Last day to tell the FCC to uphold Net Neutrality


The Freeman
Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score

Tomorrow, the FCC is going to go through with its decision to drop support of Network Neutrality. I know that most of you have heard about this for months, but for those who are unaware, I'll give you a layman's interpretation.

Net Neutrality is basically a set of guidelines and restrictions that force Internet service providers to allow equal access to any and all information on the Internet. Fairly recently the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) has decided that, rather than force equality on Internet communications, they will allow the business market environment to dictate whether or not such freedoms of information will exist, and in what capacities. Essentially, they're moving to privatize information flow.

Right now, you pay a fee for access to the Internet, and from there you get equal speeds to any and all websites, peers, and so forth. Once the FCC passes their decision, you'll still pay the same fee, but now ISPs are highly susceptible to being "bought out" by lobbyists, corporations, and special interest groups. Corporations with strong ties to the Republican party might pay off AT&T to give tons of bandwidth to right-wing websites, and at the same time giving mere bits of bandwidth to left-wing sites. Christian groups could "nearly block" sites promoting secularism or evolution by the same methods. Yes, these examples are all left-wing in bias, but that's because I am left-wing. If you're right-wing, think of all the things that left-wingers could block you from seeing with the right amount of money.

It's not a lot to ask. Take five minutes out of your day, submit your story to the FCC on, and help make sure that information is freely accessible in the future. This isn't just about politics (so keep this in Off-Topic), it's not about political bias, and it's not some communist scheme to keep businesses from profiting. They already make money - preserving Network Neutrality just prevents them from profiting from restricting your access to information.

Even if this doesn't work, you can at least say you tried to stop the FCC from ****ing over Internet communications.

Oh what the ****, I thought that was fake.

It's shit. No one should have control over what we're able to access on the Internet.
Tell as many people as you can. You might only have until 9AM tomorrow - or, worst case scenario, until midnight tonight.

This is an unimaginably important issue.
I don't want to hijack your thread, Stig, but I feel this is along the same lines.

Basically, they want to raise the fee for playing music across the board for internet radio. These increases will close down many stations, stopping any internet stations to be running other than the most popular. Their reasoning behind this is to give more money to the artists being played. But in fact, this will close down many stations preventing the artists from being heard in the first place. If you have any interest whatsoever in internet radio, please follow these steps to help Save Internet Radio.
That's almost equally as important. I'd do that too, but I'm not a US citizen.

Remember, less than a day to tell the FCC to keep net neutrality D:
I've already written in and told everybody I can about it. Well, at least those who aren't ignorant and would actually give a shit.

Unfortunately, I think this is the end. The FCC has seemingly made up their mind already. The internet is pretty much the last bastion of free-flowing multimedia and information. It's a kick in the balls that it's come to this.
I'm sure there will be mass resistance if it goes through
If this doesn't work... maybe we could all pitch in and buy Comcast, and then run it ourselves?

[edit] Fliko, the mass resistance AFTER it goes through will be worthless. It's literally now or never.
The people know too much.

The governments are afraid.

Now they will adjust our internet.

The world of information we had for such a brief time, we may never get it back.

This is just something I came up with on the spot, so if it's right - I'm a genius, and if it's wrong, well then **** you regardless FCC.
This is actually an instance where government intervention would be ideal. As was pointed out in another topic, the existence of net neutrality or lack thereof makes little difference in their ability to scheme behind the populations' backs.

It would actually be more difficult for them to pull sneaky shit IMO.
I think that the FCC actually released a statement saying that they were pretty sure almost nobody wanted them to get rid of net neutrality, but they were still going to do it to "let the market decide" or somesuch. Thats the exact same logic that led to America having the worst healthcare of any First World country.
This is actually an instance where government intervention would be ideal. As was pointed out in another topic, the existence of net neutrality or lack thereof makes little difference in their ability to scheme behind the populations' backs.

It would actually be more difficult for them to pull sneaky shit IMO.

See, I don't really understand it, but that is what makes it scary to me.

people fear what they don't understand.

Here is what I wrote, whether it is based on anything other than misunderstanding is for someone else to decide.

Maybe they don't even read most of the letters. There are 21,534

- er now there are 21, 535 letters to the FCC so far.

Here is mine. Feel free to laugh at my ignorance. Lol. I need to sleep. "Many fears are born of the tired and weary"

'Adjusting' my Information

'Adjusting' my Information

I don't want my information adjusted, or censored, or removed.

The TV news is already basically in the hands of the government. For the media to go against government officials is dangerous for your career. Not to mention, the old "do this for your country son", brainwashing and silencing any whistle-blowers.

You are giving the governments the ability to 'adjust' the information available on the internet, leaving them free and unchecked.

It is a tragic day when the internet is put into the hands of the greedy and corrupt.

The last safe haven for the truth and freedom, the control of information will be put into the hands with the most money.


Extremely concerned, and extremely resistant,

[my name]

Virginia, USA
[my name]

There is still time to write a letter and you need time to include your personal details for the FCC to believe that you are a real individual.

It's 11:22 AM here.
Not bad.
Here's the one I did.

"The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no living man with power to endanger the public liberty."
2nd president John Adams

And I trust no corporation with my liberties or access to the free speech of others nor will I allow any body to limit my own freedom to express.

It is my duty as a US citizen, and as a person of the world, to prevent the mass of CONglomerate insitutions from aquiring that which was promised to me at birth.

Why are we even having this discussion? Why must we fight to keep rich companies from buying out our country? Do they honestly think they can get away with this?

I think not and I think the nullification of Net Neutrality will bring ruination to many people.

You're not getting my street address,
[name stuff]
I was going to send one message but it say I cant

this is what I was going to send

I am not from the USA but visit many sites based in there and this thing dont look like something that a person that cares about free speech and that stuff will aprove

cuz if that means if sites and webpages can be censored for whoever owns the thing?
especially since this stuff is supposed to have strong ties whit the replubican party of the USA them that means they can quit or add anything they want?

I find funny how you americans allways talk bad about comunisn and dictators and more regimes that opress the freedom,but this whole stuff would make proud all of them

the internet is something huge this day and it will have bad consequences if stuff like this happen
off course information is something powerfull so sure thats why this is happening

so honestly if you are country of freedom then preserve it
i voted no on NN. i diddent see a need for it and it sounded kinda gay ;/

(I am Bad At Spelling So I Am Occasionaly Going To Abbrviate Words)
I was going to send one message but it say I cant

this is what I was going to send

If mine gets rejected because I didn't give them my address I will do it again and include you in it too. :)

And I'll just put some random address.
i voted no on NN. i diddent see a need for it and it sounded kinda gay ;/

(I am Bad At Spelling So I Am Occasionaly Going To Abbrviate Words)
Net Neutrality = ISPs forced to give equal bandwidth to all internet communications.

No NN = ISPs able to decide how much bandwidth certain types of communications get, it's pretty akin to privately-controlled censorship.
You think you are going to change my mind by pointing out the obvious?
If mine gets rejected because I didn't give them my address I will do it again and include you in it too. :)

And I'll just put some random address.

does mine is that good?

I think it ended kind of corny
I think that the FCC actually released a statement saying that they were pretty sure almost nobody wanted them to get rid of net neutrality, but they were still going to do it to "let the market decide" or somesuch. Thats the exact same logic that led to America having the worst healthcare of any First World country.

I want to get rid of net neutrality, And the government and pharmaceutical companies pretty much work together in collusion. But, believe what you want.
Yeah man I liked what you said better than what I said. I feel like (in those words) I want them to burn down and die but you feel more like they should feel ashamed of themselves.
This forum has been covered with a thick, dusty layer of fail lately. Seriously, it's like I'm talking to a brick wall. I'll try and explain something in like six different ways, and then I'll get Qonfused, Absinthe, Sinkoman, and maybe one other person to agree with me, and everyone else goes "LOLS I AM GOING TO NOT READ THINGS AND CONTINUE IN MY IGNORANCE OH HAY ARE THOSE MY RIGHTS GOING OUT THE WINDOW COOL"

It's really, really ****ing frustrating. If you don't agree with me, fine. But at least tell me why. The extent of those kind of responses is basically "Yeah, but here's a bunch of information that doesn't really apply to the situation, and two logical fallacies, and that makes me right", and it's just... saddening that I can't even get a decent response out of most of the people on what I consider the best forum on the Internet.
i voted no on NN. i diddent see a need for it and it sounded kinda gay ;/
You don't see a need for it?

So, you really don't care if you want to look at a certain site, and your ISP says, "No, I think we'll make you wait a few minutes for this to load," or even, "We don't want you looking at that site, look at this one instead." You really don't think that'd piss you off?

Imagine it for a moment. Imagine trying to go to one of your favorite sites and someone suddenly telling you that you can't, because that site hasn't paid your ISP a toll. Tell me you wouldn't be mad.
i voted no on NN. i diddent see a need for it and it sounded kinda gay ;/

ISP: Damn, you sound gay. I'll cut your bandwidth to all sites and allocate them to gay porn.

ISPs; fuelling your interests; a service to the country.
I want to get rid of net neutrality, And the government and pharmaceutical companies pretty much work together in collusion. But, believe what you want.

I'd love to hear how you came to this conclusion.
Someone give me a decent message to send and I will send one. I dont know enough about it to make a decent message.
All you need to know has already been posted. Just send a one-paragraph message explaining that you don't want the quality of your internet experience left to private interests, that it affects the free flow of information, etc. etc.