Launcher DLL Error (again)

Aug 14, 2003
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Whenever I compile a map to run it, I get a Launcher DLL Error, saying that "the selected module could not be found".

I've encountered this problem before, as described in this old thread:
But the advice there didn't work.

I managed to get rid of the error that first time by deleting my vmf and starting over (as I was only a few hours into it).
But this time I've put several days of work into things, and losing it is not an option.

So, what is causing this Launcher Error, and how can I get rid of it?
have you looked for the prob. on the steam forums?

they usually have fixes for the problems
I checked there, but I only found advice for an identical error that affects HL2 (not HL2DM or the SDK).

1) Go to the... /valve/steam/steamapps/user_id/half-life2/bin folder , copy every file in it and paste them into the previous .../half-life2 folder.

2) Then copy every file in the half-life2 folder, not the two folders and the hl2.exe file and paste them back into the bin folder.

***Choose replace existing files, when asked.

I'll try it though.
Are you compiling and running as one? I know that causes an error but not sure if it is that one.
There is a checkbox on the compile window that says 'Do not run after compile' or similar. Check it if you haven't.

If this is obviously not it then I dunno.
Baj said:
Are you compiling and running as one? I know that causes an error but not sure if it is that one.
There is a checkbox on the compile window that says 'Do not run after compile' or similar. Check it if you haven't.

If this is obviously not it then I dunno.

I have been compiling and running as one, but for a few weeks now it has caused absolutely no problems (except the first time the error showed up).
I'll try running it seperately now though.
Do. I remember reading something when I first set up Hammer for Source that said it does not work if you try and run after a compile.
I think you have been overly lucky that it did work as opposed to unlucky it has stopped.

Just boot up game of choice and start map from in there.
Thanks, checking the box has worked as a way around the problem.

Still, the fact that the run option exists would indicate that this shouldn't be happening. It'd be convenient if this bug were squashed, to say the least.
Its run after compiling every single time for me, and ive been mapping for a few months.

i did like this when that error happened to me to. i started the game and loaded the map from there, Then i started Hammer again and then it worked... :)
I've never had a problem with CSS running directly after compile, it seems to be a HL2/HL2DM specific problem.
Dunno. It always worked for me when I used it (v. simple maps when I started, if that makes a difference) with CSS, but now I just keep it running in the background.
I never run directly after compile, get all sorts of problems.

Just don't run after compile and once you load up the game open the console and type map whatever, and it works as fast (or faster, even) than it would otherwise.
The only "problem" I get with that is that my console doesn't appear.

Oh, and hey just a sidenote; Ennui I'll vote for you. But just as long as it's a Douglas Adam kinda ruling.
I had the same problem after updating HL2. It fixed when i ran Hl2 and then rebooted steam.