Large maps, weird lighting on flat surfaces.


May 23, 2008
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Alright new issue from the same map i posted in the models thread about phong:

Underneath the highway in my picture, there are some odd gird-like lights showing up, and I don't know why. I'm not sure if it's a problem with my texture or not, but I do realize it's because of the map size for one, but yeah.

Because of the maps being around this size as an average I need to find a way to solve this and i wondered if anyone else knew how to fix this?

lightmaps maybe?

EDIT: nevermind, i see the lines. is that area made up of multiple brushes?
Did you use displacement geometry to make that area?
Looks like the lighting is fooking up where VIS has split the faces.
How big is that map? An idea of scale would be helpful, as Psycho could be correct (in which case there's probably a simple solution).