Latvian Jokes

No Pitz, you are not. I don't have a clue about what is going on in this thread.

That being said, I did laugh the post by Emporius.
Latvian save Freeman from zombies with big fire. Freeman escape! Fire burn Latvian, zombies kill. No potato.
The Politburo was just a small group of all the top dogs who ran the country. Average Joe couldn't ring them

The Politburo was just small group of top dogs who ran country. Average Joe couldn't ring

That just what politburo want Latvian to think. Now I run hide. Latvian never here.
If you have some Irish jokes I'd love to hear them.
An Irish policeman in Liverpool found a dead horse in Cazneau Street.

Not being too sure how to spell Cazneau Street he dragged the beast into Lime Street.

Google FTW
If you have some Irish jokes I'd love to hear them.

Nope, I'm not the type that carries jokes.

I just found it supremely humorous with the potato jokes coming from an irishman ;)
But these jokes are about people who don't have potatoes. It's hilarious. Everyone in Ireland has potatoes.
Potatoes all round!

I was going to do a Russian reversal, but remembered this wasn't 2005.

I love how even the advertisement continues to taunt Latvians.
My wife asked me how I liked her new dress.

'Looked better with the potatoes in it' wasn't what she wanted to hear
Whats national dish of latvia? Empty plate