Late November date seems likely

And for the lazy people:

Friday 1st October 2004


Late November release date offers a glimmer of light at the end of the delay tunnel

11:01 The most eagerly awaited game in PC history looks like finally has a UK release date. Vivendi Universal Games has apparently informed UK retailers to expect Half-Life 2 on shelves from Friday November 26.
While the date has not officially been confirmed by Vivendi, a senior retail source has told us that the game is almost certain to ship in the last week of November. "It's the very first time they've been confident about finalising a date," our source added.

This release date follows the delivery of final game code to Vivendi from developer Valve on September 15 (we announced it here) and reported legal wranglings between the two companies that threatened to delay release further.

"Vivendi were in the depths of despair over the release date two weeks ago," said our source, "but this new date looks extremely reliable."

Vivendi will surely be desperate to secure a lucrative pre-Christmas release for the long-awaited title, and informing retailers early of its impending arrival is the only way to ensure it receives adequate shelf space on crowded racks.

The first UK print reviews are due to hit newsstands next week. We have it on good authority that it will receive extraordinary scores and review quotes have been requested by Vivendi for promotional purposes. Our sister mag PCZone is out Friday October 8 with the full lowdown.

The word coming from both Valve and Vivendi is that no release date has been confirmed and thus cannot be commented on. We'll bring you the official announcement, and any news that surfaces on the Xbox version, as soon as it happens.

In the meantime, we're left wondering what will happen when Half-Life 2 actually gets released? Will millions of people installing the game on meaty PCs cause apocalyptic power shortages, or will the combined sigh of relief from developers Valve, distributors Vivendi Universal Games, and retailers across the globe knock the Earth out of orbit?

We'll be sure to let you know.
That is interesting, yet a bit dissapointing if that actually is the real date. I was hoping for an October release
Jesus Christ, at least ATTEMPT to take a cursory glance at the front page before you post.
SMT said:
Jesus Christ, at least ATTEMPT to take a cursory glance at the front page before you post.

This is a different news article.
SMT said:
Jesus Christ, at least ATTEMPT to take a cursory glance at the front page before you post.

It's a different source. I think digsy is just showing us more evidence isntead of "I found a new thing"
Gee, sounds amazingly like Eurogamer's post. Ten bucks says it's the same source, in which case this adds no new credibility to this theory.
SMT said:
Jesus Christ, at least ATTEMPT to take a cursory glance at the front page before you post.
digsy isn't linking to the eurogamer article

At least ATTEMPT to take a cursory glance at the first post before you post!
SMT said:
Jesus Christ, at least ATTEMPT to take a cursory glance at the front page before you post.

As far as I am aware mate, this hasn't been posted on the front page. We know about the date being speculated, I was just posting that fact that other usually reliable sites such as pczone seem to think so too.

"Jesus Christ, ATTEMPT to lighten up"

edit: Beat me to it hehe
Seppo said:
It's a different story. I think digsy is just showing us more evidence isntead of "I found a new thing"

So where exactly do we disagree here? It's more evidence of the late November date, not something new, so it should've been posted in one of the three release date threads currently on the front page.
SMT said:
So where exactly do we disagree here? It's more evidence of the late November date, not something new, so it should've been posted in one of the three release date threads currently on the front page.

Actually it is something new, if you have problem with this thread, just report it - it's that simple.
In the meantime, we're left wondering what will happen when Half-Life 2 actually gets released? Will millions of people installing the game on meaty PCs cause apocalyptic power shortages, or will the combined sigh of relief from developers Valve, distributors Vivendi Universal Games, and retailers across the globe knock the Earth out of orbit?


At least they've got a sense of humour about it.
Looks like they used eurogamers as their source for this article.
MaxiKana said:
Looks like they used eurogamers as their source for this article.

Vivendi Universal Games has apparently informed UK retailers to expect Half-Life 2 on shelves from Friday November 26.

pc zone is one of the top two magazines in the uk, how hard will it be for them to have contacts with the uk retailers?
on second thought, they said "apparently" so it doesn't sound as if they had confirmation from uk retailers. ah well

nice dog :cool: