Krynn's WTF link of the day: Why I have no arms and legs?!


Ok that wasn't funny. That's ****ed up, and this thread indeed wins the WTF award.


"The hospital, in a letter, wrote that if she wanted to find out exactly what happened, she would have to sue them."

Hospital selling body parts? Makes you think
On the bright side: she can now have swords for arms.. and legs!
Or guns.. I saw it on TV, so it's possible..
Reading that literally made me sick to my stomach.

Can you even imagine what that would be wake up in a hosiptal bed and discover your arms and legs gone? I admire that women for continuing on and fighting to know what happened. I honestly don't know if I could live life like that.
she sounds REALLY calm about all this...i would be freaking out....
I've read some sick shit on the internet, this is the only thing that's actually made me physically sick reading it. Everyone involved in that should be fired or better yet jailed.
It happened about 9 months ago or so.

Her 7-year-old son, Jorge, asks his mother over and over what happened to her. Neither she nor her husband has the answer.

So it must have been seven years ago, or I'm reading something wrong. She filed right on the edge, too, because after seven years, you cannot sue... I think.
That is actually sad. I know, Miccy, might think I'm some cold hearted ass hole, but I do realize when shits been dealt to someone who REALLY doesn't deserve it. The only reason I'm on her side is because they won't explain to her what has happened. She lost all of her limbs, she needs to know.

*EDIT* Q, that was another kid, I'm sure.
They didn't saw em off for no reason, there was some kind of bacteria or something so they had to - atleast that's the way I read it. Still pretty sick they won't tell her though... how on earth could something like this affect other patient's confidentiality?
They didn't saw em off for no reason, there was some kind of bacteria or something so they had to - atleast that's the way I read it. Still pretty sick they won't tell her though... how on earth could something like this affect other patient's confidentiality?

Thats what I was thinking, and anyway to hell with other patients if you've just lost your arms and legs I don't think those other patients would mind if you were told what happened...... unless one of them infected her because of the negligence of the hospital.
Maybe it was a major mixup and the hospital wont tell.
They didn't saw em off for no reason, there was some kind of bacteria or something so they had to - atleast that's the way I read it. Still pretty sick they won't tell her though... how on earth could something like this affect other patient's confidentiality?

I suppose that's possible, but the whole story sounds suspect to me. A person goes in for a pregnancy and suddenly contracts a flesh eating bacteria on all four extremities, leading to full and immediate amputation without consent?

I'm not sure what the odds of that are, but I'm guessing rather low.
she probably contracted flesh eating bacteria in the OR (a common way of contracting it) ..probably due to inproperly sterilized equipment (it's happened before) ..but for the hospital to lawyer up and refuse to give her the reasons for something so traumatising such as quadruple amputation is just so stupidly insensitive and contrary to what a hospital should be ..I hope they nail whomever is responsible to the wall and she recieves millions in compensation ..****ing insurance companies are goddam vultures
she probably contracted flesh eating bacteria in the OR (a common way of contracting it) ..probably due to inproperly sterilized equipment (it's happened before)

On all four limbs. She was pregnent not ****ing going in for bloody surgery. This actually made my lunch rise in my stomach; this is proboaly the most disgusting thing I have ever heard. They didn't even ask her. They can't even tell her why. I hope that woman shuts those bastards down, she deserves millions for this. Something isn't right in that hospital...
all you need is a single exposure attacks the limbs so it's not like the bacteria has to be introduced into each limb separately company sells medical setrilization equipment says right in the manuals that improperly sterilized intruments can carry risk of bacteria infection
Guys, she caught a live threatening virus and the doctors did what was necessary to save her, seems thanks to the silly way you guys run your hospitals there was a problem communicating this with her afterwards. What I don't understand is why the Husband wasn't aware, they would have needed to seek consent for that operation, so where was he?
I honestly don't know if I could live life like that.

Well it would be kind of difficult to kill yourself:| .

This truly deserves the WTF?! award.

Edit: I know what I would do though, hire a hitman to take care of all the doctors that were responsible. We'll see how they like waking up with no arms and legs:devil:
Again read the article properlly, it's not as the OP implies they just removed her limbs.

Well it would be kind of difficult to kill yourself:| .

This truly deserves the WTF?! award.

Edit: I know what I would do though, hire a hitman to take care of all the doctors that were responsible. We'll see how they like waking up with no arms and legs:devil:

you simply must read Irvine Welsh's (of trainspotting fame) short story Fortune's Always Hiding from his collection of stories 3 tales of Chemical Romance

the protagonist enacts revenge on a pharmaceutical company exec that culminates in a bloody chainsaw attack weilded by the armless Thalidomide survivor

YEAH I GET IT! But still they have to get her consent before going ahead with something as extreme as removing all her limbs!

It's something like this:

-Oh we are sorry to inform you that you have an inoperable brain tumour.
-Oh my g...*knocked unconscious*
-Alright boys let's get that tumour out!!

A few hours later....

-Oh my head, wtf happened it's kind of hard to think... *Looks in mirror* Arghhhhh!!!! *Faints*
YEAH I GET IT! But still they have to get your consent before going ahead with something as extreme as removing all her limbs!

It's something like this:

-Oh we are sorry to inform you that you have an inoperable brain tumour.
-Oh my g...*knocked unconscious*
-Alright boys let's get that tumour out!!

A few hours later....

-Oh my head, wtf happened it's kind of hard to think... *Looks in mirror* Arghhhhh!!!! *Faints*
They don't if your unconscious and close relatives cannot be contacted.
Theres a communication problem, the hospital should be sued to shit but cutting off her limbs was probably the right thing to do.
The hospital, in a letter, wrote that if she wanted to find out exactly what happened, she would have to sue them.
Fine, then sue them.

She could make big money out of something like this.
Fine, them sue them.

She could make big money out of something like this.

Better yet sue them, and then call Osama and ask him to bomb the hospital:cheese:
Indeed, I'd rather have died than lost all my limbs
Osama still hanging around? I thought he's not cool anymore

edit: haha oops
Fine, them sue them.

She could make big money out of something like this.
Yeah... anyone else find it a little suss that the hospital practically asked her to sue them?
Guys, she caught a live threatening virus and the doctors did what was necessary to save her, seems thanks to the silly way you guys run your hospitals there was a problem communicating this with her afterwards. What I don't understand is why the Husband wasn't aware, they would have needed to seek consent for that operation, so where was he?

Its called consenting. Even if you have a life threateneing desiese, they have to ask her permission first. Its the law. The worst part is that they won't give her an explanation. I hope she owns them in court.
She will own them in court. I dont see how anyone could win against her. They cut her arms and legs off, without asking, and with no more explanation than what basically amounts to "it was a bacteria."
Its called consenting. Even if you have a life threateneing desiese, they have to ask her permission first. Its the law. The worst part is that they won't give her an explanation. I hope she owns them in court.
Have you even watched house?
hmm I find it strange that people defend her right to cut off her own legs despite being obviously insane ...I mean would you extend that same logic and think it's right that say the jehovah's witnesses withhold a blood transfusion for a child because their religion expressly forbids it? should we cater to idiotic notions of what is right and wrong just so we respect other people's faith based decisions? sometimes people need outside forces to save them from their own stupidity

btw I'm not advocating either side here, just throwing in that argument just to see where the chips will fall