Krynn's WTF link of the day: Why I have no arms and legs?!

The hospital should have just said, "What are you talking about? You never had legs or arms". Then before anyone she new saw her, throw her in a mental insitution.
Holy christwaffles. If I was her I'd sue the ****ing britches off their faces, then spend aaaall the money getting somebody to build me MECHANISED SPIDER LIMBS. ****ing beat that for progress.
Holy christwaffles. If I was her I'd sue the ****ing britches off their faces, then spend aaaall the money getting somebody to build me MECHANISED SPIDER LIMBS. ****ing beat that for progress.

F**king Win!
Goddamn. She could become like, a super vigilante. Go terrorise inept doctors who perform unneeded surgery on unwilling patients.

She'd be... the ROBO-MANSPIDER......... woman.
i thought i'd bump to point out the stating-the-obvious nature of this quote:

"She knows she didn't leave the hospital the same."
i thought i'd bump to point out the stating-the-obvious nature of this quote:

"She knows she didn't leave the hospital the same."

And the fact it just sounds WEIRD when you say it out loud.

"She knows he didn't leave..." Ick, I say it and feel like I'm being grammatically incorrect!