
Welcome to the club. I spent my entire Sunday yesterday trying to get my ladders to work. Here's basically what I did in a nutshell off the top of my head:

I made an entity, made it a ladder texture.

I made the usableladder entity, dragging it to the proper points and naming it something like ladder01.

I made 3 ladderdismount entities down at the bottom of the ladder and tied each (parent I think?) to ladder01.

I also made 1 dismount at the top (may need 2 or 3 depending on your application of the ladder). I tied that one to ladder01.

I made SURE that the usableladder entity was not going thru the ladder, thru the floor or thru the wall. Nothing is interfering w/ it whatsoever.

It worked for me from there. However I get shaking when I'm on it, but I'm assuming a player clip box will help remedy that situation hopefully.

Anybody that needs to fill in what I missed, do so please.

func_ladder entity if I recall correctly...I'll have to doublecheck. I got a couple things to work on w/ the ladder so I'll doublecheck then.

I've managed to get ladders working, but of the ugly variety. What's missing from the tutorial at is that you have to make a func_ladder entity (converted from a brush), and use the tools/toolsinvisibleladder texture on it. Okay, done. Now my ladders work but there's no visible ladder showing up.

BTW, I'm making a level for counter-strike. All I can find is a really crappy ladder texture (no thanks!) or a ladder1 model (from cs_office) which is too short. Any repositories of ladder models out there? Or is there an easy way to stretch my current ladder?

I haven't found a way to tell the engine to just draw its own damn ladder along the lines of what it shows in the ladder tutorial.
pharamir, I don't see any info_ladder_dismount points in your screenie.

It also depends what game you're mapping for...apparently CS:S only uses the old func_ladder brush entities, and HL2 uses the useableladder point entities.

for the physical ladder itself, it doesn't matter what you is just for looks. there are models of ladders in the props.
I haven't found anything on the shaking issue. I noticed while playing online in a Gasworks beta, I had the shaking on the ladder too, so apparently there's a ton of problems like that or it's something we'll simply have to deal with until there's an update of some sort if that's possible...
