konichiwa, hola, and all that jazz :)



hello, I'm phatcat :D

A online friend suggested this board to me :)
thought I would drop by and see what its all about.

I'm have been posting on Messageboards for 3 years now at various boards, but mostly at www.beyondunreal.com where I have 9k posts (really 7k but lost 2k durring SQL DB death).

I'm a fan of most FPS games, and have been a general gamer for years. I'm a mapper from time to time. The only real known work is my maps for Action Quake 2 which where Locknload back when I was under the name the_Hunter. I dabble now and then but haven't made anything truly amazing besides some maps for Clan TGZ.

I'm a MAJOR anime fan, and have been since I was a little kid. I also like some furry art, mostly the sonic style stuff ala J.Axer

I like to design signatures and avatars for friends and when requested. my work can be seen here : http://forums.beyondunreal.com/showthread.php?t=108234

Recentlly I have really gotten into FFXI. If you want to join me I play on the Titan sever as Yokineko, POL name Phatcat.
glad to be here :)
I noticed you use vB :D
Beyondunreal.com also uses vB for theirs too. Good BBS!
vB is by far the best, wouldn't have it any other way!
Welcome to the forums, have fun and be smart:D
Your going to do well if your an avatar maker:D

Your now one of us....
well, welcome to my world now boy! get ready, it's a wild ride.

darkelp, our avatars are diametrically opposed. one of us must die (or at least beat the crap-for-crap out of the other).
Yes Lil' Timmy, we must, but you put mountain dew in my pc dammit! What are you doing near a pc? :p
those are pretty sweet.. you should petition the mods and try to sway them with your skillz.
i'm fairly new here myself, made a few posts, but people here are really nice compaired to other forums i usually visit (www.thecatacombs.net).. there you cant say one thing that someone has said in the last 6 months or you get chewed out.. here ppl are real cool and understanding.
Kon nichi wa, phatcat-san!

Im also into anime/manga. Im working on a anime-style mod right now, you might be interested in that. We're working on a new site with a lot more info about the mod, ill keep you posted in the mod forums :)

Arigatou senpai (I dont know why i just wrote that... but thanks anyways :D).
Greetz. You are now one of us.

Let's see, that's two sentences, at 10£ each. So, phatcat, you owe me 13£!