Kirk Cameron to give away 50,000 copies of edited ver of Darwin's OoS to universities


May 5, 2004
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Kirk Cameron, best known for his role in the 1980s sitcom Growing Pains, now spends much of his time advocating for far-right Christian evangelical causes.

In a video posted recently to YouTube, Cameron lays out a plan to subvert 'Darwin Day' on November 22, 2009 -- a date marking the 150th anniversary of the publishing of Charles Darwin's "Origin of Species." Cameron says that he and like-minded activists plan to deliver 50,000 copies of an altered version of Darwin's book to students at dozens of U.S. universities.

for those of you who dont like reading (stupid words) here's a cute chick talking about Kirk Cameron

the original Cameron fighting Darwin day video
Oh god.

Didn't know this guy was a a religious zealot.

"Despite Cameron's many arrests for acts of indecency with children (one arrest centered around an incident prominently featuring a banana)"

Is this line I read on wikipedia true?
I liked the video of the woman. Cute and intelligent. I like the accent too.

It would be quite hilarious to be able to accept one of the copies of the books, and rip out the fifty page introduction along with camera rolling to see the reactions on the faces of the people passing them out. Fire could be involved somehow, lighting those pages... but might pose a relatively insignificant but still present danger of burning paper fluttering about.

EDIT: OH GOD. I remember that banana video.

so is the same thing just whit added things like "god say to animals "evolve now bitch" and created more animals" and "hitler was darwin number 1 fan,all fans of darwing are fans of hitlers,they love hitler" and "einstein discovered the theory of relativity when he browsed the bible"and stuff like that?
it's an edited version ..he probably edited out everything that contradicted his idiotic religion all that remains is the cover, contents page and liner notes
Kirk Cameron: "Hurf de durf there's no such thing as a crocaduck, therefore evolution is bunk and I'm a genious! Blaarrgg."
I'm sick of this shit. Why don't more people grow some balls and do something about this...anything. I put myself in that group as well, although I lack the ambition to start any type of petition.
Someone should do this with the God Delusion and hand them out to private religious schools.
Non-humans eat bananas from the other end.
I tried eating a banana the monkey way and it works so much better. It's like a whole new banana world. You begin without accidentally squishing the beginning of the banana when you attempt to tear it open, and you finish with a little handle to make eating the very last bit that much easier.

Oh yeah, atheism. Woo. Kirk Cameron is a pompous tunnel-vision prick :(. I don't pay attention to him.
Imma go hand out some bibles with a custom introduction.
Started reading the introduction and at first I thought it wasn't that bad, since it was just a short biography. But, very suddenly it devolved into retardation. Twas almost tricked ;(
Why Kirk, why? I can't stand douches like him. All this propaganda bullshit.

But I have to admit, in my younger years, I used to be a creationist...
*hangs head in shame*

But as the years went on, the arguments for creationism became more and more ludicrous, while evolution was offering more and more answers. So I ditched the creationist crap. I realized that believing in evolution does not negate ones faith in God. Yet this is lost on Kirk and his kind. By their logic, we're supposed to take Genesis literal and believe the earth was created in 6 days... yet Revelations, which is another book of the Bible overly analyzed by fundamentalists, we aren't suppose to take that literal. Rather, Revelations is highly symbolic of the "end times". So why can Revelations be symbolic about the end, but Genesis can't be symbolic about the beginning?
edit: and it really, really pisses me off when I hear the whole "Hitler believed in evolution" shtick... Hey, Kirk Douchleman, dont forget about all the great things done in the name of (Christian) God:

Crusades, witch trials, slavery/racial superiority, destruction of historical art and books, abortion clinic bombings, violence against women, violence against gays, Iraq War (since Bushy got the ok from the big guy)...
Why Kirk, why? I can't stand douches like him. All this propaganda bullshit.

But I have to admit, in my younger years, I used to be a creationist...
*hangs head in shame*

But as the years went on, the arguments for creationism became more and more ludicrous, while evolution was offering more and more answers. So I ditched the creationist crap. I realized that believing in evolution does not negate ones faith in God. Yet this is lost on Kirk and his kind. By their logic, we're supposed to take Genesis literal and believe the earth was created in 6 days... yet Revelations, which is another book of the Bible overly analyzed by fundamentalists, we aren't suppose to take that literal. Rather, Revelations is highly symbolic of the "end times". So why can Revelations be symbolic about the end, but Genesis can't be symbolic about the beginning?
edit: and it really, really pisses me off when I hear the whole "Hitler believed in evolution" shtick... Hey, Kirk Douchleman, dont forget about all the great things done in the name of (Christian) God:

Crusades, witch trials, slavery/racial superiority, destruction of historical art and books, abortion clinic bombings, violence against women, violence against gays, Iraq War (since Bushy got the ok from the big guy)...

i'm just asking...what other way there is to interpret "the earth was made in 6 days"?

is that x*6 days=4500000000 years (can't be bothered to open a calculator) or is that 6 billion where the extra 1.5 billion years God was on a picnic and couldn't be bothered.
i'm just asking...what other way there is to interpret "the earth was made in 6 days"?

Most who take it as an allegory look at it as describing 6 stages leading to the appearance of humans.
Because a day for god is probably really ****in long.
So Sheepo, you're saying that god is revolving around a star just like a planet?
So Sheepo, you're saying that god is revolving around a star just like a planet?
Technically he's just saying that god I rotating on an axis near a star. Since he's god he can probably manage this without orbiting it.
i'm just asking...what other way there is to interpret "the earth was made in 6 days"?

Um, well there are people who believe in 6days creation, with each day = thousands/millions years. But, at that point, shouldn't they just believe in evolution?

What I meant in my earlier post was that you can interrupt Genesis as either a literal telling of creation (wrong), or as just as a simple story/metaphor created for people who were living in a time with little understanding of science or the world.
Cool Video & she is smart & cute

* grabs next plane ticket to Romania :naughty:
Why Kirk, why? I can't stand douches like him. All this propaganda bullshit.

But I have to admit, in my younger years, I used to be a creationist...
*hangs head in shame*

But as the years went on, the arguments for creationism became more and more ludicrous, while evolution was offering more and more answers. So I ditched the creationist crap. I realized that believing in evolution does not negate ones faith in God. Yet this is lost on Kirk and his kind. By their logic, we're supposed to take Genesis literal and believe the earth was created in 6 days... yet Revelations, which is another book of the Bible overly analyzed by fundamentalists, we aren't suppose to take that literal. Rather, Revelations is highly symbolic of the "end times". So why can Revelations be symbolic about the end, but Genesis can't be symbolic about the beginning?
edit: and it really, really pisses me off when I hear the whole "Hitler believed in evolution" shtick... Hey, Kirk Douchleman, dont forget about all the great things done in the name of (Christian) God:

Crusades, witch trials, slavery/racial superiority, destruction of historical art and books, abortion clinic bombings, violence against women, violence against gays, Iraq War (since Bushy got the ok from the big guy)...

Good points. I totally agree. But you have to admit that there is a bias against Christianity in today's world. For all its faults the religion of Christianity has done great good in the world. Most of this anti-Christan feeling I think is left over guilt and fear of seeming intolerant... as a result we hypocritically become intolerant of Christianity. Why don't we hear about the Islamic warlords who built pyramids made of skulls, but not hear about how the bible was a major influence in the creation of the United States of America? It just seems a little unfair to me.
Good points. I totally agree. But you have to admit that there is a bias against Christianity in today's world. For all its faults the religion of Christianity has done great good in the world. Most of this anti-Christan feeling I think is left over guilt and fear of seeming intolerant... as a result we hypocritically become intolerant of Christianity. Why don't we hear about the Islamic warlords who built pyramids made of skulls, but not hear about how the bible was a major influence in the creation of the United States of America? It just seems a little unfair to me.
Every good thing that Christianity has done could be done better without Christianity. Love thy neighbour? Basic logic. Don't murder? Basic logic.
Every good thing that Christianity has done could be done better without Christianity. Love thy neighbour? Basic logic. Don't murder? Basic logic.

It's not neccessarily logic, but it's certainly basic aspects of human behaviour. It's easy to point to quotes in a holy book and say that they are the source of human morality, without realising that these quotes serve to illustrate human behaviour rather than dictate it.
And you think its a coincidence that the basic principles of a well ordered and peaceful society were first put down in religious texts? I'm not saying that these principles can't exist separate from religion but maybe there is a reason why these principles are first seen in religious texts. Also why do you think that there is a depiction of the Ten Commandments on the Supreme court building in Washington D.C?

I wouldn't say that they could be done better. The same yes, but religion has proven to have a much greater and longer lasting effect on society. People are more devoted to ideas of higher truths than earthly ones because everyone knows that this world will eventually end and they like to believe that there is something ture that will outlast them, the human race, and even the universe. Those are the facts. Neither is really wrong... but one has a greater impact. That's all.
You have to wonder... when the first bible writers were scribing the bible, and they came upon verses of morality, were they in the process of sin?

Like some dude murdering another dude up on Mount Sinai, and Moses comes down and he points his finger, "Hey! No! You can't do that anymore, that's wrong now!"

And the guy is all, "Sorry! I had no idea! I didn't know any better before you said what you did!" as he lets the fresh corpse slump to the ground.
Less of an attack on the theory of evolution via natural selection and more taking a mighty dump on Charles Darwin's grave, then urinating on the headstone.

Ridiculous. There should be some kind of protection from completely illogical and insane people being allowed to freely deface an iconic book. It smacks of desperation, to the degree that just saying evolution is bullshit doesn't seem to be getting through...they now need to target the source. Oooooh.

Someone diagnosed with insanity can't get authority to do something like this, yet blind die-hard Christians are able to? Defacing and undermining a man's life work? Doesn't sound very Christian and loving to me.

I know the faith does great things throughout the world in supporting people, but this is the very opposite. This really needs to stop, it has already gone beyond hysterical madness.
A prologue consisting mainly of ad hominem attacks and satisfying Godwin's Law. Stay classy, Creationists.
You have to wonder... when the first bible writers were scribing the bible, and they came upon verses of morality, were they in the process of sin?

Like some dude murdering another dude up on Mount Sinai, and Moses comes down and he points his finger, "Hey! No! You can't do that anymore, that's wrong now!"

And the guy is all, "Sorry! I had no idea! I didn't know any better before you said what you did!" as he lets the fresh corpse slump to the ground.

That's not what I'm saying at all. Most morals are basically, ignoring any higher ideals, rules that allow humans to live in large communities together. These developed from expirience.

What I AM saying is that when these morals are integrated into religion their longevity and impact are greater. Religions out live nations and cultures and influence more people. It just that simple.

I don't think its a coincidence that the morals, rules, and ideas that allow humans to live together in relative peace are also believed to be from a higher moral power.

so don't put words in my mouth.
Less of an attack on the theory of evolution via natural selection and more taking a mighty dump on Charles Darwin's grave, then urinating on the headstone.

Ridiculous. There should be some kind of protection from completely illogical and insane people being allowed to freely deface an iconic book. It smacks of desperation, to the degree that just saying evolution is bullshit doesn't seem to be getting through...they now need to target the source. Oooooh.

Someone diagnosed with insanity can't get authority to do something like this, yet blind die-hard Christians are able to? Defacing and undermining a man's life work? Doesn't sound very Christian and loving to me.

I know the faith does great things throughout the world in supporting people, but this is the very opposite. This really needs to stop, it has already gone beyond hysterical madness.

I can't say that they should just shut up... freedom of speech and all, but I would like for them to have some respect for the theory of evolution. Its not out to destroy their faith. Its just trying to figure out how we got to where we are. Science should be impartial and care only about the evidence not what people want the evidence to say. This applies to both sides of the debate.

Belief can be wonderful... but it can also cause people to sink into aggressive denial.
Science should be impartial and care only about the evidence not what people want the evidence to say. This applies to both sides of the debate.

Hmm? Only one side of the debate uses science.
Hmm? Only one side of the debate uses science.

this. creationists rarely use science to support their argument. And when they do, 9 out of 10 times their math/logic is all wrong. Rather, they just rely on bashing evolution (which usually makes them sound stupid anyway).

Good points. I totally agree. But you have to admit that there is a bias against Christianity in today's world. For all its faults the religion of Christianity has done great good in the world. Most of this anti-Christan feeling I think is left over guilt and fear of seeming intolerant... as a result we hypocritically become intolerant of Christianity. Why don't we hear about the Islamic warlords who built pyramids made of skulls, but not hear about how the bible was a major influence in the creation of the United States of America? It just seems a little unfair to me.

Yes Christians have done much good, but as I pointed out, lots and lots of horrible things have been done in the name of God for 2000 years. And the atrocities keep happening. I think that's why lots of people have hatred towards Christians. That, and all of politicians today who represent the Christian-right tend to be money hungry hypocrites who condemn all people they disagree with.

but not hear about how the bible was a major influence in the creation of the United States of America?

Not to derail the thread and all, but how was the Bible a major influence in the creation of the USA? I know many of the founding fathers were Christian, but I don't think that counts.
It's not neccessarily logic, but it's certainly basic aspects of human behaviour. It's easy to point to quotes in a holy book and say that they are the source of human morality, without realising that these quotes serve to illustrate human behaviour rather than dictate it.

You're not born a human being with an inherent sense of right and wrong and overall morality, you're taught to be a human being by those around you. To imply that we are somehow magically born good little children and not iD driven monsters flies in the face of what can easily be observed. One of the first words a child learns from its parents is 'No!!' after all.

Nowadays we in the West live in a situation where in there exists a separation between Church and state, back 3000 years ago there was no such separation. The old Testament was a survival guide, social conduct guide, legal reference (as to what is right & proper), & allegorical 'history' book (I use that term loosely) all rolled into one. Certainly irrelevant in these more enlightened times, but its naive to assume the world in which we've arrived would have come about of its own accord without the structure and order early peoples subscription to religious belief allowed to flourish.

People all to often promote this ideal of religion being unnecessary as an absolute. That if it had never existed we'd be better off, but the reality is the development of religion was an essential aspect of human development and despite all the wars etc, we wouldn't remotely be where we are without it today.
People all to often promote this ideal of religion being unnecessary as an absolute. That if it had never existed we'd be better off, but the reality is the development of religion was an essential aspect of human development and despite all the wars etc, we wouldn't remotely be where we are without it today.

You're saying that without an authoritarian dictator who holds us responsible for thought crime that we would not be as advanced as we are today? Sorry, but that's just an idiotic statement. As Hitchens would me a single moral act done by a religious person that could not be done by an atheist...on the corollary, name me an evil action that could ONLY be done by a religious person (in the name of god). It's not hard to find one example.

Religion has retarded society in every aspect of its application. There is no need for it and there has NEVER been a need for it. You say it was essential, I say it's an ideal that has caused pain and death for thousands of years and is an absolute disgrace.
You're saying that without an authoritarian dictator who holds us responsible for thought crime that we would not be as advanced as we are today? Sorry, but that's just an idiotic statement. As Hitchens would me a single moral act done by a religious person that could not be done by an atheist...on the corollary, name me an evil action that could ONLY be done by a religious person (in the name of god). It's not hard to find one example.

Religion has retarded society in every aspect of its application. There is no need for it and there has NEVER been a need for it. You say it was essential, I say it's an ideal that has caused pain and death for thousands of years and is an absolute disgrace.

No I'm not saying that at all. Instead here's a thought, why not actually READ what I said and comprehend its full meaning instead of jumping to bizarre conclusions and end up making yourself come across like an utter twat.
You: Religion was necessary for our ancestors to adopt some type of moral code which was bestowed upon us.

What the **** is wrong with you. Unless there was some inherent sarcasm in your post there is no other way to take it. So here's a thought, re-read your ****ing posts so you don't come off as a retard.
You: Religion was necessary for our ancestors to adopt some type of moral code which was bestowed upon us.

What the **** is wrong with you. Unless there was some inherent sarcasm in your post there is no other way to take it. So here's a thought, re-read your ****ing posts so you don't come off as a retard.

And yet you are the first to resort to swearing... hmmm.

Any way. Atheism is as much of a religion as Christianity. Christians believe in a benevolent God and Atheist believe that there is no god. Bot positions are neither confirmed or disproved by scientific evidence. Therefor they are both matters of faith.

Religion is powerful. The idea of a higher power, greater truth, and immortality drive people great things than they would otherwise.... for good and bad.

C.S Lewis said it very well. "There is no good man like a good religious man, and there is not evil man like an evil religious man." Religion brings out the best and the worst in us. We must treat its power carefully and responsibly.

I also find it rather funny that the only the most fundamentalist Christians and the most savage Atheists insists on treating the bible as literal. Most other people read the bible with some contexts and concept of symbolism. The bible is not an accurate history. It is a collection of stories that record the experience of a people and how they understood their place in the world, and we as modern people can learn from their story. We can take the good and leave the bad.

on the point of your "thought crime" That was simply a highlight of the potential for evil in everyone, and a warning to be careful of what you harbor inside yourself. And the term used is "heart" not 'thought" Heart implies a much deeper rooted desire than a mere thought. We have all thought about killing someone but how many of us have truly wanted to personally extinguish anther's life? (outside of rage)

Its people like you who give Atheists a bad name. So shut it an don't talk about things you don't want to understand.
Atheism is as much of a religion as Christianity

this is nonsense. atheism is the absence of belief in religion. there is no central code besides "I do not believe"
this is nonsense. atheism is the absence of belief in religion. there is no central code besides "I do not believe"

But you don't just believe. You tell others that here is no god... that is a doctrine. If you simply said I don't think there is a god, but that's just me... you would be right. But by advocating your positions and relating to a group of like minded people you are actively encroaching on religious ground. When you stop considering the arguments for the existence of a higher power simply because its "superstitious" then you are holding to a belief.

Where do you think Morals come from? Why are we so different from other animals? What makes us so special?