Larping........ sweet mercy


Jul 26, 2005
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So I just started playing D&D with my friends and roommates. It took them a while to convince me but I finally played a game and actually really enjoyed it. So I was talking to one of my co-workers about it and he brought up the subject of larping. Had no idea what is was, so he told me to goto youtube and look it up.

.......I can't believe what I saw. It's both the funniest thing you'll ever see and at the same time it's also the most painful. I actually find it hard to watch, i just cringe the whole time while laughing.

lmfao ...

anything else that comes to mind as a response to this thread is too offensive to post.
tHERE are actually a couple documentarys about LARPing, and the documentary discusses how people use LARPing as a way to escape society/ feel heroic.
Links :

I see LARPing as the American cosplay... ie. The same way the Japanese cosplay Americans LARP... just another counterculture that we can either love or hate.

Someone's a larper D:

We have no choice but to hang him on acts of larping
Someone's a larper D:

We have no choice but to hang him on acts of larping

Hahah I am no LARPer, but you have to admit the action of LARPing is a fascinating phenomenon... IMHO better than spending Saturday night in the movies, mall, or just being indoors playing computer games. :p. However, I have gotten a Jedi club together, and one day at school we all brought our plastic walmart-sabers just would randomly beat the shit out of each other, until the administrators took our stuff.
Don't get me wrong, I'm one to never stop and make fun of someone for what they're doing, even if it was larping (because making people feel like crap is just wrong if they haven't done anything). But yah do have to sit back and laugh, both the larper and non-larpers and realize it's grown ups playing the make believe game. It's just too funny not too.
*squeezes testes in disgust and out of hilarity*
Im not even gunna watch. I couldnt stand that spelling bee kid, I doubt i have the fortitude to watch these walking catastrophes. I mean, playing RP games is cool enough, I do some online pen&paper style games myself, but LARP is just too far. Way too far.
Is there a way we can throw these people off planet earth? They clearly aren't interested taking part in reality.

No hobby or interest is this terrible.
Eh. It's what Japan has to deal with every day.

(Well, that's what Japan's culture is presented to me as.)
You know, I'm always the first to shout "Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt!" at LARPers, but that Azeroth thing was pretty cool. Those guys were doing their thing and didn't look too bad doing it.

It actually looked like a lot of fun. It'd probably be hella fun if it was like piping (making weapons out of PVC pipe and foam) and you got to really fight your opponent. As in, only barely pull your punches. Seriously, who among us would pass up the chance to yell a battle cry, charge through a forest, and start wailing on some guy dressed like a troll?

Don't lie to yourselves, you KNOW that'd be fun.
*leaps out at Darkside and tries to drain his blood*

Back when I was in Boy Scouts, I was introduced to LARPing. We were going on a canoe trip, and as we were driving to our camp ground, we saw an open field with larpers doing their thing. Naturally, we were amused by this.

We actually walked by and asked them what the hell they were doing. When they explained it, we asked if we could play too, which they said no. So an older scout managed to convince one guy to lend us two swords to play with. What we got were big ol' padded nerf style custom swords. We huddled in a circle and played what only could be described as full contact larping (real swinging, real kicking, real pain.)

I don't remember much from that trip, since it rained the next day, and the larpers were nowhere to be found. I do remember them fawning over this one scout about how awesome his shirt was. It was some free shirt he got from his church that he wore on camping trips. I think it had a horse on it.
A group of boy scouts comes across a group of LARPers...

What a strange event.

"a scout elder"


What happens when a group of warcraft LARPers accidentally stumble into a field of final fantasy LARPers? Armageddon?

Lightening bolt! lol. Wow, thats just... so... sad.
Oh boy...that's just embarrassing. It CAN be done with more taste, but they were doing it horribly.
Find one of those groups and bring a stun gun. :D

Lightning Bolt! BZZZZZZZZT
it's almost exactly what my brothers and I used to do as kids ..except we actually hit each other with our weapons (sticks, garbage can lids for shields) .we all have scars to prove it; I have a thick one between my thumb and index finger where my older brother hit me with an axe ..he didnt mean to ..or at least he said he didnt mean it many people can say they knocked out a few of their brothers teeth and sent him to the hospital before the age of 10?
it's almost exactly what my brothers and I used to do as kids ..except we actually hit each other with our weapons (sticks, garbage can lids for shields) .we all have scars to prove it; I have a thick one between my thumb and index finger where my older brother hit me with an axe ..he didnt mean to ..or at least he said he didnt mean it many people can say they knocked out a few of their brothers teeth and sent him to the hospital before the age of 10?


I did too :) But these guys are much older than we were when we were doing it.
Leave them alone, honestly. I think it's great that they have fun dressing up and pretending to be in epic battles. They're having a good time, getting some exercise presumably, and being creative while they're at it.

More than you can say for most Interneters.

Besides, when it comes down to it, fun is always good. Reality can be a chore sometimes.
Agreed. They may be dorky as hell, but people get way too hung up on the idea that nobody over the age of 12 is allowed to have an active imagination.
so.. is fireball tossing a molotov on them? sounds fair to me..
LARPing Day of Defeat would be awesome.

HEIL! Dibs on sniper class.
It's interesting how LARPing something that actually happened is instead a military recreation and slightly more respectable.
You know, I'm always the first to shout "Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt!" at LARPers, but that Azeroth thing was pretty cool. Those guys were doing their thing and didn't look too bad doing it.

It actually looked like a lot of fun. It'd probably be hella fun if it was like piping (making weapons out of PVC pipe and foam) and you got to really fight your opponent. As in, only barely pull your punches. Seriously, who among us would pass up the chance to yell a battle cry, charge through a forest, and start wailing on some guy dressed like a troll?

Don't lie to yourselves, you KNOW that'd be fun.

Agreed. The second video was well done without people looking like complete retards. I'd probably still feel geeky doing it, but it seems fun and it's really no different than paintballing or airsoft which we all agree is a cool and manly thing to do.
Would be a great conversation topic at work:

-So what you get up to this weekend?

-Oh, I just went Larping

Ok, I'll admit, a A Song of Ice and Fire LARPing session sounds intriguing if only for the opportunity to scream over and over "Winterfell!111".

lawl :P
LARPing Day of Defeat would be awesome.

HEIL! Dibs on sniper class.

LOL, I actually have a Waffen SS uniform in storage somewhere from a play I had to make in middle school... got the Kar98k and a Walther P38... we're set! :cheers:

I gotta admit, LARPing looks at least kinda fun, if a bit embarassing.
Ok, I'll admit, a A Song of Ice and Fire LARPing session sounds intriguing if only for the opportunity to scream over and over "Winterfell!111".

lawl :P

I love how that one guy trips before the forces even join battle. :cheese: