LAN Party connection problem!!! HELP


6800 Ultra

We have 9 PC's in one room, with a Cisco 5005 switch. We have regular Optimum Online cable modem. Only one person can join an internet server... WTF??? Is there anyway to get multiple ppl in a server, or is there a bug in Source???

All PC's have functioning internet connections, and steam is working fine. Just timesout if more than one person tries to join a server.
6800 Ultra said:
We have 9 PC's in one room, with a Cisco 5005 switch. We have regular Optimum Online cable modem. Only one person can join an internet server... WTF??? Is there anyway to get multiple ppl in a server, or is there a bug in Source???

All PC's have functioning internet connections, and steam is working fine. Just timesout if more than one person tries to join a server.

You're not trying to play with only 1 copy of CS are you?

EDIT: and what does an internet server have to do with LAN anyway? I don't have CS:S but I'm pretty sure those are 2 seperate things...
you shudent need a internet connection anyway on a lan ?? correct me if im wrong
Kiva128 said:
and what does an internet server have to do with LAN anyway? I don't have CS:S but I'm pretty sure those are 2 seperate things...

Some people at Lan parties have a group of friends that play on internet servers together
I'm guessing they are all hooked up using Ethernet cords to one router/switch making it a "LAN" but they all want to play in one online server. You all must have seperate Steam accounts with CS Source in case you dont already. Thats the only thing I can think of causing problems.
When you play on the net, you have to have seperate steam accounts. But when its just lan, you can all use the same steam account as long as your only in the lan game. No net games :(
Everyone has legal purchased steam accounts. And we have routing correctly setup. Everyone can log into Steam, and view server list. The problem comes when we try to join a internet server, creating LAN games works 100%.
6800 Ultra said:
Everyone has legal purchased steam accounts. And we have routing correctly setup. Everyone can log into Steam, and view server list. The problem comes when we try to join a internet server, creating LAN games works 100%.

Do you get some sort of err msg when others try join?
is a (Cisco 5005 switch) some kind of router ? if so that cud be the prob
Because of the fact that you are getting a timeout when more than 1 of you tries to access a server, It leads me to think that the 5005 is just a switch and not a router.

The difference between the two is that a router is used to connect 1 network to another. (your lan to the internet for example.) A switch is a device that is used to connect multiple computers in the same network.

This is because a router has path determination and IP routing (it has more powerful protocols and features) and switches are made to route transmissions using MAC (physical) addresses.

If your 5005 is really infact a router switch combo device (i tried to research it but i could not find it.) then it is not configured properly to share the IP that your ISP assigned to you between the computers on your network.

(if you can post a little bit more on the 5005 (is it a catalyst? or is it a router/switch combo device) it would be useful so that I can better diagnose your problem)
Most likely your switch is not forewarding the correct IP's for each comp the the server. Use a router in snyc with your switch like this:
Comps --> Switch --> router --> Modem

Not sure how you have your LAN set up, but this should work. Also, make sure no firewalls are blocking the port.
And don't spill dew on the router. I've learned that the hard way.
Guys, we have a Netgear router, and everyone has functioning INTERNET... (ex. we can log into Steam, refresh server list)

After one player successfully joins a server, the rest cannot join that server and just timeout... WTF

Not a routing problem, as 1.6 works fine....
Maybe you need to configure the computers (game configurations) to use different ports to connect to the server? I know that's how it is for the original Half-life/MODS on my network at home (with a Netgear router, also).
6800 Ultra said:
Guys, we have a Netgear router, and everyone has functioning INTERNET... (ex. we can log into Steam, refresh server list)

After one player successfully joins a server, the rest cannot join that server and just timeout... WTF

Not a routing problem, as 1.6 works fine....

even if you have got functioning INTERNET , still dosent meen its not a router problem ... iv had probs like that befor i can do anything on the internet untill it comes to servers .....

can you run a internet server and other ppl NOT THE PPL ON THE LAN but ppl in genral join the server ??
depends on the switch... maybe a layer 3 switch...then it can route...
otherwise it's a layer 2 multiport bridge

PyromaniacLVI said:
Because of the fact that you are getting a timeout when more than 1 of you tries to access a server, It leads me to think that the 5005 is just a switch and not a router.

The difference between the two is that a router is used to connect 1 network to another. (your lan to the internet for example.) A switch is a device that is used to connect multiple computers in the same network.

This is because a router has path determination and IP routing (it has more powerful protocols and features) and switches are made to route transmissions using MAC (physical) addresses.

If your 5005 is really infact a router switch combo device (i tried to research it but i could not find it.) then it is not configured properly to share the IP that your ISP assigned to you between the computers on your network.

(if you can post a little bit more on the 5005 (is it a catalyst? or is it a router/switch combo device) it would be useful so that I can better diagnose your problem)
Might be a time-out problem

My roomate and I share a Comcast cable connection. We have no problems going through a Netgear router and switch when connecting to and playing through Steam at the same time.

There is one thing that we have noticed though. If one of us is playing and the other is updating the server information or trying to join a game then our Ping will shoot through the roof and the game will become nearly unplayable. :eek: Now you said you had 9 people all sharing a Cable connection. I don't see how you'll be able to make that work. 3 probably and maybe even 4 but 9 I doubt it. Now if you had 3/4 Mbits down and 1/2 Mbits up then you could probably do it without a problem. However, considering most people on cable only have 512Mbits up I doubt you'll be able to do it.

I do have a few recommendations for you though. If possible try hooking 2 or 3 people into the Router (most have multiple ports on the router's themselves) then see if works. Also, make sure that you don't have anyone else connected for this test. If that doesn't work I would definitely try contacting Valve/Steam and asking what the deal is.

One thing to keep in mind that a lot of people don't know is that home routers are very limited in the amount of traffic they can process. For example, I know a lot of people who have issues with Bit Torrent or other P2P programs b/c they open up too many connections and the Router chokes on the traffic.

I hope this helps. ;)
lol...don't think they have 512 Mbit upstream :D that would be f*ckin fr**ky nice...
You meant 512 Kbit i guess

jdjbuffalo said:
My roomate and I share a Comcast cable connection. We have no problems going through a Netgear router and switch when connecting to and playing through Steam at the same time.

There is one thing that we have noticed though. If one of us is playing and the other is updating the server information or trying to join a game then our Ping will shoot through the roof and the game will become nearly unplayable. :eek: Now you said you had 9 people all sharing a Cable connection. I don't see how you'll be able to make that work. 3 probably and maybe even 4 but 9 I doubt it. Now if you had 3/4 Mbits down and 1/2 Mbits up then you could probably do it without a problem. However, considering most people on cable only have 512Mbits up I doubt you'll be able to do it.

I do have a few recommendations for you though. If possible try hooking 2 or 3 people into the Router (most have multiple ports on the router's themselves) then see if works. Also, make sure that you don't have anyone else connected for this test. If that doesn't work I would definitely try contacting Valve/Steam and asking what the deal is.

One thing to keep in mind that a lot of people don't know is that home routers are very limited in the amount of traffic they can process. For example, I know a lot of people who have issues with Bit Torrent or other P2P programs b/c they open up too many connections and the Router chokes on the traffic.

I hope this helps. ;)
segobi said:
lol...don't think they have 512 Mbit upstream :D that would be f*ckin fr**ky nice...
You meant 512 Kbit i guess

Yeah, sorry about that. It was late at night and I wasn't thinking straight. Yes, 512Kbits is the correct speed. :rolleyes:
You need to specify a port for each client. They are all trying to use the same port.

This info is specific to CoD but the same concept applies.

EDIT : So you need to find the CS/HL2 Equivelant Commands.

How do I set up the game for multiple users behind a NAT firewall?

To setup for multiple users:
1) Right-click on the Play Call of Duty Multiplayer icon you use to start the game.
2) Select Properties.
3) In the Target field you'll see a line like "C:\Program Files\Call of Duty\CodMP.exe", add the Quake III net_port command to specify a unique communication port for each system. The complete field should look like this:

"C:\Program Files\Call of Duty\CodMP.exe" +set net_port 28960

4) Click OK.
5) Repeat for each system behind the NAT, adding one to the net_port selected (28960,28961,28962)

While the first player behind the NAT joins fine, adding additional players is problematic in the default configuration. Symptoms include rejected challenges, invalid cdkey, dropped delta packets, and severe "connection interrupted" messages.

By default, Call of Duty clients send and receive data over the same port, causing the server to treat multiple clients as a single data connection.