King Kong Movie Thread

Saw it, and loved it. Including the "Skull Island" type goofiness - it keeps the movie planted firmly in the whole 1930s adventure flick roots.
I so want to watch this :p Didn't know about it was released until I saw the ads for it in the tube in london.
I saw it again :).

The second time around I concentrated on totally different scenes. My fav is still the V-rex fight, and once I get the DVD I'm gonna watch that scene so much :D. But the second time around I got teary eyed at the capture and the ice scene. ;(

I just saw this. It was a pretty average movie.

Some people are going on about the great acting... errr... what acting? It's a non-stop action movie where hardly anyone says more than 2 sentences back to back. The writer and Ann's relationship is about as thin as my toilet paper. "Oh, that guy's a writer that I like", "Oh, she's good looking", "Lets become a couple even though we barely say 2 sentences to each other in the entire movie." Give me a break.

There were loads of annoyingly stupid parts aswell. Like in NY when Kong catches the yellow cab, then all of a sudden Ann just happens to show up in the middle of the road, her hair blowing in the wind.

None of the characters even discuss anything. They get chased by dinosaurs, then when they're in the clear recovering from their wounds, not one peep like "Why the **** are there dinosaurs on this island?"

6.5/10 - good portfolio piece for Weta. I don't see how anyone could rate this movie anywhere near a 9. If you do then you've not seen enough movies. Jurassic Park was better than this.

EDIT: Just found this on IMDB. It lists some things that were in the original 1996 script. - some of them would've made the movie a lot cooler.
StardogChampion said:

I just saw this. It was a pretty average movie.

Some people are going on about the great acting... errr... what acting? It's a non-stop action movie where hardly anyone says more than 2 sentences back to back. The writer and Ann's relationship is about as thin as my toilet paper. "Oh, that guy's a writer that I like", "Oh, she's good looking", "Lets become a couple even though we barely say 2 sentences to each other in the entire movie." Give me a break.

There were loads of annoyingly stupid parts aswell. Like in NY when Kong catches the yellow cab, then all of a sudden Ann just happens to show up in the middle of the road, her hair blowing in the wind.

None of the characters even discuss anything. They get chased by dinosaurs, then when they're in the clear recovering from their wounds, not one peep like "Why the **** are there dinosaurs on this island?"

6.5/10 - good portfolio piece for Weta. I don't see how anyone could rate this movie anywhere near a 9. If you do then you've not seen enough movies. Jurassic Park was better than this.

EDIT: Just found this on IMDB. It lists some things that were in the original 1996 script. - some of them would've made the movie a lot cooler.

Thank you for being one of the only ones to actually notice these things. The only thing i disagree with you on, is the dinosaur part. If i'm seeing a movie about a 50 gorilla, i dont think dinosaurs really stretch it at all.

And to those who said the "skull island" thing that i mentioned keeps the movie in its 1930's goofyness, watch a LOTR movie again and count how many times he uses that dodgy slow-mo zoom shot that i was mentioning. I dont think Peter Jackson was trying to keep it in the 1930's, i think he was actually trying to intimidate the audience with those shots, and failing miserably
StardogChampion said:
I don't see how anyone could rate this movie anywhere near a 9. If you do then you've not seen enough movies. Jurassic Park was better than this.

Oh snap, a difference of opinion!
Just saw this, was well good i thought, and even though i knew he was gonna die and i knew he wasn't real i STILL felt a bit sorry for him come the end. Hmm

Also noticed a couple of bits that had been changed from the trailer and preview clips, notably the one where they get to the island and Jack Black instructs Naomi Watts to "Scream Ann, Scream for your life!", which she does and then they hear kong roaring in the background. I think replacing Kong's entrance with that uber creepy natives-who-look-like-they're-high execution scene was a good move.

Overall great film, very very enjoyable, well done Peter Jackson. Again.
i didn't really get into it the first time i saw it, but i saw it again last night and it was great. i guess it was because the first time i was really tired from a horribly long week of school and i wasn't really paying attention. anyway it was very entertaining, it really didn't seem that long at all. best movie i've seen in a while. 8/10
Saw it last night, and was blown away.

Took waaaaaaaaaay too long to get to the Island, but after that it was a pure adrenaline rush the entire time.
StardogChampion said:

I just saw this. It was a pretty average movie.

Some people are going on about the great acting... errr... what acting? It's a non-stop action movie where hardly anyone says more than 2 sentences back to back. The writer and Ann's relationship is about as thin as my toilet paper. "Oh, that guy's a writer that I like", "Oh, she's good looking", "Lets become a couple even though we barely say 2 sentences to each other in the entire movie." Give me a break.

There were loads of annoyingly stupid parts aswell. Like in NY when Kong catches the yellow cab, then all of a sudden Ann just happens to show up in the middle of the road, her hair blowing in the wind.

None of the characters even discuss anything. They get chased by dinosaurs, then when they're in the clear recovering from their wounds, not one peep like "Why the **** are there dinosaurs on this island?"

6.5/10 - good portfolio piece for Weta. I don't see how anyone could rate this movie anywhere near a 9. If you do then you've not seen enough movies. Jurassic Park was better than this.

EDIT: Just found this on IMDB. It lists some things that were in the original 1996 script. - some of them would've made the movie a lot cooler.
Completely agree.

The worst thing about it was how long it was. Way too f*cking, f*cking long. I was sooo bored. And the stupid scene with the insects? What the f*ck?

Also, Jurassic Park is a great flick, of course it was better... :p
Slow start, couldn't care less for the Jimmy/Hayes relationship, and some silly melodrama. But otherwise, WEEEEEE. :D
There were two parts that I really would've liked them to explain a bit more. 1. Where did Jimmy come from? 2. How did Carl get hold of the map?

Overall, a great move, the effects were suberb.

There were more deaths than I expected. 17 on Skull Island, hundreds in New York (he must've killed at least 50 people in that theater alone)
I dunno if anyone has mentioned this anywhere, but the slimy pink things in the swamp area were just like barnacles. True story.
Watched King Kong yesterday, it was okay at most. I was expecting a lot more from the movie, it felt like an average popcorn flick. The CGI varied throughout the movie; ace in some parts and laughable in other. The score was good, but nothing memorable or worth purchasing. I personally thought the ice scene was just too cheesy. I would have liked more of an epic battle on ground before Kong climbs the Empire State building.

The casting was pretty good, haven't seen Colin Hanks in much movies except Orange County. For me, Naomi Watts stood out from all of them. I have a soft spot for her since Mulholland Dr. :p

Overall: 6.5/10.

Overrated IMO.
The natives were terrifying... their eyes and the way they were sort of having spasms :(
I dunno if anyone has mentioned this anywhere, but the slimy pink things in the swamp area were just like barnacles. True story.
Yes! I thought that when I watched 'em, I said to myself "Where have I seen this before".

Though the leeches were much much creepier.

Speaking of movies borrowing stuff from Half Life 2:
War Of The Worlds.

Now I know what you're saying "they were based off of tripods in the book".
But did the ones in the book make that trumpet call? They were very strider-ish, nothing like I imagined the ones in the book.
MiccyNarc said:
But did the ones in the book make that trumpet call?


Or something.
Saw it earlier, great film. The insect scene made me shiver but was pretty awesome all the same.

When that old seaman guy was climbing up the rocks and that claw just came out of the hole, grabbed him by the waist and pulled him into the hole was awesome. Reminded me of the security guard that gets pulled into the air vent in Half Life 1 at the checkpoint place before Blast Pit. I love stuff like that.

Reminded me quite a bit of LOTR in places, like the pan out shots of the wall and the gate, and when that bloke was climbing through the bat cave to get to Anne - reminded me of the climb Frodo, Sam and Gollum (sp) do to reach Shelob's cave, but that was only a minor thing.

I didn't care on how long it was either, 'cause it doesn't bother me in the slightest. I've no got anything else to do when I get home, so the more film the better. More for my money.. or whatever the saying is.
I thought it was a really good film! I no wotcha mean about LOTRS, reminded me a lil bit in some places bt then the director was peter jackson so i guess u kinda expect tht, bt yeh was an ace film! Though i really did not like tht bug section, those sucker bugs tht popped out were actually disgusting n all the other fat insects...yucky :eek:! ahhh and the natives looking like zombies, just had to laugh at them overall rele gd film n i recommend :D!
I was slightly annoyed that Peter Jackson used some of the same effects as in the LOTR films. You know? Slowing down time... flashing effects... weirdo chanting in the background... it was a good movie, but that realyl annoyed me. Even more than Jack Black annoys me. He really overacts, that cocky bastard. Still well cast though.
yeah i just watched it again. someone should make a ytmnd with side by sides of shot for shot sequences in both movies. e.g ann/aragorn walking in slow motion looking over their shoulder at someone in the foreground with a suspicious/concerned look on their face. some of the crane shots over skull island would probably match up perfectly with shots over mordor too.
I liked it, but I found a few... inconsistencies, I guess.
in king kong's cave on the island, where all the bats were living, wouldn't everything be covered in guano? especiall if the bats weer that huge :S
also, any of the times where kong is holding the chick, whassername, anna? he breathes on her but her hair goes nowhere. Also, they didn't say anything about where carl got the name kong from. I assume it was from the old woman chanting, but they didn't make it apparent at all.

also, I agree with whoever said the effects were awesome in some parts, but worse in others. I definitely noticed it :(
also, 15 slow mo shots :p
It was wonderfully done I must say, had me in tears most of the time. He shows alot of passion and brings a strong homage to the original king kong movie and what it was all about.

PoeticRocker said:
It was wonderfully done I must say, had me in tears most of the time. He shows alot of passion and brings a strong homage to the original king kong movie and what it was all about.


Agreed. 8.5/10
I watched this movie in california.

I enjoyed it, but there were some things that bothered me.

One in particular was how roughly Anne(that her name?) was thrown and thrashed around as king kong was running all the time.

Wouldn't she have broken her neck/back or suffered lethal injury from something multiple times?