Kodeneshain War recruitin'


Fishin Larson

hey, i want to c if there is anyone out tehre willing to join, heres some info:

there is a small island(approximently the size of arizona) off in the ocean somewhere. this island is named Kodenesha. 3 super powers decide to invade the island and take it and split it among themselves. they think it will be an easy take and a nice vacationing spot for them. a plan was divised for taking elder's beach, a stretegic entry spot to the island.
the plan was for each country to come on a different day. the first day the us would rush the beach with plenty of troops. then the next day germany would bring in more troops and some supplies, a 50/50 concotion accutally, and on teh thrid day france would bring in supplies.

thats the problem, they thought it would be taken in 1 day, but they kept it till the last day, the 3rd day. now that they were on the island, they werent getting off, and they wouldnt stop fighting till everyone was dead and gone...

but, a spec ops team from the us didnt go in...instead teh leader said it was a lost cause and they wouldnt take the island and kept his team back. then when the leader starts to take them to the island they get a confused look and ask,"i thought u said it was a lost cause?why are we going now if we are not going to win?" and he simply anwers,"we are not going in to take the island, we are going in to get our guys out."

Playable Characters:
a kodeneshain sargent defending his homeland.
an american soldier who is there on the beach raid.
the spec. ops team leader

Looking for:
and coders

send applications to [email protected]
You should probably work on the story concept... there are a few problems, such as the fact that no super power country would risk war over such a small territory, also, if a Spec Ops squad is given an order, they cannot choose to not do it, as your team has. Just some issues that should be resolved... I'd spend a good few days reworking that story.
well dude, its future and a fake stroy so...and u dont know that dude, its not the size, its the location. and i never said they were given an order, the guy had a choice and he declined.
its fiction. He's not Tom Clancy here trying to make a mod. He's fishinLarson dammit.
lol, I'm just saying, to create an immersive experience a good story is a great base... I dunno, I guess since I spent months fine tuning the story for my mod, I'd suggest the same for anyone else, since it payed off immensely.
"You should probably work on the story concept... there are a few problems, such as the fact that no super power country would risk war over such a small territory"

Um? *CoughIsraelCough*
wow, sry, i havent been here in awhile. thanks for sticking up for me. thats always apreciated. right now im gonna be making weapon models for Entropy. but this idea has floated around with me for a long time.
Originally posted by Jaenos
"You should probably work on the story concept... there are a few problems, such as the fact that no super power country would risk war over such a small territory"

Um? *CoughIsraelCough*
Unoccupied territory is not the same. War-fueled Imperialization is over... likely what would happen is the UN would set up restrictions or the island would be recognized as a "Green Space". Now, put the storyline a few years ahead and say that the land is rich with fuel and that fuel has grown to unbelievable rates - control over the unclaimed land rich with fuel would be priceless, but at this time, not believable to cause a war. But hey, whatever - it's not my mod. I guess thoughtful input is unappreciated these days.