Larping........ sweet mercy

The bridge battle was just epic. I just wanna plop a lawn chair by it and laugh my head off for hours on end.
That bridge one looked fun as ****. Lightning Bolt is not.
I'd love to LARP a pr0n.... maybe the Pirates pr0n...

I tell you, and I've been saying this ever since I found out about LARPing, considering how much sex actually goes on in a D&D campaign (horny nerds stuck in a room talking about scantily clad amazonian warriors, lolz), and considering females LARP, I think it's like a free pass for sex. Seriously, what're they gonna do, refuse? THAT'S OUT OF CHARACTER!

*charges French Ninja*

Incestuous dog! Don't make me send you to the Wall! D:

Dany's cute though. >_>

I'm trying to find this video where these Russian LARPers are in a gym in full medieval lamellar and plate armor wailing on each other but I can't find it. :(
The Wall will fall in time. When the dragons come, we shall see.