Leak confirms Kotor 3 will be MMO (Boo, Hiss)

Aww , if it was SP i would be buying but i guess not. Oh well just another video game casulty in the "make sequels to get cash" thing.
SP = auto buy from me.
MP or MMO = not a fracking chance in hell I'd even consider it.
some of you are overlooking the obvious....the biggest audience for Kotor is tradionally console gamers ..this gives them an opportunity to bring an MMo to a console specifically tailored to consoles ..I doubt the pricing structire will be the same as on pcs because how many gamers would want to pay a monthly fee on top of xboxlive?
they've alrady done this before though with final fantasy XI.

Besides regardless it's an MMO and I don't touch any MMO's with a barge pole
Worst news I've heard all day. Thread title edited for appropriation and accuracy.
they've alrady done this before though with final fantasy XI.

yes and how successful was that? not very ..this is Kotor, they wont shoot themselves in the foot ..it'll be interesting to see the community's reaction once the game is announced ..methink star wars geekdom will have a hard time resisting
idk look at the reaction in this thread and i'm quite a big star wars fan
Stern is right, for the most part. It's effectively a goldmine.
It's another shot at a Star Wars MMO, which, although the game will not really be a KotoR game, could be amazing. Ever since the miserable failure of Galaxies I've always wanted to see an MMO using Star Wars cannon done the right way. Hopefully they'll continue the single player series as well, though.
yes and how successful was that? not very

If I'm not mistaken, FFXI for the 360 isn't fairing too bad. Granted it's the 7th (8th?) most played on Live, that's still pretty successful for an console MMO. The PS2 version of FFXI was a massive seller and is still played today.

Ever since the miserable failure of Galaxies

Did you ever play Galaxies? Or are you just another "lol i hate galaxies cuz every1 else duz" forum poster? Galaxies was an awesome game. Notice how was is in italics, because, yeah, SOE ****ed the game up a bunch with some horrible "updates." Before that, however, ... probably the best MMO I've played.
Console MMORPG fees are the same price as PC fees - at least in my experience
Damn it. Nothing good will come out of this. I wanted singlepalyer. I wanted good story with good gameplay. :(
If I'm not mistaken, FFXI for the 360 isn't fairing too bad. Granted it's the 7th (8th?) most played on Live, that's still pretty successful for an console MMO. The PS2 version of FFXI was a massive seller and is still played today.

Did you ever play Galaxies? Or are you just another "lol i hate galaxies cuz every1 else duz" forum poster? Galaxies was an awesome game. Notice how was is in italics, because, yeah, SOE ****ed the game up a bunch with some horrible "updates." Before that, however, ... probably the best MMO I've played.

I'm one of the people who could never fully get into Galaxies pre and post-cu. Yes, I played before the majority of the fan base left, and even tried it again after. I just didn't like it. It was fun to explore and jtls was actually reasonably awesome for a couple days, but it wasn't my game. It was insanely unfriendly to newcomers and had one of the most ridiculous convoluted interfaces I've yet to see in an RPG. So no, I'm not ragging it without playing it - my brother and I played for quite a while.
While im disappointed that there wont be a true KOTOR game, I remain interested in the MMO.

I played Galaxies for the first 4 months it was out, then quit. It was no fun.
What if the game is good? THEN WHAT JERKS?!
I don't want to pay monthly for a game that should've been singleplayer in the first place.
Who says you will have to? We dont know a damn thing about the game other than its an mmo.
if it's mmo then of course you'll need to pay it monthly.

No business could resist the idea of making customers continually pay for the same game every month unless they were run by monkeys
Eh, while Id rather have a single player game, and I wouldn't mind an MMO.

Id have to learn more about the game then just "OH GOD MMO NOOO!@OSAD@!$" before anything though.
if it's mmo then of course you'll need to pay it monthly.

No business could resist the idea of making customers continually pay for the same game every month unless they were run by monkeys

Guild Wars. I win.
well certainly most of them and considering this is lucasarts here who have been milking star wars dry already why not keep doing so from the withered cow until it turns to dust?
I'll try it. I hope it's more like old SWG.
The boo, hiss doesnt apply to me. Done right, this could be awesome.
If it's not a monthly pay, I'll get it. I'll get it so hard.
Space is... too big... for any one computer game to handle.
Kotor MMO? **** yea! MMO = gotta pay? **** THAT.
While I never got into MMO's I will be keeping an eye on this just because I loved the first two so much. I doubt it will suck, BioWare has a good reputation. Even so I would have preferred KotOR 3 to be in the same gameplay vein as the first two, I suppose Mass Effect has taken that spot.