

Apr 1, 2008
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Originally a book a planned to make, but as usual, i'm shooting too high. Maybe over the course of the year i'll release more.

Chapter 0 - The Legend

In the beginning, there was nothing. Then, there was something. Nobody knows when or how this change happened, but nobody seems to care much either. Apart from the ones who do, though, but nobody cares about them.

Anyway, this ?something? was, well, I suppose the ?religions? of the over world would classify it as ?God?. God was an impossibly perfect and kind leader, but he only had one problem; he had nothing to lead. And so, God got the idea of creating the universe. So he did. But then he wanted to have something living on this universe. So he created life. Soon, however, this life became dull and bored, due to not having any beliefs, so God created Heaven and the belief of it. However, the life then decided if one beautiful place beyond life existing, one parallel to it must also exist, so God created Hell and the belief of it for them.

However, the life began to question who controlled Hell, and made it so horrible, so he created the Demons, creatures who live in and run Hell. This is where the creation of free-thinking bit God on the bum. The Demons rose up against him, Believing that he was no longer needed. God did not agree with this, but having no-one to defend him, he needed his own servants, so he created Angels. The Demons over-powered the Angels unfortunately, so God gave the Angels almost invincible armour to fight back. They won, and as a show of anger, God banished anyone from crossing the boundaries of Heaven, leaving all, Demons and dead people alike, to wallow in the pit of Hell. The Demons created their own world, with their own names. And one Demon would stand out from these Demons.

One Demon, named Lar.

Chapter I - The Demon

The day started like any other. Well, I say day, in Hell there?s really no way of checking time. Anyway, it started normally. It appeared that fires had begun to respark outside, a signal often used by the Demons to signify it was time to begin working. Lar sat in his hut, resting his feet atop a stalagmite, yawning as he scratched his bony head.

You see, Demons were basically God working half-assed after making the life. He didn?t bother to add things common to life, such as skin and organs. I suppose the closest thing that can be thought of to be similar to a Demon is the ?Grim Reaper? of legend. But of course, there is no such thing as a Grim Reaper. That?d just be stupid.

So Lar sat in his make-shift bed, rubbing and itching the inside of his eyeholes, picking out ashes which had fallen into them as he slept. Scratching his clavicle, Lar took out a torn robe from a small bundle of cloths he had, putting it on with haste. He had already waited to long to get up, and soon, the food-storages would be empty, and Lar would not get something to eat. Of course it couldn?t kill him, but it would severely weaken him, much like if he didn?t sleep enough. Despite the short supply of materials, Lar?s robe fit perfectly to his stature, going down to his phalanges. Putting on a pair of ?sandals?, Lar made his way out of the cave his hut was situated in, and towards ?Hells Kitchen? the nearest food-storage area.

However, this was all to waste, as the food-stores had all but run empty, leaving only a few ground-up pebbles and some sterilized magma to eat. Lar frowned as he moved slowly to Pore, the owner of Hells Kitchen.
?Oh, why is the food always gone. I mean, couldn?t you set up some extra stuff in the back for us stragglers?? Lar moaned, with a look of annoyance in his eyeholes.
?What do you mean ?us stragglers?? You?re the only one who doesn?t get here on time. Now just grab some pebbledashes and shut up, you lazy git.? Pore grunted, shovelling fresh steaming minestrone soup into his mouth.
?Eh, beggars can?t be choosers, I suppose. Still, I swear the fire?s resparked too early today. Seems like every day I get an hour less sleep.?
?Maybe you?re just useless.?
?Thanks for the support. Give Mrs. Pore my regards.? Lar smiled as he began to sluggishly make his way to the exit.
?Just remember, it?s not all about you, mate. You know how many demons live in Hell??
?Me neither. Well, seeya, anyway.? Pore laughed as he went back into his hut to sterilize more lava. It was a tough job, but someone had to do it.

Lar continued down the caves until he came to a bridge connecting the wastelands of Hell with the suburban areas. The wasteland was populated by the true demons of Hell, who actually deserved the level of disgust the life had thought of for demons. Unfortunately, the wastelands was also the most food-prominent area of Hell, and if Lar wasn?t going to get fed, he?d feed himself. Looking at the fires, it looked like it?d be a long time until they went out, so he had plenty of time to kill. Walking over the lake of lava separating the two areas via the bridge, a cold chill, not natural of Hell, went over Lar, with the scent of death reeking the area. Fog began to form in the distance, but that wouldn?t scare him, for he was on a mission. To get some good eatings. Smelling a whiff of vegetables, a food greatly valued by demons, he set off to the west, through the tunnels.

Whispers and growls were heard from the fog, as Lar pursuited the smell of vegetables being plucked from the soil, a type of land seldom-found in Hells. Whispers grew louder, until Lar was almost sure he was being watched by some of the true demons, but this did not stop him. Besides, a demon can survive any attack baring his head being incinerated, something which would only happen if he happened to fall into lava. Suddenly, a black mist clouded Lar?s view, as if a thousand crows were sweeping over him.
?Don?t turn around.? A deep, haunting voice whispered in Lar?s earholes as he grabbed him by the throat, instantly pulling the skull out of Lar?s body.
?W-who are you?? Lar cried as he shuddered and thought happy thoughts to keep himself from freaking out.
?I go many names, but you may call me.. Lucifer.? The voice spoke to Lar as it twisted his head around, showing his face to Lar. Lucifer had deep scars and bruises on his skull, with a sinister look and sharp teeth in his bottom set of teeth. A dark tinge of yellow covered Lucifer?s skeleton, a sign that he had fought many fights, and was experienced with dealign with other demons.
?L-Lucifer? Like what the life calls the devil?? Lar whispered softly as he cowered in fear of him.
?Yes, I suppose the name does bring that tone, but let me assure you, we are of no relation. Now, you have two choices. You can walk back to your cosy little village, or you can pursue the scent of my crops. Let me warn you, one of those will force me to incinerate you.? Lucifer grinned with a twisted look in his eyeholes.
?I?d like to go home, please.? Lar allowed a single droplet of tears to roll down his skeletal cheek, allowing Lucifer to see his fear.
?Sorry, but it appears you have the wrong answer. You see, if you showed guts, and said you wanted the crops, it would?ve shown courage, something I see as a very valuable trait. But showing me not only you fear me, but that you have no bravery, shows that you have nothing that gives you the right to live.? Lucifer angrily noted as he grabbed Lar?s skull and walked to a nearby pond of lava.
?Now, any last requests?? Lucifer giggled as he slid Lar over to a small ledge near the pond.
?J-just one. Don?t kill me?? Lar whispered.
?No, I?m not doing that one.? Lucifer smiled as he pushed Lar off the edge, into the lava, which steamed up, preparing for him to splash down. Lar watched as he hit the surface, and burn-marks appeared over his mandibles as he sunk deeper into the magma. The burn severely hurt Lar, as he winced in pain, until finally he passed-out, knowing he was now done for.

Chapter II - The Survivor

Lar awoke in a daze, bobbing up and down in a spring of water, a substance that most demons would never see. Shocked, he pushed himself to land, where he found himself in a sparkling blue cave. Looking down that water, Lar saw tinges of black and maroon. Although it would seem impossible, it appeared that as Lar fell, he must?ve been sucked into an air pocket which caused him to somehow find his way to a lake of safe water. However, he had now found himself in the predicament of being in a far outreach of the wasteland, without a body. It must be noted of course that a skeleton is not the only thing a skull can attach to and control, but of course, Lar had nothing accessible to him at this time to attach to that would help him. Rolling through the brimstone, small black pieces of bone broke of Lar, clearly a result of being in lava for that wrong. Painful, but survivable.

Continuing though small openings in rocks, Lar found his way back to the general area he remembered he met Lucifer in. However, before he could try to find his body, amazingly, the ground began to shake and open up as a large glowing creature rose up, in hulking golden clothing. Seemingly similar to Lar in anatomy, with two arms, two legs, and one body, the creature pointed his arm to the east, and after some whizzing sounds were made, Lucifer was suddenly thrown into his hand. The creature held Lucifer with ease, standing at least twice the height of Lucifer. Lar slid back into one of the holes, fearing that a fight would soon ensue, that he did not want to join.
?Lucifer. You haven?t been killing again, have you?? The creature groaned in an annoyed tone.
?Of course not, sir. Just doing my demonly duty and growing crops for my fellow creatures. Please, have a beet.? Lucifer smiled as he passed a beet he had been holding to the creature. The creature, looking severely angry, grabbed and ground the beet into paste.
?Daww, but I made it especially for you, sir.? Lucifer sarcastically laughed in an innocent tone.
?Don?t play games with me, me and my fellow angels saw you kill that little guy. You know we always see what you do.? The creature, who had now announced himself as an angel, shouted at Lucifer, as he tightened his grip on him.
?I have no idea what you?re talking about. Perhaps you?re thinking about another demon, we do look similar.?
?Only you have that evil look, only you would look so immoral.?
?You have me pegged the completely wrong-? Lucifer stopped as dropped an apple which was in his pocket.
?Err.. Do you mind, it?s my only lunch, and I am kind of hungry.? Lucifer innocently smiled. The angel let go of Lucifer, keeping a close eye on him as he picked up the apple. Suddenly, Lucifer bit down hard on the angel?s exposed shin, causing the angel to stagger back in pain, giving Lucifer enough time to leap at him, pulling out a sharp rock and shoving it through the hole between his chest-armour and helmet. Writhing in pain and trying to grab Lucifer, the angel cried out in pain, before falling to the ground, dead. Lucifer smiled as he pulled out the sharp rock again, stabbing the angel again and again until he became bored of him.
?Never grab me.? Lucifer grinned as he began pulling out the binding point of the armour which had kept him from pulling it off before whilst the angel was still alive.

However, as he pulled out the stump-like object in the back of the armour, a massive glowing explosion occurred, blowing Lucifer back and knocking him out. Out of no-where, Lar?s body also came flying into one of the rocks, and the armour exploded into pieces. Lar, startled, rolled back to avoid being blown apart, and after a few minutes of the sound of a heart pounding, Lar decided to get out of the hole. Finding his body, he reconnected with it, flexing his arms and noting:
?I missed you guys.? Lar moved slowly closer to the wreckage, before suddenly, one of the broken arms of the armour pulled itself back together, curling and clicking itself back into shape. As Lar tried to run from the now-animate, robotic arm, it grabbed out at his foot, causing Lar to plunge head first into the musky dirt. As he attempted to claw back up, the arm crawled like a silent worm through his robe and up to one of his arm joints. After gently nudging Lar?s left side, it tore off the skeletal arm and placed itself firmly onto Lar?s side. Burning into him as it attached to his shoulder, Lar let out a painful scream as clouds of sulphur twisted into the air. All went black, and Lar?s safe world would be gone forever.

Critique would be helpful. Appologies for suckyness, this is one of my first long stories.
"He had already waited to long to get up"

"a demon can survive any attack baring his head being incinerated"
Take a look at that 'baring'. I know what word you're trying to use, but I can't find it with google define. 'Barring' is closer.

"instantly pulling the skull out of Lar?s body."
Check the tenses, this should be past tense.
Also, I thought Lar was only bone? therefore his skull couldn't be pulled out of anything, it could be pulled off his body, perhaps.

"?I go many names, but you may call me.. Lucifer.?"
by should be added

"and was experienced with dealign with other demons."

"Yes, I suppose the name does bring that tone,"
The fact that he shares his name with the other lucifer doesn't imply a tone. Perhaps try:
"Yes I suppose that was a bit of a coincidence, but let me assure you we are of no relation"

"Lar allowed a single droplet of tears to roll down his skeletal cheek"
a single tear drop. Also demons can cry in hell? Perhaps add that it almost instantly boiled and steamed back into his eye socket.

"small black pieces of bone broke of Lar, clearly a result of being in lava for that wrong. Painful, but survivable."
broke off Lar. Also it would be that long, not wrong.

"Lar found his way back to the general area he remembered he met Lucifer in"
This sentence is a bit badly written. Try:
"Lar found his way back to the general area where he remembered he met Lucifer."

"The creature held Lucifer with ease, standing at least twice the height of Lucifer."
Remove the second Lucifer, as we already know he's the subject. Just use "him"

"?Lucifer. You haven?t been killing again, have you?? The creature groaned in an annoyed tone."
There's a general rule with sentences which I will tell you below. For now, this is correct, but really because the question is rhetorical, you could remove the question mark, use a comma instead. Then you wouldn't use a capital letter for "the creature..."

"The creature, looking severely angry, grabbed and ground the beet into paste."
Sentence is a bit weird. Try:
"The creature, looking severely angry, grabbed the beet and ground it into a paste."

"Lucifer stopped as dropped an apple which was in his pocket."
Sentence is wrong. Try:
"Lucifer stopped as he dropped an apple, which was in his pocket."
"Lucifer stopped as an apple dropped out of his pocket."

"Lar?s body also came flying into one of the rocks"
Check your tenses.
"Lar's body also flew into one of the rocks"

As for sentences:
When you write a sentence with speech in it, the speech is still part of a sentence. For example:
Billy ran away from the demon, shouting "Get away you horrid penis," at the top of his lungs.
This is a correct sentence. If there is speech in the text, with sentence around it, the speech should not be partitioned. Therefore using a comma instead of an exclamation mark/period keeps the sentence as one, allowing the text to continue after the speech is finished.

It's a pretty good start. You seemed to be heading for a tongue-in-cheek style, but sometimes that can come across as lazy and unwilling to go into details. Get someone you know to read it and give you honest feedback about if some of the humour works.
Personally I think it struggled a bit. Good work though.
Thanks for the critique, i'll definitely start checking over spelling and structure more now.
tenses are the main thing to worry about, as people slip from one to the other often and it's a really hard thing to check for if you're not concentrating. The problem is that in natural speech people switch tenses often, which works. In writing though it's a whole different ball game.

Good luck, you'll have to post the other chapters when you've written them.