King Kong Movie Thread


Sep 1, 2003
Reaction score
Three minutes of King Kong vs. T-Rex 'production' footage:

Four minute NBC Preview showing King Kong and Ann (Naomi Watts):


James Newton Howard's King Kong soundtrack clips

Daily Mail Review:

And he has made a picture I can only describe as jaw-droppingly brilliant: the most entertaining blockbuster movie this year. for more production footage.
Wow, that 3 mins of T-rex footage looks awesome. Can't wait for this to come. 15th in UK.
Isn't it on for like 3 hours?
It looks amazing.
Looking forward to it.
This film is going to be so ****ing uber-****ing ****-defying super-****ing-amazing awesome ****.
Sulkdodds said:
This film is going to be so ****ing uber-****ing ****-defying super-****ing-amazing awesome ****.

psst, i heard the censor po-lice were lookin for ya ;)
hehe anyway very well put..should be awesome!!! :thumbs:
I was worried that this would be Jackson's downfall- being just another big budget epic, but it seems like he's pulled it off from what ive seen.

This is going to destroy Narnia at the box office- probably not Harry Potter (sadly) but im predicting Narnia to flop.
I was worried that this would be Jackson's downfall- being just another big budget epic, but it seems like he's pulled it off from what ive seen.

This is going to destroy Narnia at the box office- probably not Harry Potter (sadly) but im predicting Narnia to flop.
Narnia should be a cool movie though. I just wish theyd've released it either earlier or afer King Kong. Now that Jackson has a godlike reputation as a director it'd be suicide to release Narnia the same time as King Kong.

But back on King Kong, from what I've heard people expected it to be a letdown but it was just the opposite, I'm hoping it's just not people saying that because they're hyped though.
I don't know why anyone would expect it to be a flop.

(Awesome will be represented by 'A')

Gorrillas + [size=huge] = A
Dinosaurs = A
Explorers + guns + jungle island = A(2A)
New York = A/2
Jack Black = A
'Movie-about-people-making-a-movie' postermodernism = A/2
Huge gorilla + Dinosaurs + Explorers with guns + Jungle island + New York + Postmodernism + Jack Black =
4A + A(2A) =
4A/A + 2A =
4 + 2A =
2A + 4 =
thats some dodgy arithmetic methinks :D but hey it works for me
this on the other hand is flawless
Well actually talking about the movie :p

I saw it earlier today (Wednesday really) and I liked it a lot.

It began kinda slow. Things took a while to develop but once they were on the island past the annoying tribal people things got good and stayed that way.

The violence in this movie isn't exactly bloody...but it's quite graphic.

Violence Spoiler
Kong fights multiple T-rexes at once and owns them all. He beats the shit out of them and the final one...he breaks its jaw by practically ripping the rex's jaw apart, then smashing the top part of the jaw into its skull.

Many members of the human party that go aboard the island get crushed, stomped, thrown, swallowed, decapitated, chomped, etc. I expected some deaths but I was surprised by the amount of raw violence.

Later on Kong is searching for one particular woman he likes and begins to pick up every blond woman he sees. When he realizes they aren't the woman he's looking for, he tosses them away like trash (with a 25+ foot fall at least - presumably to severe injury or death). Not even Jurassic Park movies have this many people killed this carelessly.

That being said...I really enjoyed the realistic violence. Let me clarify because that probably doesn't come across right. I think the movie has realistic violence yet not overly done. There aren't blood and guts flying everywhere. Kong doesn't rip peoeple limb from limb (the same can't EXACTLY be said for the dinos) and there is a minimal amount of blood in the movie.

Anyways, apart from the great feel of the movie - I have to say they really made Kong a good character to follow. I REALLY felt for him through most of the movie. He's a creature that really grows on you as the movie goes on almost to the point of over-sympathy (as he does kill a lot of people but you still feel sorry for him).

Animation is superb throughout the film, it's quite long but I'd like to see it again.

My only complaints are a few segments that I feel could've been cut or shortened (mainly before the main cast gets to this mystery island).

I definitely recommend it.
It's out today! I want to get out and see it on Sunday. Cannae wait pet!
I saw it on the premiere! :D ****ING AWESOME FILM!

So long but so great.. Really builds up the mood like a good old adventure matine film. Great, great stuff.

And the ending. ;( ;(
Seeing it at 11:40am, tis 10:49 (matine shows: empty theater with no loud kids + no cellphones = teh win!)
great movie, great effects and acting ^^
but the film length bored me..
Great film! Not even too long imo. Perfect ending, and the T-Rex fight got me so pumped I felt like cheering for him.
this movie was worth the price of admission!! :thumbs:
great effects, very good acting, maybe it was a bit long but definitely worth every penny :D

my favorite parts:
the vines scene where the 2 (or was it 3?) T-rexes trying to snack on Anne :LOL:
another favorite scene was the lone T-rex vs Kong fight ;)
A review I did for a website, no spoilers, unless you don't know what happened in the original King Kong (and thus you must be a foetus)

Me said:
Go to the cinema this Christmas and you have the option of two journeys, both of which will take you to another world; one leads you through a wardrobe and to a lion, the other carries you into the path of a giant ape. I decided to take a walk on the wild side and travel back in time to 1930’s New York.

King Kong is arguably one of the most famous films of all times, pioneering the integration of actors and animations, and because of this we all know the outcome before we enter the cinema. During Titanic we were all waiting for a certain iceberg and a ship to decorate the ocean floor, now, the appearance of an enormous primate and a show-down atop the Empire State Building are what we want to see, albeit in 21st century quality. The audience gets what it expects, it would be a very poor remake if it didn’t, but a whole load of other treats are thrown in for free.

The basic premise of King Kong is a film producer (Jack Black) takes an unknown actress (Naomi Watts), a playwright (Adrien Brody) and a ship (with crew) to an uncharted island, an island which will be the breathtaking backdrop for the film Black has planned. This just about sums up the first hour of the film; it was used more for character development rather than plot advancement, most notably of the former the romance between Watts and Brody begins to blossom. When watching it seemed to drag on a little bit too long but it set the rest of the film up perfectly and gave you just the right level of insight into the way each character behaves.

When they arrive at Skull Island the group encounter the natives, all of which have quite scary appearances; leathery and wrinkled old women, pierced men, vacantly-staring children, and they are attacked in quite a brutal fashion. There was a fair amount of choppy, slow-motion camera work during this sequence which didn’t seem to be very prominent in any other part of the picture and I felt it took a little bit away from it. Thankfully the rest of the film was produced to an exceedingly high standard.

Watts is taken by the natives to offer as a sacrifice to a beast on the island that we can only so far recognise by its roars. In case you couldn’t guess, it’s Kong, and it seems he has a thing for blondes. The great ape himself is an incredible site; his hair looks thick, his skin bears the scars of previous battles, his eyes can inflict fear into anyone that meets his gaze and for most of the film, Kong is alive. He isn’t though, even for a second. The guys at Weta Digital, founded by director Peter Jackson, have done an amazing job in taking the actions of Andy Serkis (a.k.a. Gollum) and attaching them to a fantastically believable gorilla. I don’t know whether it was the evolutionary background we share with primates or the quality of the CG work, but when I looked into Kong’s eyes I felt like he was living and that he was conscious of the world around him.

Not only did Weta create a colossal gorilla, they made Skull Island and 1930’s New York come alive. The island inhabited by Kong is also home to dinosaurs and a variety of over-sized insects and other creatures and elaborate CG sequences are played out with them; the battle between Kong and Tyrannosaurus rex-esque dinosaurs is full of frantic and quite gruesome action and it is hard to believe that it was all created by someone – it seems so natural (if that’s the right word to describe a punch-up between a gorilla and a dinosaur) and very rarely is the illusion broken.

The affection Kong has for Watts is very obvious, protecting her from dinosaurs and not wanting anyone to take her away from him. Watts does an excellent job of showing the changing feelings she has towards the gorilla, starting with fear, then anger, affection and culminating in genuine sadness. It wouldn’t be easy to act in front of a 25-foot gorilla, but it must be even harder without it there and having nothing to get passionate about. The inevitable ending was incredibly sad, even though I knew it was coming I felt a lump in my throat as the tower of hair slipped off the tower of steel. It was Watts’ acting and Kong’s excellently-generated face which made the whole thing real and full of emotion.

A number of people were sniffing in the audience prior to the credits rolling, a sign that Jackson has successfully completed his quest in remaking the story which brought him to tears as a nine-year-old. It’s a film that is definitely worth watching, even more so at the cinema as the bellowing roar of Kong and the scale of him would be hard to recreate at home. Remember to take a tissue though; you’ll get attached to the big guy
Good film, but i think Peter Jackson needs to work on his pacing, big time. Perhaps a little too over-dramatic. Still he was cool, i'd liked him but i didn't really care when he died. And what really shitted me was that Peter Jackson does not know how to stir up suspense anymore. For example












That was ****ing lame and so amatuerish it shitted me up the wall. And the slow-motion that goes with it, which he also overuses, shits me as well. Bah. I'm not saying he's a bad director but he seriously needs to ditch those techniques in favour of something else otherwise he's gonna get chastised for it, and how.
Yeah Sparta I totally agree, it's too bad that you really have to forget moment like these to enjoy the movie at its best, because they look really amateurish in such a professional looking picture.

Also, I want some HD Cinema :frown:. THere are so many moments where I was thinking: "Sharper picture, please!"
I thought the movie was awesome. And although there was quite a large element of pastiche/homage to old films and their melodrama (ie, black guy who constantly says stupid stuff like 'no, jimmy - it's not about bravery' and Jack Black who's just so completely in love with his own bullshit that all his lines are ridiculous movie-type lines) it was sometimes taken a little bit too far. S K U L L etc.
Hehe, saw it tonight on the movies. Awesome movie, and its actually the first movie where i cant see what is CG made and what is not. The actors looked just as much CG made as the monkey and the other stuff. Something that i wasnt too happy about was the ending, we've all seen The Lost World and Godzilla so we kinda knew how it would end hehe :D
Then you never saw any bullet holes on humans, dinos or Kong which was quite bad. If you would have seen kong bleed it'd bring more emotional feelings =>

But great movie 9/10 =D
Sparta said:
Good film, but i think Peter Jackson needs to work on his pacing, big time. Perhaps a little too over-dramatic. Still he was cool, i'd liked him but i didn't really care when he died. And what really shitted me was that Peter Jackson does not know how to stir up suspense anymore. For example












That was ****ing lame and so amatuerish it shitted me up the wall. And the slow-motion that goes with it, which he also overuses, shits me as well. Bah. I'm not saying he's a bad director but he seriously needs to ditch those techniques in favour of something else otherwise he's gonna get chastised for it, and how.

Puhh I liked the slow-mo effects, everything felt 30ish :D
The T-Rex fight was sooo tight. I loved the movie. It was cool how they added a little goofyness to Kong.

The insect and worm scenes were awesome.
Gonna see it in T- 3 Hours 14 Minutes.
Saw it yesterday, relaly cool movie. GG Mr Jackson..
Garfield_ said:
Hehe, saw it tonight on the movies. Awesome movie, and its actually the first movie where i cant see what is CG made and what is not. The actors looked just as much CG made as the monkey and the other stuff. Something that i wasnt too happy about was the ending, we've all seen The Lost World and Godzilla so we kinda knew how it would end hehe :D
Then you never saw any bullet holes on humans, dinos or Kong which was quite bad. If you would have seen kong bleed it'd bring more emotional feelings =>

But great movie 9/10 =D

They do that to keep it PG-13 = more movie goers..
You saw bullet holes in Kong, he even poked at one and saw blood.
And the ending was nailed imo.
Yeah, it was quite impressive how a sequence with a giant ape versus a load of planes, on top of a building, with nowhere to go, was actually made to be a really amazing and tense scene.
Just saw the movie and it was the best i've seen in a long time. I just have one question; what happened up till they loaded the boat at the beginning? I walked in 15 minutes late. :(
Uh, the girl lost her job, the director found her, hired her.

I saw it yesterday and I think it was very interesting, although the dialogue were somewhat awkward at some points. And the S-K-U-L-L *slowdown* thingy was annoying a bit. And I wonder how they managed to get Kong to New York from Oversized Island? Also, too few military forces!

So, 9.5/10.