Latest Dr Who - more like Doom than the Doom movie!?

Best episode since the start of this new 'generation.'

And next week's looks surprisingly good. After having an un-promising press release synopsis, I thought it looked quite exciting. Although the Blue Peter designed monster still looks like a retard.
agreed Doctor Who > Doom Movie
(in terms of greatness and sticking to the Doom feel)
That was the suckiest episode yet imo.
So cheesy, that guy with the gun.
"You guys go ahead, I'm going to stay in 'defensive position'."
Dr Who sucks, badly. I didn't mind the old ones because they were from 70/80's and you could forgive them for being cheesy as hell like everything else was around that time. They were just pure corny entertainment. The new ones however are trying hard to capture the feel of the old ones and are actually trying to be cheesy. That's worse imo. Can't watch 'em.
Solaris said:
That was the suckiest episode yet imo.
So cheesy, that guy with the gun.
"You guys go ahead, I'm going to stay in 'defensive position'."

Heh, as soon as that guy came on my friend and I had a wager on whether or not he would eventually do that. I won. :D
he flys around in a time machine the shape of a police box, and you're upset its cheesy?
any one else note the doom door noises - silly, that I would recognise such an odd noise - but they are instantly recognisable. I still think Ghost of Mars as the nearest thing to a complete Doom movie.
Down under we havn't started the 10th Doctor season yet - so i've been downloading all of the episodes. Unluckly for me i only have part one of Impossible Planet...

It ends with the Satan beast thingy coming out of the pit, and the Oode about to kill everybody - damn cliff hanger!