"Lady" Gaga fans


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
yes all 2 of you ....

it's not something that I'm ashamed of, just is'nt something that I go around telling everyone. Yes. I have both male and female genitalia, but I consider myself a female. It's just a little bit of a penis and really doesn't interfere much with my life. The reason I haven't talked about it is that it's not a big deal to me. Like come on, it's not like we all go around talking about our vags. I think this is a great opportunity to make other multiple gendered people feel more comfortable with their bodies. I'm sexy, I'm hot. I have both a poon and a peener. Big ****ing deal.

- Lady Gaga?


I really dont care about celebrity gossip and I'm not even sure who Lady Gaga is but goddam that's just odd ..vagenis? pengina?

Did she actually say this? I seen that same site yesterday and it's not printed anywhere else, I think it's fake, but who knows. I did see a penis in the vid. I also seen anon which made me lol.

EDIT: Oh, I thought it was the same site I saw yesterday, it's not... Maybe it is true?
Fake. "Lots of websites" isn't a source. The BBC Three clip is genuine of course, but only as close to evidence as a flesh-coloured mass in between someone's legs will ever be, and not exactly consistent with the idea that she has both stashed away there.

And whilst BBC Three is a subject, I watched 'Binge Drinking: My Big Decision' with a friend last night, and we spent half the programme hoping that the girl in question would get a positive on her STI test. And then it hit me. There isn't a single show on BBC Three in which the phrase 'I hope she gets a Sexually Transmitted Infection' doesn't apply.
Hermaphrodites exist. Deal with it.

No, I'm not a hermaphrodite.
Fake. "Lots of websites" isn't a source. The BBC Three clip is genuine of course, but only as close to evidence as a flesh-coloured mass in between someone's legs will ever be, and not exactly consistent with the idea that she has both stashed away there.

I dont even care if it's fake or not. I just like stories
Raz whats it like to have both?
I know what you're thinking. Here comes Old Gregg, he's a scaly man-fish. You don't know me. You don't know what I got. I got something to show you. *bright light shines* You know what that is? That's Old Gregg's vagina. I've got a mangina! I'M OLD GREEEEEEEEGG! *echoes*
I am now a lady gaga fan. Well, I'm more a fan of lady gaga's penis.
You know what, having both genetalia doesn't sound such a big deal to me.
From the chat

Lucid: to think i stroked my cock to her photograph once
Lucid: :l
Lucid: i am now half gay
Lucid: ****

sorry lucid <3
I dont even care if it's fake or not. I just like stories
Then you need newer material. The rumour mill has churned so long on the subject of Gaga's bits that jokes have been made on British 'Quizcom' Mock the Week* about it, and they're still uncomfortable with the idea that George Bush isn't president.

The bottom line is that if she has actually got both bits, it's a scientific likelihood that one of them doesn't work, so someone is going to be disappointed.

*AKA 'I Haven't got Have I Got News For You'
Even if it were true, why would I really have a reason to care if someone has a little bit of both?
she allways looked like a european styled singer more that american

if is true them well she have best of both world I guess
Technically speaking you couldn't if you become erect; it would both be painful for the penis and the Vagina

pain and exctasy are often interchangeable

I cant believe some of you are taking this so seriously "lets examine the possibility of living with both sets of genitalia <monocle pops off> lololol
Technically speaking you couldn't if you become erect; it would both be painful for the penis and the Vagina

I don't know, masturbating while shoving a cucumber up there.........

I've said too much.
I don't even understand how she is popular right now TBH, her music is so 2002.
If two Hermaphrodites have sex, do they only use one set

or do they use both.
Stern, if you don't watch it she mum mum mah might p-p-p-poke yer face, p-p-poke yer face.
That was forced.

Kinda like a dick into a vagina ololo
You know, the Clitoris is really just a fairly crude version of the penor.

Try and remember that next time your getting frisky with your lady friends. :imu:
Or a fairly accurate version of your penor.

goddamed is not called hemaphrodite,I think it just like the body got confused and developed both things at once cuz is dumb or something,but is not like she have both,one is normal other should be athrophiated or no functional
If this turns out to be true I will go into school and ask my colleagues to rate her on a scale of one to ten. Then I will tell them. :)

I don't even understand how she is popular right now TBH, her music is so 2002.
As opposed to Black Eyed Peas. They're allegedly 3008 (by comparison you yourself are, by that same measure, two-thounsand-and-late).

When I read this headline I thought the "sneer quotes" around Lady were a dig at her dubious standing as royalty, not as a female.

goddamed is not called hemaphrodite,I think it just like the body got confused and developed both things at once cuz is dumb or something,but is not like she have both,one is normal other should be athrophiated or no functional
how is babby formed? i am truley sorry for your lots

how is babby formed? i am truley sorry for your lots


I am saying that it happens that sometimes the body of a person developes genitals and characteristics of other sex but in a not functional way

so if she is more woman than man her penis dont work,or something like that

I am saying that it happens that sometimes the body of a person developes genitals and characteristics of other sex but in a not functional way

so if she is more woman than man her penis dont work,or something like that
Whoa, your grammar and understandability shot up like fifty points :p I was just indicating that I couldn't understand what you were saying by quoting a famously unintelligible meme post.
There's a lot of really stupid things about this thread, the least of which is Stern believing a post on one of the most obnoxious gossip blogs out there.
I dont even care if it's fake or not. I just like stories

You would and that's why we love you.

I know what you're thinking. Here comes Old Gregg, he's a scaly man-fish. You don't know me. You don't know what I got. I got something to show you. *bright light shines* You know what that is? That's Old Gregg's vagina. I've got a mangina! I'M OLD GREEEEEEEEGG! *echoes*

This show isn't very entertaining. Maybe it's too British for me.