

Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
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Learning Japanese is rather hard.

The charecters are ok, it's like learning the chinese charecters and 'Hanja'.

Ok, the accents are a bit harder.

But the hardest thing is.... mixing the sentences with Chinese charectors and Japanese charectors. I can't pronounce them. I already know what those charectors are (meaning/pronunciation) and I CAN'T FRIGGING RELEARN THEM. IT TOOK ME YEARS TO KNOW THE 500 I KNOW TODAY.


#include stdio.h
Anyway.... who here can speak more than 1 language? How many can you speak?

I can speak Korean, English, very little Japanese, can read Chinese, but cannot speak it.
I learnt German for 4 years (schoololol), but then quit. I don't know why I did, because I was ace at it... now I can't remember a thing.
Well I can speak besides Romanian, English and very little French. Oh and I can understand a few words in German but anybody can do that:P
I'm going to learn German from scratch this year. Woot.
Ur lucky you went into special u lucky dude, i have to stick with chinese >.<
Just English. Learnt French in school but I've forgotten it all really.

Useless anyway, if someone can't understand me I just repeat it, but louder.
I've been learning some Japanese in School, but pretty basic stuff like Hiragana/katakana and some basic grammar.

Other than that, I've been "trying" (aka not trying) to learn spannish for 4+ years and haven't learned a thing. Swedish, English, Dannish, Norwegian is no problem either.
Never learnt a second language, but I'd be most curious about Japanese if I did. Or maybe Maori, that's a really cool language to listen to.
In order of how well I know them: Swedish, English, Norwegian, Danish, German.
Cantonese, English, Mandarin.

Very bad at the non-english ones.
I know a bit of english and spanish,castellano,colombian,argentine,a bit of peruvian,chile,mexican, and gocho and maracucho
Haha, trust RJMC to be the most muti-lingual of us all.
I can speak a little Spanish.

no you cant ...Little spanish was banned over 2 centuries ago so as to not offend spanish midgets :cheese:

hey Numbers why are you learning Japanese? getting ready for the invasion/occupation? or just sick of watching subtitled anime ***cough***hentai***cough***?
I can only speak one language currently. I have a desire to finish learning Russian... and after that, I will probably learn Spanish. Spanish will be better for me in the job world, but Russian is more of a passion.
I can speak English, some French, C and C++ with some Java and C#.
English, Greek, Russian and some Deutsch. I also understand a little Turkish.
I speak Dutch and English, I understand german and I can read Latin a bit. I still know the greek alphabet but I can't remember a single verb, noun or grammar.

But english and dutch are all I need anyway.
no you cant ...Little spanish was banned over 2 centuries ago so as to not offend spanish midgets :cheese:

hey Numbers why are you learning Japanese? getting ready for the invasion/occupation? or just sick of watching subtitled anime ***cough***hentai***cough***?

My Major is English, my Minor is Japanese at school.
English plus a little bit of German, just enough to look up German scat porn on the internet.
'Learning' Irish and French in school. I suck at Irish, there are way too many grammatical rules in the damn language.
I know English (duh) and Blackinese. Ask anyone.

For shizzle my nizzle I be know my languizzle up in this mug and I be expressizzlin mahself freezizzly.

Word to mah bitches and homies.
I know a bit of english and spanish,castellano,colombian,argentine,a bit of peruvian,chile,mexican, and gocho and maracucho

Aren't those all pretty much the same, though? Minus english.

On a barely-related note, I used to know this really hot chilean girl.



English, French, German and a little Spanish.
I speak dutch and english fluently. My german is pretty good too. I can make myself understood in french but I lack vocabulary. I can order food in italian, spanish and thai, but I fail as soon as I leave a restaurant. I also read a little latin and (old) greek.
I can speak English completely fluently, and I took french for four years, I can't speak it for shit but I have a real ear for accents and dialects so I can fake french pretty good, as well as german and italian a little.
I can say 2 sentances in Spanish!
Como Estas?
I'm learning Japanese too.

ABSOLUTE BITCH IT IS. All the particles and the hard.