l33t sp34k = teh 3v1L


I love how they edited it with the camera zooming in on the screen while it has the negative while the camera is spinning out of control to make it seem like it's so evil....

wow i actually hate the news..only station worth watching is BBC :D


This is why I hate American news. I refuse to watch it. For those who live in different countries, what's on the news here is all bad, all fear, and all terrifying. They scare us, or try to, and it's getting old. I don't know if that's how it is in other countries, and I hope not.
also....who the hell uses 1337 speak anymore? It takes like 3 mintues to type out 1 damn sentence if you're not using a translator.

stupid parents = n00bs
it's not parents ..it's media scaring parents into believing this crap
it's not parents ..it's media scaring parents into believing this crap
Which is why I hate the media, and the parents stupid enough to buy into this crap. F*ck the media, especially the irresponsible shit like this.
lol what utter crap. I can't believe that was an actual news piece. How to sensationalise something completely harmless and stupid into something that will kill us all!!

I don't know if that's how it is in other countries, and I hope not.

Luckily, it's not, not even close. It is slowly going that way, though, at least in the uk.
1 D0|\|7 K|\|0\/\/ 1337 5p34k 6u7 3\/3|\| 1 |_||\|d3|2574|\|d \/\/|-|47 17 /\/\34|\|5. Du/\/\6 p4|23|\|75 101

N0 M0M 1 4M N07

oh god you are aren't you

N0 M0M 1 4M N07 M457URB81NG

LOL wtf was all that on that page? it wasnt even leet speak. most of it ive never heard of.
What the **** is GYPO and NIFOC?

Warning children... it leads to danger!

Notice how they cut out immediately after he said danger... not a normal cut either(thanks pesh for pointing out to me... heh). "it could lead to danger" and the cut is jarring, probably cause he had something else to say.


Also. Since when is leet speak creative? It's for dumbass kids who are entirely UNCREATIVE.
wtf does gypo mean? Or that other one?

get your pen0r out?

EDIT: NIFOC = Need info for over clocking?
I like when they said it was called elite speak because only advanced computer users use it :laugh:
leetspeakers are basically the internet's roadkill.
I've never held my hands on my head for a video I've seen before.

That one made me do it.
I love the fact the guy on the computer using a silly 1337 converter, for which is intended as a joke tool for people to turn things into 1337 for a joke, and they were conveying it as a 'tool for parents to decipher the code'. It's like the new age enigma machine!

And did you see the things he was putting in?
"Lets just say, your child was talking to a paedophile in 1337 speak they would say something like 'Hey my parents are out of town this weekend' and you wouldn't know! But the paedophile would, and your daughter would certainly be a victim"

Brilliant, and the best thing about this 'INTRAWEBZ DETECTIVE' who takes the internet so very seriously, is that he can't even spell. Are? Aree? What what what?

lol im so amused

they're really scraping the bottom of the barrel with news stories

413R7! j00r c|-|!1D|23N5 R n07 54F3!!!111
I was kind of dumbfounded at how completely clueless they all are.

1337speak... a code so that parents can't read what we're saying? I think not.
they're always showing this shit on the news.

NEWS: "Myspace is evil! It was designed by pedophiles to lure children!"
PARENTS: "Son, you don't have one of those myspaces do you?"
ME: "Uh, no I think Myspace is stupid."
PARENTS:"Oh god, you've been there!!! You're grounded!"
NEWS: "This just in, MMORPGs, the hidden drug."
PARENTS: "You aren't taking those MMORPthingies are you?"
ME: "Not much, I do occasionaly check out a free demo though"
PARENTS: "Oh dear lord, you've downloaded one of the MMORPs! It's a virus!"
I once posted a link to some site saying MMOs are a cult...i'll try to dig it up.
Questions have been asked in this thread that still need answering!
isn't gypo some british slang for gypsies, aka trailer trash
it's not parents ..it's media scaring parents into believing this crap

Agreed...I never heard of someone who engaged in 1337 speak commiting violent acts or it being a gateway to crime...
Agreed...I never heard of someone who engaged in 1337 speak commiting violent acts or it being a gateway to crime...

What about the 1337 crew? They were responsible for bombing that train yard, and the shipment of aid to some beige coloured mid-east country. They assassinated that rich guy on the oil rig, and took a bunch of hostages in that warehouse the one time. And the Scandinavian office building they took over. Almost as bad as the Dura Cell.

"And what does advice does this mother of a teenager have for parents out there?"
NIFOC - Naked In Front Of Computer


Get Your Pants Off


one of the comments "And btw wtf is GYPO? Get Your Pants Off?"
That was incredibly funny and so very, very sad. Reminds me of an episode of The Daily Show awhile ago where they made some trivial thing look like it was going to destroy families.

rofl @ the "translator" :laugh: