Lamarr is in space!! D:

Jun 18, 2007
Reaction score
That 8.5 extra pounds. Yeah. I think that's why you don't see any more of Lamarr after you leave him clinging to the rocket hatch.
You're right, when I was mucking around Lamarr did jump inside the open console on the rocket, just before you go take care of Silo 2.

And he's most probably dead :(
I didn't catch that the first time. I'll look for that when I play it over again.
Why do people keep calling Lamarr a "he"!? *pulls out hair*

And, yes. Spacecrab. :p
There have been 3 damned threads about this. She's dead. Get over it.
they refer to it as a she throughout the game though
I'm sure they'll find some way to bring Lamarr back. And they better.
We will meet Lamarr again at the Combine homeworld and it is she who will destroy the combine empire.
I was expecting Lamarr to leap off the rocket as it was launching and land in the control room. :D

Would've totally ruined the moment, but still been awesome. Perhaps it could've been slightly later and taken out the extraneous Magnusson monitor...