Kleiners_Lab Bink video is on fileplanet now!!!!!


Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Sorry if someone posted this earlier, but its right on the front page of file planet.....bink full screen version!!!!
That's reallllly sad VALVE.. releasing the Bink video to FilePlanet before officially releasing it through Steam.. I have a Fileplanet membership, and I will have it in about 8 minutes.. I just checked Steam and it's not there yet. I thought these bink videos would be exclusive to Steam users first...

If you have noticed, people have hacked the newest video and it is even up on Bit Torrent sites. This doesn't mean valve let it go to Fileplanet first, someone may have just uploaded it and fileplanet didn't care. I could be wrong.
I am sure Fileplanet would accept a hacked version of something if Valve wasnt the one that uploaded it them.. they are very strict on releasing stuff.
Yeah.. Perhaps if people don't hack the next one it'll be out on steam before it hits the rest of the web?

Just a possibility huh?
More likely Valve probably said "the hell with it" and let Fileplanet put it up, seeing as how its all over the net anyway.
It's not sad really that valve released it to fileplanet first, Im sure valve made some sweet cash off of that deal, which goes striaght into the game, well, almost all of it ;-)
It would be great if valve realises this and stops messing with us, they should release 2 videos today because they skipped 1 day. This will please alot of people in the community.

On the other side valve may just release the kleiner video today and leave it like that. :(

Also they need to add a progress bar and a time remaining text to the download monitor immediatly. Having the speed in kilobits is bad enouth for fooling us.
then why didnt they release it on Steam ? if it is everywhere else...