Last book you've read

The Art of Deception by Kevin Mitnick. HOLY CRAP this book is freaking awesome!!! The whole social engineering scene is amazing. The book shows how people hack into secure networks and get credit card #s and and so on, just by asking. It's fascinating to think about how many people have been hacked without knowing it. You must read this book!!!

go here:
The Art of Deception by Kevin Mitnick
Nineteen Eighty Four, which was reccomended to me by a friend and I thought it was rubbish. Just started reading Porno, which is the follow up to Trainspotting, which is alright.
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. Great book.

Currently reading Death Ground by Daniel P. Bolger. Very good so far, it is non-fiction about modern American Infantry in combat (Panama, Gulf War I, etc.).
Last book I read was Stalingrad which is written by Antony Beevor, very good book and I recommend it.

Right now I'm reading Berlin 1945 (also made by Antony Beevor), great book too.
SubKamran said:
Can I be still reading it? :P 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teenagers.

I like this's pretty good.

Last book I finished, LOTR: The Return of the King.

My aunt bought me that book but I never read it, the Teenage one that is.
The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy & Its Geostrategic Imperatives by Zbigniew Brzezinski... very boring stuff!
Last book I HAVE read was last week before my final exam. :E

Well if you meant General books, then last time was in 2002 and the book was "Alien"
Replay by Ken Grimwood is a great book about a guy who restarts part of his life, but with his memory intact. Its a really fun book to read and the only one I read more than once. Replay on
Loke said:
Last book I read was Stalingrad which is written by Antony Beevor, very good book and I recommend it
I'm reading it right now and I also think its great.
last book i read completely was jared diamond's guns, germs, and steel. it's an interesting concept, and diamond's research seems pretty solid, but his writing style is very long-winded.. the same book could have been more effective at half the length.