Leadhead Splicers (Spoilers)


Dec 6, 2004
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So, aye - leadheads. Particularly, leadheads from Hephaestus and beyond.

They're becoming a royal pain in the backside to be honest, I can't understand why all of a sudden it's so difficult to put them down.

From Fort Frolic onwards, I had been primarily using my wrench with combat tonics (such as sports boost + sports boost2 etc.) topped with full research on every splicer, I was dominating them with one or two blows.

And now leadhead splicers take from 5 to 7 smacks with the wrench, or a pile of ammo from a fully upgraded shotgun, pistol or machine gun. Anti-Personnel rounds certainly help, but I'm a little short on resources at the moment, and that stops me buying/inventing a decent stock.

FRUSTRATING. Anyone else notice the huge jump in abilites of these splicers? All of my hard earned research and tonics seem to have went down the drain with no prior warning.
Yeah, they get really healthy right around that point. Use your plasmids alot to disable them so they're not always shooting away at you aswell. Oh, and use big daddies whenever you can for groups of them :D
I've been using Cyclone trap 2 on lone gunners, and mowing into them when they're down, but when you've got 2 or more they can become a tactical pain. They're deadly accurate and tough.

Not that I hate a challenge, it was nice to see them ducking, rolling and using cover, but the sudden burst of life they've been given is crappy.
Well if you consider your plasmids and tonics get better and more powerful as you go, its not exactly a bad thing. The better you are, the better youre enemies should be right? I mean whats really the point of becoming godlike if youre just mowing through enemies Serious-Sam-style?

I thought it was awesome how you have to work a bit harder to kill them, keeps you on your toes.
Used cyclone trap a LOT. It takes down a chunck of their health, and while they are down, just blast em with a shotgun.
Well if you consider your plasmids and tonics get better and more powerful as you go, its not exactly a bad thing. The better you are, the better youre enemies should be right? I mean whats really the point of becoming godlike if youre just mowing through enemies Serious-Sam-style?

I thought it was awesome how you have to work a bit harder to kill them, keeps you on your toes.
That's the entire point - I don't mind a challenge, considering I'm approaching the end of the game I expect the difficulty to change, but this is specific to leadheads.

They've become the hardest splicer, even with upgraded weapons and plasmids. No other splicer is this tough for me.
I found towards the end of the game enrage and security bullseye became very useful for taking out the tougher bad guys. Even a Big Daddy could be taken down to 1/4 hp with a single security bullseye.
Yeah. I like the change in one sense, as it provides for more challenging engagement, on the other hand, I dislike that the same class of enemy we've been fighting through the entire game suddenly becomes beefier. If there was some small little storyline added, like, "ZOMG NEW UBER HEALTH PLAZMID RELEASED FTWFTWFTW," I might be able to understand. Even if they just introduced a new class of splicers, that would have been better than just suddenly making them harder.

I was really enjoying being a BEAST with the wrench and all of the physical tonics I have to increase my damage and speed with the wrench. It's somewhat realistic too. I mean, a vicious blow to the skull with a hefty wrench should at least render a person unconscious. Death may be a bit of an exaggeration, but I'd imagine some head trauma to say the least.