Lazy Japanese


tahts absolutely hilarious. You know, doing something like that actually is good training for your arm-muscles, no wonder japanese men have got such skinny arms...
Funny how it looks like it's hardly gonna move, poor Japanese...... ;)
Originally posted by freddythefrog
You know, doing something like that actually is good training for your arm-muscles, no wonder japanese men have got such skinny arms...
Ah so people on this forum are merely "exercising" over Alyx, then?
I misunderstood.

EDIT: <el Chi thinks twice and does a double-take>
Woggy, how in the flying f*ck did you find this site? I'm more than a little suspicious...
eww ive only just worked out wots it meant to be used for when i went down the page lol
You play "tennis"? Is that what they call it these days... Must be a foreign term, we still call it riding the kangaroo here in Australia.
Originally posted by rec
You play "tennis"? Is that what they call it these days... Must be a foreign term, we still call it riding the kangaroo here in Australia.

Now i understand what you australians mention every second post. Between my friends, I call it "eating Ice-cream". don't ask me why. And no, not because we actually eat the icecream...

and btw, to play tennis means to play tennis here.

I knew this thread would turn out to be quite... lets say... personal. I wouldn't be surprised if it were closed...
IF your gunna simulate something, why simulate the lesser of the 3(well, 3 most common) methods of... that?

I think those japs dont have to worry about it moving much, most of them arent... well endowed.

most of my friends just call it "beating it", or "wacking off" or "masterbating". you people are freaks.
Originally posted by Homer
most of my friends just call it "beating it", or "wacking off" or "masterbating". you people are freaks.

Its easier to talk about it that way. Noone whos not involved gets to know what we're talking about.
Originally posted by Homer
I think those japs dont have to worry about it moving much, most of them arent... well endowed.
most of my friends just call it "beating it", or "wacking off" or "masterbating". you people are freaks.
1. How do you know?
2. "Beating it" is not weird? Perhaps you're a bit more... enthusiastic then me - erm, I mean... people I've heard of... <ahem>... But beating doesn't really enter into it too much. So who's the freak NOW?
Drowning the slippery otter.

well thats not really masturbating.
Unloading the dishwasher:naughty:

Oh no wait...:| Sorry, that was on my housework chores list...
Having a meating with madame palm and her five maids is what we sometimes call it. Althought o be honest we have about 200 names for it. You just put random words together and for some reason people always know what you are talking about.

P.S I dont Masturbate :)
How so, Whitey? Although actually, that accompanied with the "It's good exercise, no really..." statement are proving to be compelling reasons...

So much for it turning you blind! Pah! <el Chi stumbles into a table> Erm... It's dark in here. <ahem>

Guy walks into his son's room finds his son saying "I love you" to his hand (there's a new one for you). The guy says to his son:
"Son, you wanna stop doin' that, you'll go blind."
His son says: "Dad, I'm over here..."
Its healthy because they say it reduces your risk of prostate cancer. However, so does sex but htey put htat lower because of STD's.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Its healthy because they say it reduces your risk of prostate cancer. However, so does sex but htey put htat lower because of STD's.

And ta-da, the wonderful inventions of birth control/condoms & diaphragms
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Its healthy because they say it reduces your risk of prostate cancer. However, so does sex but htey put htat lower because of STD's.

But you can't have sex as many times as you masturbate, unless you got 70 women in your house or something.
How often do you masturbate? Seriously, im sure if you find the right woman...great things could happen :)

Anyway, on topic a bit more.

Im sure something like this has been tried before. Perhaps this is better. Anyway, what is the point of this invention? Really, i mean i know the japs are into gadgets come on, this is just going overboard.
By the sounds of things, a woman destined for a Y-shaped coffin...
Hah, a healthy amount, and I have a girlfreind *wink wink, nudge nudge*
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
How often do you masturbate? Seriously, im sure if you find the right woman...great things could happen :)

LOL ......
Holy shazbot! This is ridiculous! Why on earth would someone buy this?! Oh I'm sorry, it must be for the physically disabled lol : )