kinect creator: hardly anyone plays first person shooters on pc anymore

I think his reasoning is that consoles have made FPS a much larger market, & a minority of the market is the ACTUAL platform for shooters, which is PC.

It's a dick way of saying, but he's still right. Compare how many people still play shooters on PC with how many douchebags play Call of Duty on their Xbox.
I think his reasoning is that consoles have made FPS a much larger market, & a minority of the market is the ACTUAL platform for shooters, which is PC.

It's a dick way of saying, but he's still right. Compare how many people still play shooters on PC with how many douchebags play Call of Duty on their Xbox.
69,330 - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Multiplayer
65,378 - Counter-Strike
67,641 - Counter-Strike: Source
14,736 - Team Fortress 2

These are the figures for the peak number of people playing those games today. That's not the amount of people who were playing today. That's that amount of people who were playing today at once. PC FPSs seem pretty healthy to me.
The humour potential in inevitability isn't always high.
To be fair, you are going to make more money from the console market due to it being harder to pirate games (its not impossible, just more difficult) than on the pc.

It's not that difficult to pirate console games anyone. The Wii for example only requires you to install a few files of an SD card to enable homebrew and a game loader then you simply play the games of an extrenal hard drive. Takes 5 minitues. The PS3 is even easier now with the PSjailbreak where you simply insert a USB stick at start up to enable use of pirate games. Right now i wouldn't say it's harder to pirate PC games anymore.
love_nutz said:
To be fair, you are going to make more money from the console market due to it being harder to pirate games (its not impossible, just more difficult) than on the pc

this is an oversimplification of a complex issue

pc game developers dont have pay a licensing fee or worry about the used game market. console developers do. if developers have moved to consoles as their development platform of choice it's due to other factors besides the single issue of piracy
this is an oversimplification of a complex issue

pc game developers dont have pay a licensing fee or worry about the used game market. console developers do. if developers have moved to consoles as their development platform of choice it's due to other factors besides the single issue of piracy

Aside from that, the console game market is plagued with resales. Resales don't give a dime to the developer or the publisher or really anyone involved with the game. That's why EA started that whole "buy your multiplayer if it's a resale" thing. But I'm not sure if it will have the effect it intended. People have just started to relaize that if you're willing to wait a month or two on the newest titles you can buy them used for 10-50% less most of the time. It's no wonder people are spending millions of dollars to advertise big games so people want them on release day instead of pre-owned. Pre owned PC games all but gone with the DRM world coming along like it is. Steam and all...
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