is also tops. Great death animations/ragdolls. Most impressive looking FPS I've played. Sometimes I can't even believe this is running on a current gen console.

On the negative side is that it is just hard to get used to playing FPS with the sixaxis. Using 'alternate 2' mapping atm. Also the usual checkpoint annoyances. I've died alot and it gets frustrating. Hate having to save your buddies all the time.

Still, it's been thoroughly enjoable so far.
Minor quibble. I just find it odd that you can save your squadmates but they don't return the favour :x

The checkpoint irk is just coz I keep getting killed and hate restarting.
I did but I just got in so I haven't tried it yet.
Controls are a little sluggish, but you get used to them pretty quick.

Its an awesome game, addictive cod 4-style multiplayer that seems to flow alot better (if you can get a server, which is a problem that will sort itself out over time as always), and the singleplayer is quite engaging, even if it lacks a little enemy variation. But damn the weapons are cool.

And easily one of the best looking games ever made. Its a technicalogical hammerblow to things on the PC.
I bought it, played half a level then jumped online. within 20 mins i was fraggin left and right. Its also fun to join a squad, and apparently flanking people is almost too easy. i went behind enemy lines and got so many kills. everyone in multiplayer are drawn into these tiny little areas and i hope people know how to avoid encounters like that.

also the controls take a little getting used to but you get the hang of it too. You can also listen to your own music in game which is nice. graphics are unbelievable and everything about this game is much better than the 1st
I have not gotten it yet. I am waiting for my Asian copy of Demon's Souls to arrive from PlayAsia and that was close to $70 right there. I also want to get Street Fighter 4 but who knows where the money will come from??

If you guys keep talking it up I may have to break down and just get it already!!
Just got off playing the first level. I spent a lot of time saying "This is awesome!" to my Dad, who was watching. The cover system is incredible, why this hasn't been implemented in other FPSs till now I will never know. It's real intense too, a rocket came straight towards my face and I ducked IRL. Love it from what I've seen, can't wait to try the multiplayer.
Played the demo. While it looks very good, I couldnt stand the controls. Also, this is just me but I'm way over the typical FPS mission objectives. "Cover me while I hack this door". Meh.
Watching my buddy play it online atm, looks pretty ****ing awesome. But it does seem like the controller lag will be a big problem.
Its to add 'gravity and weight' to the game, which is fancy talk for lag I guess.

But you honestly do get used to it.
I had a go on the demo and well, I just hated the ps3 pad and found it a nightmare to play. My fingers keped slipping off the triggers and my thumbs keped knocking together when I put both the sticks inwards. I found I was to busy getting frustrated at that to get into the game :(
Controls are irksome alright.

Example using ALT 2 mapping: L2(stay up against cover) + Left analogue stick(to edge out/peak) + L1(iron sights) + Right analogue(aim gun) + R1(fire gun) = death to Helghans.

Why the cover toggle wasn't included in SP is beyond me. My finger gets sore constantly holding it when staying in cover.

Other peeves:
- God i hate my squadmates and their chatter. Rico has such an annoying voice. Please die.
- Rezzing your squadmates, why the fook can't they do it for me (I have no idea why they didn't include this either)
- and the other FPS fare: A.i running infront of you, punishing higher difficulty(RPGs inside FFS)

Still lovin' it though :D
This game is amazing!!! Best Fps so far. Controls are fine to me , has the feel like your actually holding a gun. Just finished the bridg part freaking insane. I would buy a PS3 just for this game its really great Fun. Only thing that bothers me is that there is no Gore :( that would have been the cherry on top.
Why does gore even matter?

The controls don't bother me, I just turn sensitivity all the way up and they feel fine.
and what about the insane amount of blood spray?? its not gears of war but its still realistic. also the game makes you feel like your a tank but you can also get hit a lot and move around more than lets say Call of Duty. played about 3? hrs online and it was a blast. one thing i have a gripe about is not being able to join a friends game on their side. but thats where the auto balance comes into play. in almost every match, even if our team was losing, you still had a chance of a comeback or at least racking up a lot of kills.

Also this desert map was insanely huge and for it being a console FPS, imo looked even better than Crysis in terms of frame rate, realism, amount of blood, and i didn't have to worry about the machine i was running. i even had my own music running (a paul oakenfold song that was over 100mb) and everything was going very well. if i did this on the 360 and sent a message i'd be waiting a year for it to send. also i experienced only 1 lag spike, which is making me question why i still have gears of war 2 sitting in my room collecting dust.
I got it, only played for about 10 mins so far.
Alternate 1 works well for me
Game is ****ing awesome. Currently on third level and am thoroughly impressed. Looking forward to playing online once I beat SP.

I'm using Alternate 2 and playing on Veteran. Not too challenging so far but definitely forces you to play conservatively.
Got it today.

Singleplayer is kinda cool so far, but a little repetitive. I find it easiest not to fight the controls and stick with standard. I'm used to it now and it feels pretty solid.

Multiplayer is pretty kickass. The floaty feel is gone and it's a ton of fun. Progression is a bit slow, but there's a LOT to work for :D
just got the medic badge! fun game online but if you miss a day of action, its hard to keep up. everyone is setting up turrets
Bought it day 1 up to chapter 4 i think. Great shit so far, cant wait to play again! Love the feel of the game.
I dont think ive stopped moving and just looked around in any other game as much as I have in this one.

Its just so damn beautiful.
Finished the SP last night, under 9 hours completion time. Ending was another 'this is just the beginning hurhur' type. Still, a very solid, enjoyable campaign. Meticulously paced, some review referred to it as akin to COD sci-fi which wouldn't be fair off.

The final few levels really gave you a feeling of a final push against the enemy. Again, the graphics and attention to detail are sublime. Getting up close to a Helghan soldier and unloading into them, seeing the shadows created by the muzzle-flash coupled with the blood that spurts from the enemy is one of the coolest visual things I've seen in a shooter. Also best blood-pools ever.

MP looks like a tonne of fun.
the graphics are indeed crazy-good, the sandstorm-ish level in particular made my balls ache - and at the same time made me look with something bordering on contempt for fallout 3's fantastic vistas. i also really like the Aliens LV-426 style architecture under stormy skies that you get on some levels... but, and theres always a but... the controls; its like a cross between call of duty 4 and the drunk mini-game/sections of GTA4. Unfortunately nothing can be done to rectify that with the sensitivity option (in my opinion), as the sticks have a deadzone.

multiplayer is ok, but again the nice weighty feel (that works fine in SP because you can use cover) really hampers a MP mode that feels like it wouldve been better suited to 'lighter' controls. the balance between weapons and maps is brilliant, the length of development time really shows.
woh, triple post madness.

I hear the controls in the finished game aren't as laggy (or as 'realistically weighty' ;)) as they are in the demo. Can anyone confirm this?
woh, triple post madness.

I hear the controls in the finished game aren't as laggy (or as 'realistically weighty' ;)) as they are in the demo. Can anyone confirm this?

yeah dont know what happened there, web-broswer insanity, ive already reported myself for spamming so hopefully mods can clear it up in a second for me :) (unless theres a delete post thing i dont know about?)

..and the controls are identical to the demo. apparently guerilla are "looking into it" but nothing will change because its just how theyve chosen to make the game feel. it would be embarrassing to then release a patch to change the way youve purposefully decided to make the game feel and play.
I don't understand the complaints about the controls. I turned the sensitivity up a few notches, which I do in all console shooters, and they feel perfect. The only time they became cumbersome is when you try to use the sniper rifle in cover, as toggling the zoom requires you to let go of the left stick which will lower you back into cover again. I had to resort to doing the usual manual ducking behind cover, which felt clunky after being accustomed to the excellent cover system.
I don't understand the complaints about the controls. I turned the sensitivity up a few notches, which I do in all console shooters, and they feel perfect. The only time they became cumbersome is when you try to use the sniper rifle in cover, as toggling the zoom requires you to let go of the left stick which will lower you back into cover again. I had to resort to doing the usual manual ducking behind cover, which felt clunky after being accustomed to the excellent cover system.

i'm assuming you never played Call of Duty on a console before. Most gamers would agree with me that those settings are the best
so its worth it?

I dont have much money and less time so I havent bought games in a while so I am waiting to see if a very good game comes that worth it

and killzone 2 dont look so worthy to me imo though I liked the demo
Is the demo a god indication of how the full game plays? I'm still tempted to give this ago despite hating the controls. Maybe a rental - is it a long game?
I am the only one that didnt have problem whit the controls?

yes it feels laggy but it does well its "function" of making the weapons feel heavy and stuff like that
Is the demo a god indication of how the full game plays? I'm still tempted to give this ago despite hating the controls. Maybe a rental - is it a long game?

Rent it. I rented it Friday, finished it late enough last night. 9 hours gametime.
is say its a rental really as i completed it in just under 7 hours on medium - i only bought it because id like to actually own some games for my PS3 instead of constantly buying things for my 360. its a great showcase for the console but not exactly bursting with replayability, the multiplayer as i said isnt mindblowing - as sick as i am of saying it CoD4 is the benchmark for console shooters and multiplayer fps.
****ing awesome game. Controls really take a while to tweak though, default is ****.

But long story behind this game over the past few days. My 160GB PS3 broke just yesterday (so I haven't even been here till now).

Cos the 160GB was a limited edition that isn't made anymore in the UK they gave me the value of it on instore credit at gamestation for an 80GB and extra games. So I got an 80GB PS3, killzone 2, SF4 and about another 60 quid on instore credit.

But yeah seriously the game is so ****ing good and looks amazing! :D