Leaked HL2 Sourcecode and online gaming without cheats??!



Well, I must say that who ever stole the sourcecode is a complete idiot. Not only is that person creating grief for the devs but that person/persons has also destroyed HL2's future as an online game. Why I hear you ask? Well, quite simply because now that someone and everyone else who has got the code and understanding thereof can easily make cheats for this game that target the sourcecode perfectly. So basically HL2 online without cheats is impossible now. Either Valve has to recode HL2 deeply or start all over from scratch. I'd love to hear a really good explanation why the above would not be true.

Yet another great game screwed over by shit-for-brains-morons who like to steal stuff and destroy work for others.

Where is the huge red button with the text "instantly-kill-hl2-sourcecodestealers" on it.... So I can press REALLY hard.

Yours sincerely,

you thought a normal person would do that ?

only a complete moron would do that, i dont wanna be that guy when they find him, hehe.
I dont think there is a big enough diaper for the person who did it. If you know what i mean.
dont underestimate the anti-cheat measures of steam!

*big steam cloud appears*
Is the CD key authentication system in the code too?
The code will only help hax if the game is made to allow code to be hooked into. If they restrict the engine to be unmoddable at present and then enable modding at a later date when things have been changed then hacks shouldn't be a problem.

In short whoever stole the code, presumably with an end to making hacks, will very possibly prompt valve to close all the doors on hacks for along time, sadly it will cripple the mod community for a few months until things get sorted.
Originally posted by garg
Is the CD key authentication system in the code too?

Doesnt really matter i would think, that can be changed easily.
VALVe has probably learnt quite much after the release of HL/CS/TFC/DoD since they know wich bugs the cheaters can take advantage of, wich bugs they cant even use and wich exploits are the biggest to make the cheating so unuseful because of destroying the most big exploits and just having small so that you can get maybe 10% transparency of the walls instead of 50%+
They will probably use steam to update the gane, making slight changes every few days... cause if you are gonna be playing onlne you arn't gonna notice a few k d/ling every few times you start it up.

The reason i say this is that very slight changes can really bugger up cheaters hacks if they know where they are gonna be targeted. Valve can probably make hundreds of these slight changes in the code in a matter of a few hours, then store em, prepared for intermittent upload.

This is the one reason that steam may infact SAVE HL2, not DESTROY it like everyone has been saying :)
yes we need to have faith in steam. it may be the saviour
Originally posted by obsidian
Doesnt really matter i would think, that can be changed easily.

For HL2 yes, but what about for existing games?

The HL2 code is known to contain a lot of old stuff, it maybe contains the algorithms for HL1 etc.
even if this guy didnt get the source code there would be cheats out anyway. did u really expect that a game like hl2 was gonna be cheat free?
It probably would'nt be cheat-free either way, but i think that because of this source leak they can get more out of the cheats.
It's really not the cheats that concern me most as much as the potential for hackers to access your PC's by piggy backing on Half Life 2 (Or indeed Steam) and executing code or other unpleasantness on your system.
Does this mean that nobody should be running steam right now for fear of exploits?
You can run Steam, but you cant be totally sure that its safe, since they were using windows exploits... i mean they could have done quite much over these past days that we dont have any clue about, if you have read the sticky thread made by Gabe you are probably understanding what im talking about, they could have done anything, but we dont know anything about what they have done (except for the leaked source).
Indeed. I would imagine the recent flurry of steam updates are thanks in part to alterations Valve are making to the steam code in order to flummox/patch any gaps.

Still I'd keep your firewall up and your eyes on your PC if I were you.
I'll bet many hackers right now are writing trainers, map hacks, invincibility hacks, save game editors, etc... based on that code.

Then there are the real as-holes who are probably writing packet editors and client/server exploits desinged to flood/disable connections, etc...

F-CK the people who stole it and F-CK everyone else who is downloading it and messing around with it.
Hmm I think that 'F-CK'ing them may just encourage them. They'll think they've done something right.
You have to think about one thing;
VALVe are probably changing the source code so that it isnt the same as the leaked, that means that the cheaters cant use the hacks/cheats/exploits in-game. That also means that the people messing around with it cant use the things they do either, and hopefully there will be some brand new Valve Anti Cheat version out that blocks the bigger exploits.
seriously now, you guys need to think beyond cheats and exploits and look at the bigger picture here.
Originally posted by Login_Here
You have to think about one thing;
VALVe are probably changing the source code so that it isnt the same as the leaked, that means that the cheaters cant use the hacks/cheats/exploits in-game. That also means that the people messing around with it cant use the things they do either, and hopefully there will be some brand new Valve Anti Cheat version out that blocks the bigger exploits.

and how doyou propose they magically 'change' the source code so future hacks dont work? really id like to know. you talk about that as if its so easy:

<valveworker> well today, im going to change the sourcecode magically to make it so future hacks that people come up with dont work! i do it because i have atime machine and i know what these hacks are in the future har harh ar!
Why don't they make steam scan your game folder and check EVERY character of your files for any changes made to em? But that would be the extreme. Why not ya know... have admins in the servers? You know... KICK people who hack?!
Originally posted by StickFigs
Why don't they make steam scan your game folder and check EVERY character of your files for any changes made to em? But that would be the extreme. Why not ya know... have admins in the servers? You know... KICK people who hack?!

Yeah, is this possible? Maybe valve could just find a way to kick cheaters and hackers out of steam... or the game itself.
So...Valve delayed the game to fix everything up in the source code and probably change some things that can lead to hacking due to the source being revealed.