last night....


Aug 13, 2004
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so, it was like 11:30, and and to take a leak really bad :P
but my uncle was in the restroom, so I told myslef screw it,and I went in to the backyard :E,so,I went all the way in the back of the yard, and "did my thing"
then outta knowhere this friggin huge rat comes outta the bushes and runs right bewteen my legs D:
scared the ****ing crap out of me and I screamed like a girl :(
anyway,Im gonna be outside with the pellet gun and a flashlight tonight :sniper:
any wild animals in your yard?
Yeah, rats are scary, especially at night. Hell, anything is scary at night.

I suggest you take a shotgun.
I spent last night watching a girl i've known for almost five years get naked, suck cock, and get ****ed in front of 4 other guys.

I bet my night was scarier than yours.

I don't really have a yard though, so no living animals D:
Ikerous said:
I spent last night watching a girl i've known for almost five years get naked, suck cock, and get ****ed in front of 4 other guys.

I bet my night was scarier than yours.

I don't really have a yard though, so no living animals D:

send pics to [email protected]
Ikerous said:
I spent last night watching a girl i've known for almost five years get naked, suck cock, and get ****ed in front of 4 other guys.

I bet my night was scarier than yours.

I don't really have a yard though, so no living animals D:
California ftmfw! :cheers:

gawd I love that place, lived there for nine years.
Last night I drank a liter of Cisco and smoked a shitload with my homegirls Kisha and Val.

7:30 hit and we decided we were hungry as **** and we WALKED all the way to Sonic. By the time we arrived Valerie and I (she had about half as much as me but I'm a big guy) were also drunk as hell. We ordered food and apparantly I called some lady a crackwhore but it didn't result in any incident.

Then we got a ride back to Kisha's place. I don't remember everything that happened to I do remember I walked from there to my house. However my shoes as of right now that I wore that night are completely brown/covered in dust like I was walking through the desert or a dirt road. However, the roads from her house to mine are all paved. So I'm not sure what went down.

I did have quite a lot of fun Friday night. I'm dissapointed that I don't have anything to drink tonight.
Nice RT :)

Last night we were hanging out in a church parking lot
It was me 2 buddies and that chick
And a cop pulls up and says they got a call and that we should leave
So we're like Ya, okay, no problem, sry you had to come out
And we asked if we can stay another couple minutes cuz our buddies were supposed to be right back
The cops goes to leave and then we see our friends at the other end of the parking lot flip a bitch and jet out of there
(They saw the cop car and they had a good amount of weed on em)
We leave and we run into the cop down the street were we moved to hang out
She told us to tell our friends not to be dumbasses cuz they're gonna get themselves arrested
(She never managed to catch up to em)

Probably the more entertaining part of the night :)
Lemonking shits on his own lawn, is attacked by a rat, and no-one is in any way surprised.

We could distill this, package it, and sell it as Self-Esteem in a Can.
Prozac has nothing on this, let me tell you.
Mechagodzilla said:
Lemonking shits on his own lawn, is attacked by a rat, and no-one is in any way surprised.
lmao, <3 the summary
Ikerous said:
Nice RT :)

Last night we were hanging out in a church parking lot
It was me 2 buddies and that chick
And a cop pulls up and says they got a call and that we should leave
So we're like Ya, okay, no problem, sry you had to come out
And we asked if we can stay another couple minutes cuz our buddies were supposed to be right back
The cops goes to leave and then we see our friends at the other end of the parking lot flip a bitch and jet out of there
(They saw the cop car and they had a good amount of weed on em)
We leave and we run into the cop down the street were we moved to hang out
She told us to tell our friends not to be dumbasses cuz they're gonna get themselves arrested
(She never managed to catch up to em)

Probably the more entertaining part of the night :)
Haha. I've never understood what it is about church parking lots.
There is sites where you can write blogs for a reason...

Damn rat shoulda bit your leg, now that would've made it interesting, see how long LK survives with rabies! GOGOGOGO.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Last night I drank a liter of Cisco and smoked a shitload with my homegirls Kisha and Val.

7:30 hit and we decided we were hungry as **** and we WALKED all the way to Sonic. By the time we arrived Valerie and I (she had about half as much as me but I'm a big guy) were also drunk as hell. We ordered food and apparantly I called some lady a crackwhore but it didn't result in any incident.

Then we got a ride back to Kisha's place. I don't remember everything that happened to I do remember I walked from there to my house. However my shoes as of right now that I wore that night are completely brown/covered in dust like I was walking through the desert or a dirt road. However, the roads from her house to mine are all paved. So I'm not sure what went down.

I did have quite a lot of fun Friday night. I'm dissapointed that I don't have anything to drink tonight.

haha, gotta <3 finding out the details you missed while being drunk :)

my father recently discovered I drink regularly. He's cool about it (because he doesn't live here :P)

anyway there was a time when my house had several mice. We set up traps and all of them got caught. I thought they were gone till recently, when one crept out of a dark hole and ran across my bedroom. I haven't seen it since, and I wanted to shoot it with my pellet gun but all I ended up shooting was shoe polish.
evil^milk said:
haha, gotta <3 finding out the details you missed while being drunk :)

my father recently discovered I drink regularly. He's cool about it (because he doesn't live here :P)

anyway there was a time when my house had several mice. We set up traps and all of them got caught. I thought they were gone till recently, when one crept out of a dark hole and ran across my bedroom. I haven't seen it since, and I wanted to shoot it with my pellet gun but all I ended up shooting was shoe polish.
:| I'd hate to see a mouse run across my bedroom floor

I found a butterlfy on my floor earlier this week though.
Mechagodzilla said:
Lemonking shits on his own lawn, is attacked by a rat, and no-one is in any way surprised.

We could distill this, package it, and sell it as Self-Esteem in a Can.
Prozac has nothing on this, let me tell you.

I was taking a leak,I wasnt taking a crap :O
Ikerous said:
:| I'd hate to see a mouse run across my bedroom floor

I found a butterlfy on my floor earlier this week though.

they're scary as hell. They'll do these clickety-click noises and just... ugh. :(
evil^milk said:
they're scary as hell. They'll do these clickety-click noises and just... ugh. :(

Yeah. DDT2-3 doesn't even kill them. So I sprayed alchohol on it and it crawled around for 5 minutes before I set it on fire.

Last night I went out with my old babysitter from when I was like 12.
Spicy Tuna said:
If I lived in Aussie Land. I would sleep with a rifle :(
9MM dose it for me, FTMFW

I hate them damn mo fo funnelwebs.
Mechagodzilla said:
Lemonking shits on his own lawn, is attacked by a rat, and no-one is in any way surprised.

We could distill this, package it, and sell it as Self-Esteem in a Can.
Prozac has nothing on this, let me tell you.

Skaadi said:
I've always hated waking up because something is crawling up my leg and realising it's a funnelweb.:O :O

Take your pic
Thank God I have a blowtorch. My house is infested with spiders and oher assortments of bugs. Wolf and brown recluse piders especially though. They do make a satisfying crackling noise when i light their ass's on fire at night. Helps me sleep too.
something anoying about rats is that they run so fast and are so qucik that you cant even note it
I remember, once on a wrestling team trip to maui, me and my room mates had just got back to our room after a night of touring the strip.

We were sleeping in these little bungalow looking things.

So i'm getting relaxed and into my place, just walking around and checking the place out. It's about 11PM 12AM. Suddenly, I see somebody bolt across the lawn and up to our door, slide the door open, and behold, one of the seniors on the team is panting at my doorway, obviously drunk. I'm a freshman, and he kinda just towers over me.

I walk up to him and say "what's up man?".


I go "Dude, are you sober or what?"

He turns around, looks past his sholder, and shoves a giant plastic candy cane into my hands.

He pushes his index finger to his lips and makes the "SSHHHHHH" face, and then bolts off across the lawn.
Mechagodzilla said:
Lemonking shits on his own lawn, is attacked by a rat, and no-one is in any way surprised.

We could distill this, package it, and sell it as Self-Esteem in a Can.
Prozac has nothing on this, let me tell you.

You win, Sir Mecha.
LMFAO! Kinda reminds me about the time I was shooting squirrels from my deck out of the garden with no shirt on. So I want to know did you get the rat in your wild adventure with the flashlight and the pellet gun?
Last night nothing happened, but Friday night was prom.

So anyway, I went, it was fun, I danced a lot, then went to the afterparty. I was in a circle with a bunch of friends, passin' the ol' joint around, when suddenly, her DAD WALKS RIGHT INTO THE ROOM. I was thinking "F*CK! I'm toast!" when he plops down and asks us to pass him the joint. So basically, I ended up smoking with my friend's dad (who turned out to be the man).

After that, we brought out the Jim Beam, and it got a bit hazy... all in all, it was an awesome night :D
Darth Sidious said:
LMFAO! Kinda reminds me about the time I was shooting squirrels from my deck out of the garden with no shirt on. So I want to know did you get the rat in your wild adventure with the flashlight and the pellet gun?

well,I wasnt aloud to take the pellet gun,so I just had my butterfky and a light I went around the yard a few times,but I think the rats are hiding in the trees
Did she bite the whole thing off this time?

Shodan said:
Did she bite the whole thing off this time?


hahaha....very funny,I hope something like that happens to you,but then again you internet ninja,you only have yourself:cheese:
Perhaps the Short Recoil life is for me?

But then again, mabye, just mabye, I will sleep safe in the thought that my wang is intact.
Shodan said:
Perhaps the Short Recoil life is for me?

But then again, mabye, just mabye, I will sleep safe in the thought that my wang is intact.

mine is intact as well,it has a tiny scare it not like it fell off.
Man yesterday I goy so wasted, I woke up in the house were we had the party. There was a bunch of people in the room. It was horible man, I woke up with this horible pain in my ass, I couldnt walk. I went to the bathroom to take a leak, and I founk a freaking condom stuck up my ass !

I went to the freaking doctor on a sunday morning to take aids test. Negative, thanks god.
Spicy Tuna said:
hahaha....very funny,I hope something like that happens to you,

Shodan doesn't allow monsters to play with his "place."
Adrien C said:
Man yesterday I goy so wasted, I woke up in the house were we had the party. There was a bunch of people in the room. It was horible man, I woke up with this horible pain in my ass, I couldnt walk. I went to the bathroom to take a leak, and I founk a freaking condom stuck up my ass !

I went to the freaking doctor on a sunday morning to take aids test. Negative, thanks god.


Somebody buttsecksed you while you were drunk?

That sucks major. I'd be sexually scared for life it had happened to me.

