laptop versus macbook, your opinions n advice


Oct 8, 2004
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Hey everyone,

Im currently looking for a new laptop as i am going to college soon and wont have a PC with me.

The Macbook have been pretty tempting lately, esp the macbook pro with its specs, but the cost as well as problems posted online (heating, paint, glitches.etc) have made me think otherwise..

So i need to get a laptop but with the price range of less then 2000$,
that has good gaming ability (Halflife2, Doom3..etc) as well as battery life that lasts 2:30 to 3 hours..

A little more then 2000 is fine, but I would like some advise.

If any of you guys own a macbook, and have not come across big problems such as overheating or major software/hardware probs, please comment so, as i have yet not fully abandoned hope of getting a macbook (i also like photoediting, as well as illustration works.. ps cs, adobe illustrator)

Thanks guys
Well I am a HUGE! Mac fan so of course I am going to recommend you to get the new and improved Mac "Book" as they call it as you have in your post it seems that you have looked at it. My sister has a Mac G4 power book and I love it. I make any excuse to use it. Me or my sister have never had one tiny bit of a problem with it. Only thing I can recommend to avoid problems is always install your mac updates (will pop up as soon as you boot up the computer if you need a update) Do not ignore these updates! So there is my opinion as you asked for! Hope this helped you with you decision.
how is gaming on macbooks?

with the help of bootcamp..
install windows on the macbook. i read an article in a magazine that windows has better framerates on mac than MAC OS X. so if u get the macbook, get the one with x1600 gpu and at least 1 gb of ram. my bro has a powerbook g4 and 512 mb of ram is more than enough.
will x1600 be good enough to run hl2 on top settings?
1024 x 768
I know a guy in one of my classes with a MacBook and he loves it. He upgraded it to 2GB of memory since he runs Windows XP with Virtual PC. He uses it mostly for his job though.

If you want to game (something more intensive than World of Warcraft) then you will not want a Macbook but a Macbook Pro. Link

If you get a Laptop, get one with an ATI chip in it. They have the better moble GFX chip.
yes i am looking to getting the macbook pro 15 in.

anyone own this?
hate to say it but macs are just better machines dude, but are more expensive, so its a matter of how much u wanna spend.......but from what I hear, Macs run everything better.
That clip is old as internet. I'd take the macbook.
I'd take the macbook too. No matter how much people bitch about em', macs are still good computers.
I'd say the same.

For a laptop, it's a mac hands down.

When you're looking for a desktop gaming machine though, it's an entirely different story.
MacBook Pro sounds better. But then you have to get XP to game...too much of a hassle.
What makes macs better laptops than PC laptops?

Not trying to troll, I'm honestly curious.
They look pretty, although I'm not gaming on laptops, just college stuff (maybe some old CS and UT GOYE or something ;)). The only experience I've had with macs make them look like crap (elementry school, horrible layout, etc...years ago). But hey, they look pretty in that white glossyness.