Lambda scares Blizzard into apologizing


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
Continued from these 2 threads.

It warrented a new thread because this latest news is an important development for online rights in WoW

"Shortly after Lambda Legal, the USA's "oldest and largest" gay and lesbian civil rights organization, sent a letter to Blizzard regarding the previously mentioned Oz guild debate, the company sent guild leader Sara Andrews an apology for the warning she received after recruiting for her "GLBT friendly" guild in an open channel.

Equating World of Warcraft and other online worlds as "public accommodations," establishments set up by private institutions as meeting places for the general public, Lambda Legal cited extensive anti-discrimination case law stating that while Blizzard is "well within its rights to insist that players avoid referring to other gamers in an 'insulting manner,'" it cannot ban mention of a person's own sexual orientation. "There is nothing 'insulting' about identifying oneself as gay, lesbian or transgender," said the letter, "nor does the announcement of a guild for LGBT gamers constitute 'harassment' in any sense of the word."

Andrews said an email came to her from Blizzard's customer service apologizing for the warning she received, calling it "an unfortunate interpretation of their policy," and that those policies were now under review. According to Andrews, the apology means that guilds can continue to recruit in an open manner.

while I think it's good that Blizzard apologized I fear this has opened a whole new can of worms as many special interest groups will be testing the policy in the coming weeks
My god...

Just merge the females and males into one ultra sex, thus making everything fine.
CptStern said:
while I think it's good that Blizzard apologized I fear this has opened a whole new can of worms as many special interest groups will be testing the policy in the coming weeks
Yeah, this applies to so much more than just this one case. The implications are far reaching and set a certain precedent that I hope won't be mis-used....
Hmm. It's tough to say on this one. I think it's good that she can do this, but still, I hope it doesn't get taken advantage of.
I think this is really much ado about nothing

(Help Recieved: Shakespeare)

Honestly, I'm tired of all this crap
heh, simple solution: dont read it could easily play WoW without so much as a casual reference to this issue ..I've yet to see it mentioned ingame
Urgh, this was entirely unnecessary. I sympathise with Blizzard despite their somewhat ill-thought approach- in an ideal world this would be utterly irrelevant and there'd be no need to "protect" their core market.

Hell, there'd be no need to advertise your senisibilities either... and that's what started this idiot rampage over "discrimination" in a fictional game full of kids and orcs.
CptStern said:
heh, simple solution: dont read it could easily play WoW without so much as a casual reference to this issue ..I've yet to see it mentioned ingame
No, I'm tired of everyone trying to make everything completely politically correct without realizing that nothing will ever be perfect and they need to accept that fact. Besides, their idea of perfect and fair for everyone is just plain ridiculous.
Arg I was hoping this wouldn't happen. There is really no need to bring controversial issues into a gaming fantasy world. I dont care if its sexual orientation, politics or anything else controversial. It only causes problems and there is no need for it. Now people will be pushing this issue and testing the policy until either blizzard gets sued or people are running around wildly in barrens chat yelling about how they like it up the @$$ just to incite a flame fest because they can.

Not to mention is large GLBT guilds spring up you know very well people will sit out of the MC zone and wait for them to come then spam them with anti-GLBT statements all bible sayings and all kinds of crap. Really, this small issue will turn into a much much larger issue because people don't want to be discriminated for any reason, even if it comes at harm of a large community just to please that one person. This kind of stuff pisses me off, I hope this is really the end of this garbage.
it's not about political correctness but rather about treating people equally regardless of gender/race etc

glirk you're making a mountain out of a mole hill
The thing is Stern I'd happily back you in an equality rally in the real world...

But this is a game, and yet ALL parties involved have acted as if The Horde are real and yet they're being discriminated against because of their sexualities :| Glirk's not the only one to blow this out of proportion!

What's next? A crackdown on the CS community because of the widespread homophobic remarks?
Edcrab said:
The thing is Stern I'd happily back you in an equality rally in the real world...

But this is a game, and yet ALL parties involved have acted as if The Horde are real and yet they're being discriminated against because of their sexualities :| Glirk's not the only one to blow this out of proportion!

What's next? A crackdown on the CS community because of the widespread homophobic remarks?

it's not that's the fact that the rules apply for some but not for others ...I really dont believe Blizzard intentionally discriminates ..they did what they did so as to not cause a fuss ..which happened anyways me, Blizzard doesnt do or say anything without a lawyer present ..all companies work that way
I know, but that's the irony of it: they didn't intend to cause offence (quite the opposite), and yet I've got the horrible feeling they're going to be demonised for no good reason.

I suppose I just don't think this should've ever happened- I'm fully aware it's no big deal, I'm just pissed off by this because they're phrasing the situation as if Blizzard is a big bad intolerant conglomerate. They make games, they don't ask for bizzare situations to put them on the spot...
well I dont think anyone is maligning blizzard ..maybe the way they handled this but blizzard isnt EA so few people take it to heart
CptStern said:
it's not about political correctness but rather about treating people equally regardless of gender/race etc
But true equality does not exist anywhere, simple as that. Human nature is all about discriminating and separating oneself in one way or another. Maybe I should say I'm being discriminated against in a game because I'm a lower lever than someone else, or because they're a different race and thus they can use different weapons. Stupid bullshit like this can only lead to more stupid bullshit, making everyone into a faceless member of a bland socialist society.
Icarusintel said:
But true equality does not exist anywhere, simple as that. Human nature is all about discriminating and separating oneself in one way or another.

yes but you're dealing with the abstract ..companies have a higher code of conduct to adhere to than the general public and as such cant really be compared to it

Icarusintel said:
Maybe I should say I'm being discriminated against in a game because I'm a lower lever than someone else, or because they're a different race and thus they can use different weapons. Stupid bullshit like this can only lead to more stupid bullshit, making everyone into a faceless member of a bland socialist society.

:upstare: ..rights are defined by the Universal declaration of Human rights ...discrimination is defined by certain quantifiers like: race, religion, ethnic background, gender etc ...not whether you're lower in a game or not ...what you're suggesting is extremism that leads to an abuse of equality rights
So the Lambda complex was really the gay complex!!!111oneone :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
I think some people are misinterepreting the purpose of having a GLBT-friendly guild. I don't think the idea is so much to find other GLBT players for the sake of playing with other GLBT players. The idea is to find a group of people that you can play with without having idiots constantly calling things "gay" and people "******s", etc. As a straight person, I know that type of language pisses me off - I can't imagine what it might be like for someone the language would actually apply to, especially in a game environment where I am just trying to have fun.

EDIT: Just another thought... Blizzard seems to be concerned that the advertising of GLBT guilds might be the cause of some flaming and use of foul language that might not have otherwise occured. If that is truely the case, why should the GLBT bear the brunt of the punishment? Shouldn't it be the other way around?
Edcrab said:
What's next? A crackdown on the CS community because of the widespread homophobic remarks?

Do you have any idea how awesome that would be?

It would eliminate approximately 80% of the people who make that game intolerable.
Mechagodzilla said:
Do you have any idea how awesome that would be?

It would eliminate approximately 80% of the people who make that game intolerable.

and would eliminate 70% of the players, too.
CptStern said:
heh, simple solution: dont read it could easily play WoW without so much as a casual reference to this issue ..I've yet to see it mentioned ingame
heh, you obviously have yet to experience the Barrens chat. Or at least not for long. Most smart players learn to leave general chat when they enter the Barrens lest they lose a few IQ points.

I mean after one hour in the Barrens the following topics were covered in the worst ways possible:

Gays (Mostly bashing).
George Bush (Mostly constant flaming).
Michael Jackson.
The difference between floating and sinking feces (They were trying to determine how diet affects them).
"shamies r teh 0verpoWorZ!1!!!11".
Um, I for one do not see the need for speacial protection of any gays in WoW, at least in the end-game. Yes barrens is a shithole of children, but that is what exaclty what it is. The end game guilds, the crazy ones that can put the hardest bosses on "farm status", tend to have strict rules about, well everything. They do not allow excessive cursing, insults, or PUBLIC INSULTS.

Example: I have been in 4 different end game guilds. Not only where gay jokes non existant, I never heard the word "gay, fag, ******, queer, butt-focker, etc.", Also, these guilds are also very vocal on what you can say OUTSIDE OF THE GUILD. As you represent the guild, they will get pissed if you NINJA anything, or even curse, sometimes.

Towards the end game, no on cares if you like men or women, but how well you can spot heals on your shaman, or dispell with you paladin. By making a BLGT or whatever guild, you are only advertising the fact that you are a target, while most guilds already have no problem, and are understanding, espeacially if you are a healer.
The Mullinator said:
heh, you obviously have yet to experience the Barrens chat. Or at least not for long. Most smart players learn to leave general chat when they enter the Barrens lest they lose a few IQ points.

I mean after one hour in the Barrens the following topics were covered in the worst ways possible:

Gays (Mostly bashing).
George Bush (Mostly constant flaming).
Michael Jackson.
The difference between floating and sinking feces (They were trying to determine how diet affects them).
"shamies r teh 0verpoWorZ!1!!!11".

heh havent made it to the barrens yet, I'm only lvl 39 ..but I usually dont notice chat, I spend most of my time alone in WoW or if I'm chatting with someone it's usually a guild member or a party member

other games are far worse in my opinion far the worst I've ever encountered is CounterStrike's not just gays but every single minority/stereotype/hateful thing possible ..I usually dont speak up unless it's very offensive or the person wont shut up about it. But I dont play CS:S all that much because most people are immature idiots in public servers also tends to attract military types and they can be over the top with racism sometimes. I find the more realistic (military type game) a game the more racism

Eg. said:
Um, I for one do not see the need for speacial protection of any gays in WoW, at least in the end-game. Yes barrens is a shithole of children, but that is what exaclty what it is. The end game guilds, the crazy ones that can put the hardest bosses on "farm status", tend to have strict rules about, well everything. They do not allow excessive cursing, insults, or PUBLIC INSULTS.

this isnt about giving special protections to gays it's about treating people equally regardless of gender choice
IMO women in game need to be protected more. Once they are found out on ventrilo people literally stalk them following their every move,sometimes gaggles of n00bs will follow one person and power lvl and twink them. I want to be a girl damnit!

Not really...that stuff I hear drives em crazy pretty fast.