L4D2 Boycott

You can't simply debunk a problem with personal opinion, sadly. If it's difficult for the console and you understand that, that's all there is to it.

Right. More difficult. Not impossible. The 360 has a hard drive. The entire game can be put on the hard drive. Unless people are idiots and bought the Arcade in which case they should not expect DLC.

And for the record, it would seem you're trying to fix the problem with personal opinion, not me.
Not at all. From where I'm sitting your post read ''the 360 is the problem, people shouldn't be using the 360 version. Abolish the console!''

Obviously not that dramatic, of course. :P If the 360 is the sole reason for why the game cannot be ported into the Steam engine (and I doubt it is just that alone) then you can't go up against that fact saying people shouldn't be using that system in the first place. It doesn't work that way.

Regarding difficult or impossible... I've no idea. Again, I'm no programmer. I'm not a Valve employee, niether are you. Only they know what the reasons for a full sequel are and until then, we sit tight and see what happens over the next few months.
Not at all. From where I'm sitting your post read ''the 360 is the problem, people shouldn't be using the 360 version. Abolish the console!''

Not what I said. I said it would be more difficult on the console. The 360 has a hard drive. It can and has accepted DLC.

If the 360 is the sole reason for why the game cannot be ported into the Steam engine (and I doubt it is just that alone) then you can't go up against that fact saying people shouldn't be using that system in the first place. It doesn't work that way.

I never said people shouldn't be using the system in the first place. I said that people who bought the Arcade version should not expect any form of DLC, at all. Also, Steam is not an engine. Source is the engine we are dealing with. On the 360, the service it would be is Xbox Live Marketplace, which CAN do and HAS done DLC.

Regarding difficult or impossible... I've no idea. Again, I'm no programmer. I'm not a Valve employee, niether are you.

Frankly, it does not matter if I am a Valve employee. It can be done. End of story. The Xbox can take DLC. Been done before. Will happen again. I don't know why I have to keep saying this. It's going to happen on TF2.

Valve has already said that all of the TF2 updates are going to be brought over to the 360. IN ONE BIG UPDATE none the less.
L4D=/=TF2. Nor does every other game that has had DLC on the 360. I'm not arguing. I'm just pointing it out.
Oh well when you look at it like that they must be the exact same game, huh?
Most of the idiots claim that Valve BETRAYED them. What a strong word for something so meager. "They PROMISED free DLC!" they claim, making up false statements to substantiate their idiocy.

I laugh at them. HA!
Frankly, it does not matter if I am a Valve employee. It can be done. End of story. The Xbox can take DLC. Been done before. Will happen again. I don't know why I have to keep saying this. It's going to happen on TF2.

Valve has already said that all of the TF2 updates are going to be brought over to the 360. IN ONE BIG UPDATE none the less.

Are you not ****ing reading what I am saying? Are you seriously this goddamn closed minded? Yes, you have seen L4D, you have played L4D and you obviously know the in's and out's of the game. News flash: THIS IS NOT L4D. It is L4D2 and you do not know what is coming. Do you know anything about the new AI director? Do you know how it works? What about all the other things that you don't know about yet? How can you seriously keep stating as a fact what can be donw when you haven't seen EVERYTHING yet.

When L4D2 is out and you've had your rummage through the Source files and found a bunch of things that already exist in L4D, then you can whine that it should of been ported. Right now, Valve are cooking something up and they have said MULTIPLE times now that what they are doing needs a sequel to make this. Why aren't you listening?
Are you not ****ing reading what I am saying? Are you seriously this goddamn closed minded? Yes, you have seen L4D, you have played L4D and you obviously know the in's and out's of the game. News flash: THIS IS NOT L4D. It is L4D2 and you do not know what is coming. Do you know anything about the new AI director? Do you know how it works? What about all the other things that you don't know about yet? How can you seriously keep stating as a fact what can be donw when you haven't seen EVERYTHING yet.

When L4D2 is out and you've had your rummage through the Source files and found a bunch of things that already exist in L4D, then you can whine that it should of been ported. Right now, Valve are cooking something up and they have said MULTIPLE times now that what they are doing needs a sequel to make this. Why aren't you listening?

Source is designed to be incredibly modular. The AI director can be updated. It's software, not architecture.
Maybe it isn't just the AI director. Maybe, just maybe, there's alot more. I think really all there is to do is sit and wait with an open mind because if they are saying it requires a sequel then I'm going to give them the time to show me what is deserved. You, however, have joined a boycott group. That is what grates me, is all. It annoys me to no end when people say they aren't going to try something before it's even out.
I'm not part of that group, but I'll have to see the game reviews before I start playing L4D2.
It's going to already be boycott by a second party to a third party and they're not going have anything to do with this online boycotting party.

the future we may see for future boycotting for lfd2:

the state of Louisiana including new Orleans will ether sue or have the game banned from shelves for it's plot around city of new Orleans sense New Orleans had suffer from major issue like Katrina that killed millions of people and left millions stranded and suffer

southern parts of the states are going to get pissed, you'll have atlanta trying to keep the game off the shelves...where I live in a southern parts, RE4 is not allowed to be sold anywhere for it's racism...

stereotyping,racism and your other stuff some people are not going to like....

so now valve have decided to make controversy. They are going to have to be very careful cus it can hurt them....
It's going to already be boycott by a second party to a third party and they're not going have anything to do with this online boycotting party.

the future we may see for future boycotting for lfd2:

the state of Louisiana including new Orleans will ether sue or have the game banned from shelves for it's plot around city of new Orleans sense New Orleans had suffer from major issue like Katrina that killed millions of people and left millions stranded and suffer

southern parts of the states are going to get pissed, you'll have atlanta trying to keep the game off the shelves...where I live in a southern parts, RE4 is not allowed to be sold anywhere for it's racism...

stereotyping,racism and your other stuff some people are not going to like....

so now valve have decided to make controversy. They are going to have to be very careful cus it can hurt them....
Out of all the reasons to boycott L4D2, this one takes the cake for being the most idiotic, and that's being kind.

Then again, you just never know with these Southern types, two negroes killing whities? Blasphemy, hyuk. :dozey:
Better yet, two whities killing other whities? Now that's just some negroe's making the game RACIST, that is, hyuk hyuk.
ok now I'm staying out of this cus you guys are being insensitive and you have no idea how hardcore the south can be when it comes to these type of things.

seriously I don't like it but I was force to live here because my mother lives here and hope one day to move to not such a bible belted state.

I'm aware that the main characters it circles around are black.
I'm not dumb and I have seen the trailers DUH!!!

You think I'm stirring up idiotic things

you just wait, when the game is released and the Lfd2 is pointed out in entertainment section of websites for it's location in New Orleans and being refused to be sold in certain stores because of it....
It's more like

Chill out everyone. They aren't abandoning L4D. L4D2 is really more of parallel game rather than a sequel. There is also a good chance that some of the L4D2 content will make its way into L4D in one form or another. Personally I don't like the setting of L4D2. I would rather then stick to the original characters, and set up more campaigns that continue the storyline.... but if they are going to continue to develop L4D then I really don't have a problem with L4D2.
I'd join this group if it was just a plain old boycott... but I don't want them to offer stuff for the first one either... just forget about Left 4 Dead altogether! :laugh:
Anybody who is "Boycotting" this game are a bunch of fools. You don't like the game idea, so you boycott? Do you see people boycotting outside hoover letting them know that their new vacuum sucks *edit ha pun!*? Do you see people boycotting outside Little Debbie because their new cake tastes like crap? NO.

"Oh, we just want them to know what they are doing is a bad idea, and they shouldn't do it."

OK, how will a business look and see that they are doing something wrong? Look at forums? No. Look at their friends? No. Look at their profits? OH **** YES. You don't like the game, don't buy it. Old argument but it's still true as ever. If they look and say, "Well, we lost money, let's not do THAT again!"...you won! Otherwise, shut up and quit being little bitches by complaining and 'boycotting'.

*EDIT* Actually, maybe this is exactly what Valve want? People will be SOOOO curious to see if the game is worth it, and just buy it to find out during a "sale" time. They don't have as much R&D time into L4D2 as other games, so maybe they will use that to sell more copies.
I agree with Pitz, you don't boycott something because you don't like it. You just don't buy and support the product.

Why try and show Valve for the first time ever that their hard work is all useless when you will all still buy the game, have no problem paying full price and then enjoy the game for months after. Stop with this retarded Boycott and just support Valve like always!
I agree that the content in l4d2 does not warrant the full price of another game. From what it looks like, valve is taking the content that was supposed to be for part 1, making it into another game and calling it part 2.

There is no reason for part 2 to be released so soon.

Half-life 2 - 6 years in development

Team fortress 2 - 9 years in development

left 4 dead 2 - 1 year in development? Bah.
I agree that the content in l4d2 does not warrant the full price of another game. From what it looks like, valve is taking the content that was supposed to be for part 1, making it into another game and calling it part 2.

There is no reason for part 2 to be released so soon.

Half-life 2 - 6 years in development

Team fortress 2 - 9 years in development

left 4 dead 2 - 1 year in development? Bah.

Episode 1 - 2 years in development

Episode 2 -just over 3 years in development

The majority of HL2's development was the creation of the Source Engine and Team Fortress 2 wasn't in full time development for 9 years after they ditched the original project it was shelved for a long time. Valve already have the engine so development can move more swiftly.
At first i thought that this content should have been in the first but it became apparent that the first game is to broken and did require a major re-boot something that can only be done with a sequel.

I find it funny how people complain about games that get a sequel every year such as Need For Speed and Fifa and yet they are always top of the charts when they get released. People bitch and claim to be boycotting it yet they still buy it eventually.
Anybody who is "Boycotting" this game are a bunch of fools. You don't like the game idea, so you boycott? Do you see people boycotting outside hoover letting them know that their new vacuum sucks *edit ha pun!*? Do you see people boycotting outside Little Debbie because their new cake tastes like crap? NO.

These are flawed analogies.

I don't have to use my vacuum with other people to enjoy / get the full use out of it, so I just don't buy it. If Little Debbie's new cake tastes like crap to me, that doesn't affect other people who think it tastes good.

In Left 4 Dead's case, however, the moving of the majority of the community to L4D2 will be detrimental to L4D. The moving of most DLC resources to L4D2 will be detrimental to L4D. Since L4D is dependent on the community, the gameplay in L4D will change.

It would be akin to Hoover ONLY manufacturing that new vacuum, or Little Debbie completely discontinuing their other products and ONLY producing that new shitty cake.

OK, how will a business look and see that they are doing something wrong? Look at forums? No. Look at their friends? No. Look at their profits? OH **** YES. You don't like the game, don't buy it. Old argument but it's still true as ever. If they look and say, "Well, we lost money, let's not do THAT again!"...you won! Otherwise, shut up and quit being little bitches by complaining and 'boycotting'.

Unfortunately, this isn't the image Valve has given to their customers. If they want this standard, big business attitude, then fine. Valve will lose their core fanbase which they got through strong customer support. Now that the customer support is gone, all they'll have is the EAfags who buy Madden every year. If that's what they want, then go ahead.

People like you are the whole reason boycotts don't work; blind faith and calling people who try to do something to correct a wrong "little bitches".
These are flawed analogies.

I don't have to use my vacuum with other people to enjoy / get the full use out of it, so I just don't buy it. If Little Debbie's new cake tastes like crap to me, that doesn't affect other people who think it tastes good.

In Left 4 Dead's case, however, the moving of the majority of the community to L4D2 will be detrimental to L4D. The moving of most DLC resources to L4D2 will be detrimental to L4D. Since L4D is dependent on the community, the gameplay in L4D will change.

It would be akin to Hoover ONLY manufacturing that new vacuum, or Little Debbie completely discontinuing their other products and ONLY producing that new shitty cake.

Unfortunately, this isn't the image Valve has given to their customers. If they want this standard, big business attitude, then fine. Valve will lose their core fanbase which they got through strong customer support. Now that the customer support is gone, all they'll have is the EAfags who buy Madden every year. If that's what they want, then go ahead.

People like you are the whole reason boycotts don't work; blind faith and calling people who try to do something to correct a wrong "little bitches".
Well, you're all acting like little bitches, thinking everything needs to be handed to you on a platter. You may lose your free updates to the game, which you're so accustomed to having...so when it's gone, you freak. Hell, you've had enough free DLC in a year to rival that of most companies already. Want want want want. Gosh, it's like little kids here.

I really will never understand why you people find it so hard to "Not buy a game". Hell, if people are moving from L4D, to L4D2, complain about them moving, not because Valve opened another door for them to have fun. They CHOSE to buy the second game, DAMN VALVE FOR LETTING THEM DO THAT!
These are flawed analogies.

It would be akin to Little Debbie completely discontinuing their other products and ONLY producing that new shitty cake.

Nope. It would be like you buy a box of Little Debbie Snack cakes and invite your friends over to have Little Debbie Snack cake parties.. you all have fun eating cakes and coloring ponies and using chalk to play hopscotch in a sunny sky filled with butterflies. Then you read Little Debbie are coming out with another snack cake. "But I don't want to buy another box of snack cakes. I just bought a box of snack cakes why should I pay full price for a second one?" Then in horror you realize your friends have no problem buying 2 boxes of snack cakes and enjoy eating both of them. So then you try to convince your friends this new snack cake will jepordize and decimate the Little Debbie snack cake parties they have all come to love. But they try to tell you its ok to eat both kinds so no community is being decimated.

In disgust you pick up your box of snack cakes and cross out the logo and write 'Little WHORE snack cakes' and draw a mustach on the picture of the girl then you tear up the pony pictures and pour water over the chalk drawn hopscotch squares on the sidewalk get a broom and chase away all the butterflies and tell your friends they aren't REAL little debbie snack cake fans like you are, and you aren't sheep minded Little Debbie fanboys like they are then pick up your snack cake box and go home leaving everyone else to say...... "Ok maybe the party will be fun now".
So I think the past week has proved that there are indeed more immature people on earth than CS players, and those people are the L4D players.
the state of Louisiana including new Orleans will ether sue or have the game banned from shelves for it's plot around city of new Orleans sense New Orleans had suffer from major issue like Katrina that killed millions of people and left millions stranded and suffer
Oh yes, I remember Katrina... RIP those millions of poor souls. Wait... the death toll was a tiny fraction of 1,000,000.
ok now I'm staying out of this cus you guys are being insensitive and you have no idea how hardcore the south can be when it comes to these type of things.

seriously I don't like it but I was force to live here because my mother lives here and hope one day to move to not such a bible belted state.
I live in the South too buddy, and I have no idea what you're talking about. Clearly you don't either.
You think I'm stirring up idiotic things
That's a fair assumption.
I agree that the content in l4d2 does not warrant the full price of another game. From what it looks like, valve is taking the content that was supposed to be for part 1, making it into another game and calling it part 2.

There is no reason for part 2 to be released so soon.

Half-life 2 - 6 years in development

Team fortress 2 - 9 years in development

left 4 dead 2 - 1 year in development? Bah.
Let's see. This is easy. Valve explicitly stated that when they sat down to discuss the DLC / expansion content to L4D, they came up with so many awesome and content/time-consuming ideas that they decided that they'd rather go all-out and make a full second game so they could put in everything they wanted to rather than make it a free addition with DLC to L4D and have to cut back and minimize all of the awesome new features they wanted to add. How hard is that to understand? They aren't trying to squeeze money out of you, they want to get you a better experience and making a sequel is the best way for them to do it.

Also, the majority of HL2's six year development cycle was primarily focused on developing the Source engine. TF2 was NOT in development for 9 years (or if it was, the current, "real" TF2 certainly wasn't... there are screenshots from the early 2000s that look nothing like it and are on what appears to be the GoldSRC engine). And I know we'll all be surprised if L4D2 actually comes out exactly one year after L4D, regardless of what Valve says...
Well, you're all acting like little bitches, thinking everything needs to be handed to you on a platter. You may lose your free updates to the game, which you're so accustomed to having...so when it's gone, you freak. Hell, you've had enough free DLC in a year to rival that of most companies already. Want want want want. Gosh, it's like little kids here.

I really will never understand why you people find it so hard to "Not buy a game". Hell, if people are moving from L4D, to L4D2, complain about them moving, not because Valve opened another door for them to have fun. They CHOSE to buy the second game, DAMN VALVE FOR LETTING THEM DO THAT!

I don't have a choice. L4D is built on the community, and the community is probably going to move to L4D2. As well as the updates. Meaning everything that's broken will still be broken.

And I really can't see how the "little bitch" argument is valid to a discussion.
I don't have a choice. L4D is built on the community, and the community is probably going to move to L4D2. As well as the updates. Meaning everything that's broken will still be broken.

Oh the community cry. Hey guess what. People who own L4D2 are most likely going to own L4D. If you don't own L4D2 you are the one splitting the community not those moving forward. You can play both games with the community... oh no you can't. Because you are going to barricade yourself in a virtual Amish L4D community with other hardcore 'pro community' L4D only players. You have more in common with CS 1.6 only players than the actual community that moved on the CS:S.

Also the community is the most broken thing about L4D. Valve can't patch that.

L4D is the ONLY and I stress only... mutliplayer game where I play it with firends or I don't play it at all. Why? Because when I play public games with the "community" I end up with some the worst online experiences ever.