Lamarr's Big Day

  • Thread starter Thread starter Soal_Fish
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That was pretty damn cool and twisted at the same time. :laugh:

That is the most genuinely clever and funny use of Garry's Mod i've seen in ages!

Kudos to the creator!
"It was the perfect ending. To Lamarrs BIIIIGGG DAAYY!"

Haha, that was ace!
That was hilarious, that guys voice, is EXACTLY how those crap kids shows are narrated "youre obviously stupid, so we will exaggerate Evveeerryyy word"
And that's what children's television should be like :D

Slide Lamarr, slide!
"And Lamarr asked 'Can I have a turn' *painful screams* 'Sure' he replied *blood everywhere* 'Fly Lamarr. FLY!'

I loved that part.
Haha! What a great video. :D. They should make something like: "Lamarr visits Playschool" next.
Shodan said:
That was hilarious, that guys voice, is EXACTLY how those crap kids shows are narrated "youre obviously stupid, so we will exaggerate Evveeerryyy word"
It was dead on for Blues Clues

Funny vid.
WAHAHAHAHA That kicks ass dude! <chant> MORE MORE MORE </chant>
eh not bad. Seen a lot better Machinima then that.
Beautiful. Continue on, mate...
LOL that's classic. I love how he narrated it too, haha
lammar is sucha cute lil pet!

/we wants a desktop buddy

liek the paper clip but not thick and randomly tears down webpages :P