

Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
I started playing hl2dm today, and i noticed i had a very hard time playing on crowded servers because all the players are warping around, and it's impossible to aim. I usually have a good ping and i can run other miltiplayer games (like CSS) just fine.

Does anybody else have this problem? Is there any way to fix it?
try making sure that your internet is set at the right setting under the steam settings (right click on the icon, click settings, then click internet.)
do you have bad ping or bad fps on dm, not other games like css
HL2DM introduced a whole new type of Lag for me. On quite some servers, i get something like "freeze-lag" - in the manner that i can play for 10 seconds, then everything freezes for 5 seconds ( only the network update, i can move the camera n stuff ), then play 10 seconds again, and so on.

While on other servers this isnt the case.

Note that the freeze-lag also happens on dedicated servers that are part of big networks - and it often seems to only be me who experiences this lag.

Any ideas on this ? I also only happens in HL2 ... i REALLY hope we will see the NetCode getting some love in future updates..
rebb said:
HL2DM introduced a whole new type of Lag for me. On quite some servers, i get something like "freeze-lag" - in the manner that i can play for 10 seconds, then everything freezes for 5 seconds ( only the network update, i can move the camera n stuff ), then play 10 seconds again, and so on.

While on other servers this isnt the case.

Note that the freeze-lag also happens on dedicated servers that are part of big networks - and it often seems to only be me who experiences this lag.

Any ideas on this ? I also only happens in HL2 ... i REALLY hope we will see the NetCode getting some love in future updates..

No I get this too, on some servers worse than others. It can take anywhere from 20 seconds to 5 minutes between freezes...and then I'm stuck for a good 5-10s before I'm unfrozen...usually dead. Frustrating when 75% of your deaths are from being killed while frozen.

At first I thought it might have been my dorm connection which was restricted to 56k for download violations...but I'm home for break now and using cable and I'm still experiencing it.