Korean Combat



"On Sunday, 6/25/50, preceded by a long and intensive barrage of artillery and mortar fire, 90,000 Russian armed North Korean troops in seven assault infantry divisions smashed headlong into totally unprepared units of the army of the Republic of Korea. The Inmun Gun were led by over 150 T34/85 tanks, and closely supported by seventeen hundred 122mm howitzers and SU76 self-propelled 76mm guns. Over 200 Russian-supplied YAK ground-attack aircraft gave them total domination of the skies.

The ROKs had eight divisions, but only four deployed along the 38th parallel, and they only partially. Much worse, they had no air force, only 2.36 inch rocket launchers, no recoilless rifles, no heavy mortars, no medium artillery and no armor. The T34s, arguably the best tanks developed in WWII, advanced in a line-ahead formation. After scores of ROKs died under their treads, trying desperately to stop them with satchel charges and hand grenades, the tanks began moving through the survivors as though they weren't there. At the same time, their infantry formations attacked in an inverted Y formation, sweeping around ROK opposition with the arms, encircling them, and finally crushing them.

In two days, Seoul was abandoned to the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th Korean People's Army (KPA) divisions, and the KPA 6th division was moving swiftly down east of the rugged Taebaek Mountains . In the first week, more than 34,000 ROKs, a third of their army, were killed, captured, or missing.

Although the ROKs had fought desperately, inflicting severe losses on the assault troops, this did not slow them down. The high cost of success to the KPA wasn't apparent to US observers, an intelligence lack with serious consequences later. By the third week, the NK were brushing aside our own unprepared 24th division.

The North Koreans were pros. A third of them fought in the Chinese civil war, and whipped the rest into fighting shape before they crossed the 38th parallel. They wiped out 5 ROK divisions in as many weeks. Had they not paused to re-group, had they simply continued their violent assault until they either won all or lost all, they would probably have captured Pusan and all of South Korea before America had time to marshal enough force to stop them. But they did pause, shortly after meeting American troops."

Korean Combat, A Half-Life 2 modification, takes you back in time to the events, tragedies, and bravery faced by soldiers in Korea. Now, you and your friends can relive the event in a massive online battle that pits the United Nations forces against Communist troops. Command the arsenal and vehicles during that time and use precise teamwork to obtain your victories.

Main Features

Live terrain manipulation
Ever have one of those pesky situations where a tank just harasses you? Well the terrain manipulation system will allow you to ambush tanks via digging a hole beside a road and waiting for one to come by. A possibility is also that North Korea & its allies will be able to make tunnel systems.

Assortment of vehicles
You will be able to choose from a wide array from helicopters to tanks. You will be able to research further technology by going to your base and using a certain building and upgrading a unit.

Choose your weapons
Before you are deployed you can choose what weapons you will carry, do you want to be a sharpshooter, or do you want to be an engineer? You decide!

Three Unique Sides
Choose from the United Nations forces such as the United States or choose to be the Communist and choose from the North Koreans, and the Chinese.

Fully Working Bases
Everything inside your bass will be usable; from the helipad to the armory.

Full Blown RTS
You will be in charge of your forces as the commander of your fellow units in multiplayer, make important decisions such as where to place your base, plan attacks, and other sorts of roles.

Key Features

High detailed environments in the Korean War settings.
Experience famous battles from the Korean War.
The core fighting forces are the United States, North Korea, and China.
Complete arsenal of intricatly detailed uniforms, equipment, vehicles, and weapons used in battle.
Chain of Command System.
Limited Reinforcement System.
3D Voice Communication.
Multiple weapon functions.
Realistic ballistic system.
Realistic damage system.
Realistic weapon behaviors which include Scopes, Iron Sites, Scopes, Bipods, Free Aim Area, Recoil, and Jamming,
New scoring system, putting objectives and squadplay at highest priority.
Vehicles and Airplanes used for transportation and combat purposes.

I have put alot of planning into this modification, and would hate to see it not come true. If you are a person whom is really interested in helping out, please tell me. I am trying to aim for something historicaly correct and fun, but I will need help. First, I need a co-leader to do alot more planning and get this off the ground. If you can carry out alot of responsibilities of different sorts, and are interested, please contact me via the following:

MSN: [email protected]
Mail: [email protected]

Strvs said:
Live terrain manipulation
Ever have one of those pesky situations where a tank just harasses you? Well the terrain manipulation system will allow you to ambush tanks via digging a hole beside a road and waiting for one to come by. A possibility is also that North Korea & its allies will be able to make tunnel systems.
want to be an engineer? You decide!

I just have a question actually. How do you plan to implement this terrain manipulation system? I'm just curious because judging from the dynamic terrain seen in the video I would think your kind of system would be really hard to pull off. So I was just wondering if you've thought about how it might be done.
Maybe you should put that South Korean kamikaze guys.
They called that in other name like human bomb troop or something.
they put a big bomb in their back and run to North Korean Tank and Boom...
SO Many North Korean tanks were destroyed this way...

And you must know about Korean landscapes too...
Their were only few snipers at that war cuz korea's 80% is mountain.
Mountain to other Mt. was only 2-500m so there could be no sniper.
It waz a war of who gets the mountain and road first.

And it could be nice to put North Korean / Chinese Propaganda z...

I know it cuz I'm south korean :farmer:
Neutrino said:
I just have a question actually. How do you plan to implement this terrain manipulation system? I'm just curious because judging from the dynamic terrain seen in the video I would think your kind of system would be really hard to pull off. So I was just wondering if you've thought about how it might be done.

it wouldn't be that difficult. he could do it with displacment maps.
SidewinderX143 said:
it wouldn't be that difficult. he could do it with displacment maps.

Ya, I know about displacement maps. But making tunnels is a lot different then just having the ground raise and lower.
What's with these mods copy and pasting features from the Operation: CO-IN website? At least this one changed the order of the 'Realistic Weapon Behaviours.'

Anyways, good luck and all that default stuff...

Will you ensure that the Chinese have far more Infantry so players can properly employ 'Human Wave' tactics?
argyll,, look at how many realistic weapoins combt mods there are,, it's most likely they thought of those features themselves,, they're evolutionary, not revolutionary

as for the tunnel digging,, I highly doubt that will work,, and it will never work with displacement maps... biggest reason is that HL bakes all it's radiosity, if you destroyed or manipulated terrain, it would have to recalculate the lighting data,,,,

I know you're all gonna say "but HL2 physics! etc..." but that only applies on a per-object level. Trying to apply that to a visblocking piece of terrain would require making it an entity with full physics (and probably some custom physics code), but any piece of world geometry that becomes an entity doesn't visblock so you'd have a shitload of problems on your hands. All in all,, unless your maps are like 30x30 feet and have everything rendering at once it won't work, and even then it's still iffy.

just a heads up,,,

otherwise good luck on your mod :)
Shinobi: Take a look at this page.

Copy and Paste job down to the spelling error in 'Iron Sights.'

Plus, take a look here and you may understand my concern. War of Infamy has also done the same thing... with this mod ironically having the same Features List.

Take note on the second page of the latter link and see:

"Yes, but you could have at least paraphrased the features or even changed to order around instead of copying verbatim from my mod's website..."

It seems now that they have at least changed the order around.
sorry I'm modelling at the same time as browsing here,, are you accusing him of copying the etire page or just that one line?
One note about the displacement maps. Valve has stated they used dynamic lighting, so one option is to only use dynamic lights whereever you want the terrain to change.
hmmmm.... seems like another mod idea with irealistic ideas and thinks they can make what the hell they want. Oh..... Dear....

Good luck, sorry I can't help.
Argyll, explain to me, how many modifications have realistic weapon behaviors? Probably more than you can count. And to everyone else concerned about the terrain manipulation, I'll just say features might not even be possible, it all depends on what's possible in Half-Life 2, and what a coder can pull off, as well as what is possible in the Source Engine.

Anyway, thanks for feedback tho, at least I don't get flaming comments saying this isn't unique. Thanks all.
Strvs said:
Argyll, explain to me, how many modifications have realistic weapon behaviors? Probably more than you can count. And to everyone else concerned about the terrain manipulation, I'll just say features might not even be possible, it all depends on what's possible in Half-Life 2, and what a coder can pull off, as well as what is possible in the Source Engine.

Anyway, thanks for feedback tho, at least I don't get flaming comments saying this isn't unique. Thanks all.

Argyll is just indicating that you blatantly copy and pasted features off another mod's site, which happen to include original spelling mistakes. Not flaming or anything, just pointing out that it might be a good idea to write the whole overview yourself if you're serious about this ;)
Oh wow...I just now actually took a close look at this:

From operation CO-IN:

Realistic Weapon Behaviours - Iron Sites, Scopes, Bipods, Recoil, Jamming , Free Aim Area

From Strvs's design document:

Realistic weapon behaviors which include Scopes, Iron Sites, Scopes, Bipods, Free Aim Area, Recoil, and Jamming,

I'm sorry, but that seems just a bit too similar to be conincendence. And if you did copy it that is truly pathetic on your part, Strvs.