Kleiner's Lab: Hole in wall before explosion

Oh, that is great. All you ppl do is pick on the videos and ruin other ppls expectations for the game making it more know how when you play the game. All your doing is making a big mess, like when you play the game and you seen that seen, you will notice how they do it and see all of the mess ups, ruining your playtime. If you never brought this up, no one probably would know and would have a better time playing the game.

Ok, you probably want some answers about probs in the video. First, the real thing about the shadowing is that it makes shadows but it doesn't do it perfectly. No game has done it perfectly. When you code in the shadowing and make it so that when shadows are made it will cutoff part of the shadow which goes past another object WILL slow down your computer excessivly. Too much calculations. Now about the boom boom on the wall, well its completely different from HL. It is actually a bug which when some happens to a realistic breaking object, it takes the piece out, and replaces it with the shape but with little parts which realisticly fall like real bricks. Its called Deformable Meshes. Its actually a big step for games. So please reply to this to tell me how stupid I am or that ppl have to think a bit more often.
The explosion looks pretty freakin awesome though. And I didn't even catch it the first few times through the lab video, but the way that light falls on the characters is simply amazing. You don't notice it because it is so real: watch kliener when he moves around and see how the light casts over him softly, even shinning off his balding head.
at least your not destroyed by ppl who what movies by frame by frame.
I dont get it , that hole could of been there before , and it could be caused by the blast or a strider or bullets.
my concern: the hole shouldn't instantly appear. it should appear gradually, since the explosion starts at a specific points, then expands, like the hole should do. doesn't really matter, cuz it's hardly noticeable.
hay all first post here :)

half life is SOOO gonna rock i get all the Bink vids like on the day it comes to any of the sites. Gamespy, or where eva has it first.

the things i noticed are..

1) in the traptown vid, when u move the table to the door, you see the shadow of the box on the floor (this shouldn't happen) jus shadow of table.

But we gotta remember about the wall explo, that some ppl are sayin that it is abit slower the version we are watching, and when the game actually comes out, it will all be fixed anyways.

DID HALF LIFE DISSAPOINT??? i don't think so.

I jus hope these things will come true.

1) H.L2 will be longer then hl1.
2) is the whole game around the town?
3) map editor will be easy to use with many tuts.
4) jus want it to be long and challenging but still fun and V V repetitive.

:bounce: :bounce: :eek: :cheese: :cool: :eek: :bounce:
Hmm people are all worried about this, it will probably be fixed and you won’t exactly be analysing every single frame when playing and its not like you can notice it anyway you will be too busy playing or trying to run away heheh
Originally posted by dk_bot
Hmm people are all worried about this, it will probably be fixed and you won’t exactly be analysing every single frame when playing and its not like you can notice it anyway you will be too busy playing or trying to run away heheh
ya right.. just wait 'til the game comes out; if people don't immediately scrutinize everything while playing it through the first time, they will the next; I don't think there's any popular game where a person hasn't taken a half hour just to walk a couple corridors; HL2 may very well be the game that will set a record for number of screenshots taken by people, not to mention recorded videos
In reply to the original poster.

Seriously you've got way too much time on your hands to be analyzing such small details. Do you think anyone is actuallly going to notice such a minute detail when the game is in motion? I didn't.
ok firs: nobody cares about details you cant view with human eye at normal speed Sorry to say this but it is true
second: Maybe the pressure that was pushing agaisnt the wall (the explosion power) pushed the bricks a little forward or something so they look different

Just my point of view