Lan party theft


Oct 7, 2003
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I plan on bringing my system to a couple lan parties this summer. I have heard theft at lan parties is getting bad. Last year at some of the events in my city someone had their computer stolen and a couple of people had mice and keyboards stolen and videocards. What is the easiest way to may sure this doesnt happen. Because the case im buying next month (wave master) doesnt have locks and anti theft doors the only thing i can think of is to wrap some duct tap around the door and side window so if anyone wants to steal a video card they will have to cut through the tape or ripp it off. (my guess is the more work the theif has to do to get the equipment, the less chance there is that they will attempt ot take it) And so anyone doesnt steal the mouse and keyboard i thought about buying some thin steal wire and welding a loop and slipping that on the mouse and keyboard cables and locking the other end to the fan grill.
Have any of you guys had theft problems at lan parties or should i just not worry about losing any of my equipemnt.
hey i never thought of stealing lan partie computer... hmm great idea... easy monney! lol j/k but that idea douse make my mouth water... ok heres how you prevent your CPU from being stolen... make shure you got lots of screw on the back... and mabee put some hot glue over the screws then ppl have to light a match next to it to melt it... or glue it and ducktape it... and never let it out of your sight..
I've never had that problem, but then again, I usally attend not so huge LANs, so when someone is digging around a computer it's a big deal, and there's always somebody awake.

Maybe they should make The Club for computers.
:eek: Don't be surprised when PC hardware companies start to make their hardware with built-in, anti-theft technology.
put some hot glue over the screws then ppl have to light a match next to it to melt it
Ya that might work then i dont have to bother duct tapping it.
I live in the same city Fragapolozza is always held and theres over a thousand people going to the 4 day lan party so any one could just walk up and steal something without being noticed. Hopefully the hot glue will work.
don't leave your computer, and if someone does steal your stuff, take that gun and blow a hole through everyones computer
carry a gun in a lead container and hotglue the screws then put ducktape on them...
Actually I remember a long time ago I had this really cool personal alarm.

It worked very simply. There was an alarm (speaker) hooked up to 2 metal popsicle looking sticks. when the sticks touched, the alarm was off. then the 2 sticks seperated, the alarm sounds (and DAMN was it loud). So if you put that inside your computer, and shut the case on the 2 metal parts causing them to touch each other, it will go nuts when some1 opens your case.

That is, if you can find that thingy.
Before you go buy that case why not consider a better one...i've just got a Thermaltake 1000d and it is impressive, but its weighty (17k empty/ about 22k full) but to give you a general idea, it has a two way lock on the front, full or half open (seems very very strong, not something you could just force open with your bare hands) and inside there it has a twisty nob that locks the only side panel able to open, so if the front is locked and the nob is locked then no ones getting in it without causing a scene (alerting you) and just to be even more safe it has a switch that presses in when the side panel is on and soon as its taken of that sounds a case alarm. They have LAN cases that look sweet and weigh like 5k.
You should use a 486 case. No one in their right mind would want to steal that.

I always thought, when I watched CPL videos, How are these guys protecting their goods?
ya i was looking at the thermaltake cases. Its nice that they have intrusion detection and locking doors. Thermaltake is my second choice if i dont go with cooler master
I only attend a few small LANs myself, but I do watch what others do around my case and make sure I have it locked. Locks are a nice feature to look for when buying a case, even if its just for the peace of mind.
At the last LAN party I was at my friend stole 5 mouses and a hard drive, he hid them in his comp case.
Foxtrot said:
At the last LAN party I was at my friend stole 5 mouses and a hard drive, he hid them in his comp case.

You should smack him in the face and punch him in the crotch. 5 times.
Foxtrot said:
At the last LAN party I was at my friend stole 5 mouses and a hard drive, he hid them in his comp case.

Wow he's a coolio l33tz0r :D

Or not.