Lambda Controversy

let's make this absolutely clear: Lambda was the hyper secret lab at the Top secret government labs at Black Mesa, New Mexico(an area of the state, not really a city, filled with large technological research firms). That's clearer than anything any of you people have said yet...
Black Mesa is a top-secret research center in new mexico, Lambada is the code name to what they were working on, it does not refer to the complex, it refers to theteleportation device that is housed in the Lambada bunker..In the beggining, when you push the crystal into the energy beam, what you were pushing it into was actually the top of the lambada device, and doing that set off the teleporter to move backwards, and teleport aliens from Xen into black mesa. The lambada device extends all the way down through black mesa, several feet into the ground, the whole point of the game was to get lambada running again so you could go to Xen and defeat the Ninilath (spelling?) If you remember correctley, you had to get coolant and power running to lambada, and then you had to go to the top again, so that you could be teleported to Xen, and basically, anywhere that you see a huge yellow shaft with catwalks going around it, that was Lambada. That is what I picked up from the game
reatrds i think he realises the Lambda is a ****ing greek letter and is the symbol for wavelength.... he means IN THE GAME what is it....... i seem to remember the lambda complex being the kinda military base of operations in the Black mesa Research facility.
not 100% on that though

if lambda labs was a military base then WHY THE FU<K WOULD YOU BE TRYING TO GET THERE WHEN THE MARIENS ARE TRYING TO KILL YOU?! no it was the lab that was responsible for all of the exploration on xen, thats why it has a teleporter. you use the lambda labs teleporter to get to xen and kill nithilanth.
uhh.. I think this thread was started in reference to the OTHER logo of HL1, the logo of the Black Mesa Research Facility. Not the ****ing wavelength symbol... You fools... Everyone knows what the wavelength symbol is. It's in the HL1 and HL2 logo.

He was talking about the Black Mesa logo, which is the one on Alyx's shirt and is all throughout the game on crates/boxes/etc in HL1.

You mention "logo" and everyone is like WHAT!? WAVELENGTH SYMBOL!?@ Actually I don't remember seeing the wavelength symbol much at all in the game. But I *DO* remember the Black Mesa logo.
There actually is a Black Mesa in northeastern Arizona - pull out your road atlas and look. It's near Monument Valley. I drove by it about three weeks ago when I went on a road trip with one of my old high school friends. I actually took a picture of Black Mesa because I'm a huge geek, even though it doesn't look that cool or anything. If I was at home I would post it but I'm at work right now.