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LOL, at first I though I saw "Barnacle" and I was like "OMG new vid!" But barricade is still good :)
downloadings as i type this, at an amazing 500kbs! well its amazing for me...
They haven't fixed the counter-strike shield bug yet.

This is the sloppiest work I've ever seen from valve, it's a very simple glitch that should require a simple fix, and yet they have failed to notice any of the bombardments about its presence, and forum moderators seem to think that deleting the posts of anyone who tells people how to use it is 'helping'.

I will tell you of the REAL shield bug now. It is not this 'bug where dropping the Tactical Shield while deploying would make the player invulnerable', it is something completely different.

When someone had the shield and pistol, they can activate INVULNERABILITY by simply switching to their knife, closing the shield, then pressing the last used weapon button to switch straight back to pistol. This makes the shield act as if it is closed yet the player is still able to shoot, effectively making them a walking, inpenetrable TANK.

It has been THREE COUNTER-STRIKE updates, and they have STILL not fixed the problem that has completely RUINED the gameplay of all servers that do not have the shield banned.

I suggest that all counter-strike fans immediately use this god-awful glitch until people start to notice that it is the bane of CS players everywhere.


On a lighter note: YAY, new Barney video!
500kbs? thats all? heh, im lucky enough to get an almost constant 1.7mbs. dont know if thats normal for most ppl or not but thats what i get at most times.
Originally posted by another-user
500kbs? thats all? heh, im lucky enough to get an almost constant 1.7mbs. dont know if thats normal for most ppl or not but thats what i get at most times.

Good God... I'm doing good to get anything over 200kbs... aparently anything over 1meg a second isnt normal....i feel so special being out in the middlle of noware on an almost private cable line :)
Mine finished updating in a couple of minutes, but thats the advantage of a 1 megabit connection...

Friends is down, and so is the counter-strike mod. I think they bolloxed up the patch.
This is the sloppiest work I've ever seen from valve, it's a very simple glitch that should require a simple fix, and yet they have failed to notice any of the bombardments about its presence, and forum moderators seem to think that deleting the posts of anyone who tells people how to use it is 'helping'.

I'm tired of posts like this. It's obvious that they know about the bug. When and where they feel like fixing it is enirely up to them. Their goal in beta testing is not to make every version as playable as possible or correct every bug when and where YOU want them to: they work on their own schedule for their own reasons, and you can participate, for free, if you want. You are not helping anything at all by being obnoxious.
Originally posted by Apos
I'm tired of posts like this. It's obvious that they know about the bug. When and where they feel like fixing it is enirely up to them. Their goal in beta testing is not to make every version as playable as possible or correct every bug when and where YOU want them to: they work on their own schedule for their own reasons, and you can participate, for free, if you want. You are not helping anything at all by being obnoxious.

If only you could drum that into everyone, this forum and would be a much better place =/
Let's keep this thread on the HL2 topic, namely BARNEY MOVIE!! Great to get to see that one in big resolution at last. Although seeing the strider movie in big format will be even better hehe :-)

I'm actually dissapointed that the new Steam update doesn't include acfix for the Half-Life 2 Media news tab, it still shows only 2 items (the first 2 movies to be released), and the - for each item isn't clickable. Grm that's sooo easy to fix. Bit of HTML writing and done!

Anyway, question: I can't set the automatic updates for the movies to 'on', when i change it it just reverts back to off after a few seconds. anyone else have this?
Yeah, don't worry about that, I had the same problem. It is on, it just doesn't look like it.


Off-topic again (sorry!) but just thought I'd quote something someone said on the steam forum that made me laugh:

I think the shield was programmed by opening a c++ manual, karate chopping the keyboard 500 times, and applying changes.
Hey guys, Steam shows bandwidth in kiloBITS, not bytes. Your download in kilobytes is an eighth of your download in kilobits. Therefore, 800 kiloBITS = 100 kiloBYTES
But a bit is an eighth of a byte... I'm pretty sure that 100kbits would be 800kbytes. I rememeber, when the Gamecube memory card size was announced they said "it's going to be 8Mb" where Mb stands for Megabits. Everyone thought it was a typo since 8Mb is a lot smaller than 8MB, but it ended up being true.
Originally posted by stigmata
But a bit is an eighth of a byte... I'm pretty sure that 100kbits would be 800kbytes. I rememeber, when the Gamecube memory card size was announced they said "it's going to be 8Mb" where Mb stands for Megabits. Everyone thought it was a typo since 8Mb is a lot smaller than 8MB, but it ended up being true.

You got yourself twisted!

1But a bit is an eighth of a byte - Correct
2I'm pretty sure that 100kbits would be 800kbytes - Incorrect, you have the reverse, as in your logic in 1 - it would be 100kbits = 12.5kbytes
You know what I'm most looking to in the video... Seeing the logo thing on the back of your allies' coats. I can't make it out in the Gamespy Video. It could reveal who they are.

Probably not though.
Originally posted by Ro@cH
Let's keep this thread on the HL2 topic, namely BARNEY MOVIE!! Great to get to see that one in big resolution at last. Although seeing the strider movie in big format will be even better hehe :-)
Am i the only one who finds the buggy movie by far the most beautiful and coolest movie? :bounce:
No. I cant wait to see it on Steam. I really wanna see the strider and tech demo vids as well. Im not to bothered about the barney vid to be honest.
I think it'll be neat to see that guy get blown up by a grenade and sent flying your way in hi-res but I agree, the Strider and Buggy demos are where it's at. =) Although personally I'm not all that interested in seeing the tech demo again, it was neat and everything but I like gameplay better.
D'you reckon that the Strider vid'll have the endy "Isn't this just like old times, Gordy me man! Sit yourself done and have a pint you goateed, specky bastard." bit? I hope so.
Although over-analysis of the squiggly technicoloured hallucinations will begin in an abundance not yet seen since the Great south-Cumbria Easter Egg Hunt of '53.

(PS: I may not have the exact wording if G-Man's lines entirely right, but I doubt anyone'll notice)
Rofl that quote is hilarious. would be nice if someone would replace the sound files for the whole game with something like that.
And I don't think the vid will have the g-man piece. That's just something they used as an ending for the E3 video. It's a totally different scene.